John & Abigail Adams Benefit Ball Grant Cycle

Calendar Year 2007


* Note to Applicants: Please review this entire document and the grant application carefully;

the Adams Ball grant application has changed in 2007 *

Grant Announcement

The Boston Bar Foundation (BBF) announces the availability of funds from the proceeds of the 2006 John & Abigail Adams Benefit Ball to support civil legal aid organizations and projects providing direct legal services to low-income and underserved individuals in the Greater Boston area.

These grants will be awarded in March 2007 and will be for program expenses incurred during the period of 1/1/07 through 12/31/07.

The Boston Bar Foundation awards Adams Ball funds in a highly competitive application process using review criteria that advance the Boston Bar Foundation’s core mission of improving access to justice for low-income individuals and underserved populations in Greater Boston.

Last year, 8 grants totaling $285,000 were awarded from the proceeds of the 2004 Adams Ball; grants ranged from $15,000 to $100,000. This year, the BBF expects to award approximately $258,125 in total grants.

Funding Priorities of BBF Adams Ball Grants- Calendar Year 2007

The Boston Bar Foundation invites applications from eligible non-profit organizations in Greater Boston for projects that provide direct civil legal services to low-income and underserved individuals and populations in Greater Boston. Only organizations or projects that deliver legal services to low-income populations will be considered for funding in the Adams Ball grant cycle.

This year, funding priority during the Adams Ball grant cycle will be given to organizations and projects that focus on the delivery of legal services in the area of housing, which has been identified as a compelling and growing unmet legal need among low-income populations.

Funds will be awarded with preference for existing or new projects that demonstrate an innovative, interdisciplinary approach to the delivery of legal services through collaborations with other providers that work with low-income populations (e.g., health/mental health providers, social workers, substance abuse centers, community centers) to identify and address the needs of vulnerable populations.

Eligibility for a Boston Bar Foundation Adams Ball Grant

The Boston Bar Foundation awards grants to eligible 501(c) non profit organizations; no funding is available for individuals.

The following are excluded from consideration for BBF Adams Ball grants:

  • organizations that do not provide civil legal services to low-income or underserved individuals in Greater Boston. Please note: Programs involving criminal or delinquency legal issues are not funded through BBF grant programs. Administration of justice projects (i.e., projects that increase efficiency in the court system and/or address systemic access issues in the court system that affect low-income populations, such as mediation/ADR, legal information for pro se litigants, etc.) are funded through the IOLTA grant cycle only and will not be considered in the Adams Ball grant program.
  • religious organizations; political campaigns; capital campaigns; endowment campaigns; scholarship funds; organizations established primarily to lobby; universities or law schools, or programs/clinics run through universities or law schools; law enforcement or correctional agencies; independent conferences/events, research and/or studies unrelated to a program that delivers legal services or improves access to justice of low-income or underserved populations; or funds in support of travel, either by groups or individuals.

To be eligible to receive an Adams Ball grant from the Boston Bar Foundation, an applicant must:

  1. Submit a complete written proposal pursuant to Boston Bar Foundation guidelines and format requirements, with an Executive Summary that is not to exceed one page.
  1. Demonstrate a capacity to administer, implement, execute, and evaluate the program for which funds are granted in an effective and efficient manner.
  1. Agree to submit a year-end/final report of no more than four (4) pages--due no later than January 4, 2008--summarizing how the funds have been spent, activities undertaken, results attained, and valuable experience or products that could be shared with other agencies, as well as any other information requested by the Boston Bar Foundation.
  1. Enter into a written agreement with the Boston Bar Foundation in which the applicant agrees to comply with all the grant policies of the Boston Bar Foundation and carry out the program for which the funds are requested.
  1. Deliver services to clients in a non-discriminatory manner without regard to the clients’ race, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference or national origin.
  1. Publicly acknowledge the support of the Boston Bar Foundation in the organization’s written materials.
  1. Agree to cooperate with the Boston Bar Foundation’s grant management activities, e.g. staff site visits and/or requests for additional information.

Geographic Parameters of BBF Grant Making

The Boston Bar Foundation’s grant making focuses on organizations and programs in the Greater Boston area, i.e., within Route 128. There are limited exceptions, e.g., when a determination is made by the BBF Grants Committee that a substantial percentage of an applicant organization’s clients reside within Greater Boston, even though the organization may technically be located beyond the boundaries of Route 128. Applicants located outside the boundaries of Greater Boston/Route 128 must clearly demonstrate eligibility for a BBF grant.

Grant Application Review Criteria

The Boston Bar Foundation funds programs through a highly competitive and thorough grant making process. The BBF makes funding determinations for eligible non-profit grant applicants based on a number of evaluative criteria, including whether the program advances the core funding objectives of the Boston Bar Foundation and the identified annual priorities of the Adams Ball grant program, the organization’s financial stability, collaboration with other providers, efficient use of resources, innovative approach to the delivery of legal services, demonstrated impact on the community and overall competitiveness with the grant applicant pool.

