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Boys Nominations

01 White Boys - Michael Diaz – #SeasonalImprovements

Michael was dangerous both getting in behind the defense and with his back to goal. Michael did well to work off the ball, retain possession, and win back possession after turnovers. He scored a great individual goal and then had an assist off of an individual effort to create the chance. His creativity and his vision has really improved throughout the season.

99 White Boys - Isaiah Lewis – #TheRock

Isaiah was a rock playing in the back this weekend winning numerous 1v1 battles, almost all aerial 50-50 balls in his area, and did well to play out of the back. He showed good leadership running the offside trap and making sure his back line stayed together.

02 White boys - Alex Morales –#WhateverItTakes

For his hard work, continues creation of goal scoring opportunities and willingness to do whatever it took to be successful.

03 WhiteBoys - Ramsey Tilgner -#LedByExample

Played the Role of 6 & 10, 2 games this weekend had a few assist and scored a goal. Executed training session themes, like combining to get past an opponent, switching the point of attack, and being deciplined within his role. A lead by example kind of player.

02 Black Boys - Josh Farber - #FarberFantastico

Josh worked hard to win the ball and transition to attack from the outside midfield position. Josh created scoring opportunities for the team and scored the team's goal as they rallied back from a 2 goal deficit. Josh's skill and determination to never give up led to the team's success this weekend.

Girls Nominations

05 Girls Red - Jazmin Jackson–#JazItUp

Had an amazing game, pressure when she had to and cover for her teammate when her teammate was pressuring

05 Girls White - NiyaNash–#NashPOW

She had a greatgame, -good ball movement and taking a good first touch to get away from pressure to find the open playerstarting from the back or in the middle

05 Girls Red Autumn Fairfax -–#DeadBallFairfax

Scored two goals, one from a free kick and from the run of play, which helped her team win a competitive game!

05 Girls White -Zoey Kerns -– #MidfieldGeneral

Controlled the midfield by connecting passes with her teammates, which led to a great team win!