There are a few simple ground rules – or etiquette for using this facility.

Sending messages to the ADSHE email list is generally a matter of common sense and courtesy, though there are some rules laid down by JANET and JISCMAIL the organisations who jointly own the service and allow ADSHE members to make use of it.


Please familiarise yourself with the JISCmail Acceptable Use Policy which was notified to you when you were added to the ADSHE list, and please note especially the following points:

JANET may not be used by for any of the activities described below.

1. Creation or transmission, or causing the transmission, of any offensive, obscene or indecent images, data or other material, or anydata capable of being resolved into obscene or indecent images or material.

2. Creation or transmission of material with the intent to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety.

3. Creation or transmission of material with the intent to defraud.

4. Creation or transmission of defamatory material.

5. Creation or transmission of material such that this infringes the copyright of another person.

6. Creation or transmission of unsolicited bulk or marketing material to users of networked facilities or services, save where that material is embedded within, or is otherwise part of, a service to which the user or their User Organisation has chosen to subscribe.


a)Keep messages polite, avoid comments that might be too critical or personal. Write sensitively - don't be short, rude, sarcastic or condescending - others may not have your confidence or knowledge!

b)Use a meaningful subject line, it will increase the chances of it being read and found –always change the subject line if you change the subject!

c)Only send messages appropriate to the purpose of the ADSHE.

d)Keep your message as brief and to the point.

e)Bear in mind the principles of communicating with people who may have dyslexia or any other disability.

f)Please also remember that when you hit “reply” it goes to everyone on the list, all 500+ members.

g)Avoid sending messages which are unnecessary and simply annoy busy people or messages that are really intended for one person.If you want to reply to just the writer, delete the from the “To” box or copy their email address and substitute it in the “to” box. We frown on “metoo” type messages, or “yesplease” when someone offers something.

h)Do not set “out of office” messages – log onto the jiscmail website and change your mail options to NOMAIL which temporarily disables mail delivery. You can change this back when you return, and you can view all the email you have missed by using the archives.

i)Respect copyright when forwarding messages to the ADSHE list, check with the author.

j)Never forward any ADSHE lists emails to anyone. This email list is 'closed and private' to create a private and safe space for members of ADSHE to exchange views. Forwarding emails can sometimes rebound on ADSHE, bringing our organisation into disrepute, sometimes on the person sending the message

k)Respect people's privacy, don't give out private email addresses or contact details of others.

l)Think before cross-posting, some people belong to more than one list and may not want multiple copies of emails.

m)Send your commands to not to the ADSHE email list - for example to unsubscribe, change your delivery properties etc. If in doubt, send them to the list owner.

n)send any complaints to the list owner not to the list.

o)and sometimes leads to a request from an aggrieved party to me as list owner to change the list to "moderation" - in essence asking me to approve every message before it went public.


for those who don't want any emails flying into their inbox, you can log on to (if you haven't done this before you will need to register - simply enter the email address your ADSHE emails come to and then choose your password), then go to "subscribers corner" and select the ADSHE list. You can manage your subscription there by clicking on "settings" and selecting 'digest' (one block email every so often) or 'no mail' (nothing at all); you can always check back by going to the main ADSHE page where ALL previous emails are archived.

JConway 16/5/2012