-1- Present: Mrs H.Ford, Mrs J.Hird, Dr K.Watson, Phillip Awford (CountyCllr.),
and 3 members of the public.
-2- Apologies: None.
-3- Election of Chairman: It was agreed that Mrs Ford continue as Chairman.
-4- Chairman’s Remarks: The area Residents’ meeting held in Down Hatherley Village Hall the previous evening had been well attended by approximately 60 residents. (A report of that meeting is printed hereby, although it was not read out)…
This was called by the PC to give information about the latest developments over the Joint Core Strategy(JCS), the Neighbourhood Development Plan(NDP), and proposals for large-scale housing development and a new link road in Longford, Innsworth, Twigworth and Down Hatherley.
Around 60 residents attended, and talks, using large-scale maps, were given by parish councillors, the County & Borough councillors for this area & the Chairman of the NDP. The meeting was led by Cllr. Minter of Down Hatherley PC who assured everyone that the PC’s had been tireless in vigorously opposing the proposals. The speakers all felt that the Borough had been aggressive in fulfilling the demands of the JCS remit, that the Environment Agency’s data gathering was tardy and in some respects outdated, and that one expert employed to progress the issue “was not fresh and independent”.
The prospect of huge future traffic congestion was felt to be an even greater threat than that of flooding.
The audience was assured that endeavours were in hand to make a legal challenge and donations might be asked of the public towards this. The JCS process was being steamrollered along using unfair tactics during which local representation at important meetings had been denied. The Government’s draft conclusions on the JCS were expected before the end of the year.
-4- Declarations of Interest: None
-5- Members of the Public: Question over why Tewkesbury Borough was burdened with finding housing sites for the demands of Gloucester city for the JCS.
-6- CountyCouncillor: Cllr.Awford followed up the question with a thorough condemnation of this requirement and the ‘less than fair’ Borough Council process by which a majority of councillors had now been persuaded to re-include Twigworth as a volume-build housing site. He quoted sites within Gloucester (and also within the Borough) which should more wisely be developed for housing. He also felt there was a conflict of interest attached to a top borough official which had skewed recent decisions. He looked forward to the time when he would be speaking with the Government Inspector, who was likely to present her draft JCS conclusions before the end of the year. He had plenty of arguments to present, one of which was that the Borough’s recently engaged hydrology consultant was also considered to be not unbiased. So many decision makers were not looking at the wider picture and furthermore; the community hadn’t been widely consulted, which is often the good practice with developers elsewhere in the UK. He considered it reprehensible that the New Homes Bonus had been seen, in his view, as one of the deciding factors in putting Twigworth back for building over. Refusing to listen to Prof. Cluckie, a world-renowned hydrologist, was a disgrace. The unfairness of everything was palpable. Regarding the involvement of local MP’s, this could not properly happen during the current stage of JCS formulation.
Before leaving Cllr.Awford mentioned the 1.9% -on Band D- Council Tax increase, and the 2.9% extraallocation for Adult Social Care.
-7- Roads, Pavements & Footpaths: The return of car transporters parking outside theSkoda garage… Last year the Chairman had received a promise that the lay-by would in future be used. She would speak again to the Transport Manager. She was also asked by a member of the public to request that a portable sign on the verge be moved back a little since the sight-line was obscured for motorists turning south upon leaving. Recent accidents…
These had occurred along Sandhurst Lane and at the DHLane/A38 junction, the latter being reported as a ‘heavy duty impact’. The Roads Rep. on Down Hatherley PC (Cllr,Minter) would be contacting Highways or the Road Safety Partnership since it could all feed in to any future re-design at this junction. Dark streetlamp… The lamp (no.124) right by this last-named junction has recently failed & the Clerk has reported it to the right quarter.
Footpath across field from Orchard Park… A member of the public said that access was now satisfactory again.
-8- Planning: There were no new applications to bring before the council.
Holmwood- applications last year for new house in garden next to present one … The Clerk to ask the Planning Dept. about the lack of a decision. Court Farm – parking of many dozen campervans… The Enforcement Officer had inspected & had requested a retrospective application be submitted. Unauthorised parking of several large vehicles at the rear of the Business Centre - The E.O. had sent 3 letters with questions to the owner of the site and had as yet received no reply. Further, stronger measures could follow.
-9- Finance:
Receipt of the Precept request (£2500) had been acknowledged, which was usually paid in by the end of April.
Cheques paid-
000477 24.2.17 £65.93 -Biz Stationery… (Newsletter / maps printing & card files)
78 2.3.17 £440.00 -Mr D.Bayley (Clerk’s 6 month sal.)
79 - “ - £110.00 -HMRC (PAYE on above)
80 -“ - £129.98 -Mr D.Bayley (Clerk’s annual expenses, detailed)
000501 “ £50.00 -J.Hird (bus shelter cleaning)
Annual donations - With the need to retain as much money as possible to cover large, possibly sudden expenses in connection with NDP opposition to the JCS proposals for this area it was decided to hold back from all donations. The questions of annual donation to the PCC was discussed at length. Even here it was decided to hold back, at least for the moment.
The Clerk informed cllrs. that contributing to the PCC, although traditional and morally desirable, was not a statutory obligation.
-10- Correspondence:
** Defibrillator training at Down HatherleyManor..,. A device had recently been donated by local resident Peter Stubbs and someone from The Community Heartbeat Trust would be there on Thursday March 9th at 6 – 7pm. This was a free event and just gave confidence in its use; the prevention of delays when in use could possibly save someone’s life.
** Appeal for more magistrates. There is a shortage of 12 in the county.
** Notice of next Town & Parish Seminar (March 28th)
** Notice of Bamfurlong Lane M5 Overbridge closure for 7 weeks (concrete cancer)
** Quarterly request for dog-fouling instances.
** Mayor’s Civic Ball at DH Manor (March 24th)
** Tackling Flooding seminar (London, April 27th)
** Police & Crime Plan showcase event (Barnwood, March 30th)
-11- A.O.B.: None
The meeting closed at 8.40pm