  • Fiscal Stability of the Organization and/or Sustainability of Project:

The Boston Bar Foundation awards grants to nonprofit organizations/programs that demonstrate fiscal stability, long-term sustainability and that actively seek financial support from other sources. The Boston Bar Foundation favors funding programs that minimize overhead costs and demonstrate a sound, long-term funding plan with a diversified revenue stream.

Grant applications should detail sources of income in addition to the Adams Ball funds requested for the project. Applicants should provide information about the entire organizational budget as well as the specific expenses for which Boston Bar Foundation support is sought. Requests for renewed funding of a previously supported program must include a clear rationale for any increase in funding requested.

If requesting seed money to launch a new project, an organization must make a compelling demonstration of need for the project and should include a detailed plan that addresses future funding and the sustainability of the project without reliance on further BBF funding.

  • Organizational Mission & Impact:

The Boston Bar Foundation funds supportive or innovative civil legal services programs that provide direct representation/advocacy by an attorney (or paralegal/advocate under the direct supervision of an attorney) for low-income clients on matters relating to legal needs and/or access to the justice system. It also supports programs that train pro bono attorneys to manage cases, especially in underserved areas of law.

In making its grant determinations, the BBF will consider organizational impact and effectiveness in fulfilling an unmet need, including the number of clients served (for projects that serve a relatively small client base, applicants must clearly demonstrate that the project fills a crucial unmet need). Grant applicants should clearly outline the legal needs the program will address, as well as the target population(s) for the services.

  • Collaboration:

The Boston Bar Foundation favors projects and initiatives that collaborate with existing programs, avoid duplication of services and maximize available resources to serve unmet current or emerging legal needs.

Projects that demonstrate an innovative approach to the delivery of legal services through interdisciplinary collaboration with other service providers that work with low income populations are particularly encouraged to apply.

Grant Application Review Procedures

All Adams Ball grant applications submitted to the Boston Bar Foundation will be screened initially by the BBF staff to establish a) the eligibility of the applicant to receive Adams Ball funds (based on criteria outlined on pages 1- 2), and b) the completeness of the grant application and required documentation. Organizations submitting funding requests (particularly for new projects) may be contacted by the BBF staff to schedule a site visit during the month of February2007.

All applications will then be submitted to the Boston Bar Foundation Grants Committee, which reviews grant applications during an extensive deliberative process and submits its funding recommendations to the Board of Trustees of the Boston Bar Foundation for approval. Applicants will receive written notification of the funding decision after the stated time period for notification. Please be advised that there is no appeal process for funding decisions.

Grant Application Deadline and Timetable:

Adams Ball Grant Cycle – Calendar Year 2007

Adams Ball Grant Application Deadline / February 02, 2007
Notification of Grant Decision / After March 15, 2007
Disbursement of Funds / After March 15, 2007
Year-End Report Due / January 3, 2008

Grant Application Format Requirements

The BBF Adams Ball Grant Application is composed of 4 sections which follow the RFP, all of which must be completed fully and submitted with any requested documentation by the deadline date in order for your application to be considered complete:

1)Part 1: Grant Application Cover Sheet

2)Part 2:Budget Forms (2A: Expenses; 2B: Revenue & General Organizational Finances)

3)Part 3: Executive Summary

4)Part 4:Grant Proposal Narrative, the maximum length of which is four (4) pages, responding to the questions in the attached Grant Proposal Narrative Format

Information to be submitted as Appendices to the Grant Application include:

a)One copy of the applicant organization’s most recent audited financial statement

b)IRS Exemption letter/certificate

c)Copy of the applicant organization’s current Board of Directors

All proposals must be on one side of 8 ½” x 11” paper, unbound.

Please DO NOT STAPLEParts 1-4 of the grant application materials.

Grant applications must be receivedon or before

5:00pm on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 02, 2007

Please mail or hand deliver completed application package to:

BBF Grants Committee, c/o Georgia Katsoulomitis

Boston Bar Foundation

16 Beacon Street

Boston, Massachusetts02108

NOTE: Late applications will not be accepted without advance notification & approval by the BBF.

For questions or additional information, please contact:

BBF Managing Director Georgia D. Katsoulomitis

Tel: 617-778-1948


Fax: 617-778-1949

Adams Ball ’06 Grant Application Materials (5 pages)

Calendar Year 2007

Deadline for Application: Friday, February 2, 2007


John & Abigail Adams Benefit Ball Grant Cycle

Calendar Year 2007

PART 1: Grant Application – Cover Sheet


ADDRESS: ______

CITY: ______COUNTY: ______

ZIP: ______PHONE: ______

FAX: ______


PROJECT NAME (if applicable): ______

AMOUNT REQUESTED: ______PAYABLE TO (if different than above): ______


(Please attach copy of IRS exemption letter.)

______agrees to carry out the activities described in this proposal, if granted funds by the Boston Bar Foundation, and to report to the Boston Bar Foundation on the progress and results as requested by the Boston Bar Foundation.

Date: ______Submitted by: ______

Title: ______Organization: ______


NAME: ______

TITLE: ______

PHONE: ______email:______


NAME: ______

TITLE: ______

ADDRESS: ______


email: ______PHONE:______


John & Abigail Adams Benefit Ball Grant Cycle

Calendar Year 2007

PART 2A: Grant Application – Budget Sheet (Expenses)



ORGANIZATION FISCAL YEAR: ____/____/____ - ____/____/____

GRANT PERIOD:January 01, 2007 - December 31, 2007


Personnel Expenses:


*Total Employee Program Cost = Total Salary & Benefits (FTE) X % of Time Allocated to the Program


Non-Personnel Expenses:

Office Space
Equipment Rental / Purchase
Postage and Delivery
Contract Services /
Consultants & professional Fees (Please specify)
Other: Indirect Costs
(Please explain)




John & Abigail Adams Benefit Ball Grant Cycle

Calendar Year 2007

PART 2B:Grant Application – Budget Sheet

(Revenue & General Financial Info)


Revenue Source / Status * / $ Amount

* Status: Please note whether support is currently available, pending or conditional on BBF grant



List your organization’s annual operating results or budget for the following years:

Year / Total Revenues / Total Expenditures / Revenue Over (or Under)
Expenditures / Unrestricted Fund


Please explain any current budget deficits –or- other significant matters which may affect your organization’s current or future financial position:


John & Abigail Adams Benefit Ball Grant Cycle

Calendar Year 2007

PART 3: Grant Application – Executive Summary

Please provide the following summary information. For your convenience, you may choose to copy and fill out this cover summary or create your own one-page version using the headings below.

1. Legal name of the lead organization, address, and name of Executive Director

2.IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit:YesNo

2a) If no, identify your fiscal agent and attach the written agreement from fiscal agent.

3.Contact person for this project and title (if different from Executive Director):

4.Telephone number and fax number (with area codes)

5.Amount requested from BBF: $______

______% of Total Project Budget

______% of Total Organizational Budget

6.Total organizational budget: $______

7.Type of Funding Request (please specify):

___General Operating Support

___Project-related funding

___NEW Project


8. If seed funding is sought for a new project within an existing organization, briefly:

a) describe the demonstrated need for the new project; b) outline plans for long-term sustainability, i.e.proposed sources of funding beyond the BBF Adams Ball grant; and c) describe how the BBF grant could be leveraged to secure funding and support for this project.

9. If you are applying for renewed Adams Ball funding for an on-going program, please provide abrief reason/rationale for any increase in the amount requested this year.

10.Short summary (4 sentences) or organization’s/project’s mission

11.Short summary (4 sentences) of the project proposal and its strategic link with the missions of the BBF (i.e., civil legal services for low-income individuals/populations) and the identified priority issues of this year’s Adams Ball cycle (housing).

13.Describethe proposal’s a)target population and b) approximate number of clients served annually.

14.Describe the organization’s/project’s geographic reach. Is the organization/project located within Greater Boston (i.e., within Route 128)? If not, what percentage of the clients served live within Greater Boston/ Route 128?


John & Abigail Adams Benefit Ball Grant Cycle

Calendar Year 2007

PART 4:Grant Application – Grant Proposal Narrative Format

Each grant application must include a written grant proposal narrative, the maximum length of is not to exceed four (4) pages. Please provideall the requested information,in the following order, using the suggested headings:

  1. Organization Overview: Provide brief description of the applicant organization, including date incorporated or established and mission statement. Submit a list of the current governing board as an appendix to the application.
  1. Project Objective(s): Describe objectives of the project for which funds are requested, including history of operation. If funds are being sought for “general support” or maintenance funding, please indicate so and describe intended use.
  1. Target Population & Eligibility for Service: Provide a description of the target population and client eligibility guidelines for the project. Indicate the approximate total number of people served and to what extent the program serves low-income populations.
  1. Methods for Meeting Project Objectives:Describe the methods by which the project’s objective are to be accomplished, including project activities, type and number of staff and volunteers, client intake and assessment procedures (if applicable).
  1. Project Budget Information: Briefly describe the amount of funds requested, when expenses are anticipated the program year, and the request as a percentage of the total project budget. Include a budget for the project (as well as for the parent organization), and how funds will be expended, using the form provided (applications should be made for no more than a 12-month budget period).