Mrs. Bass’ Math Extra Credit Choices 2017-2018

*You may only do one of the following.

1.) Read any of the following novels and choose one of the following options on it.

> Math Doesn't Suck by Danica McKellar

> Kiss My Math by Danica McKellar

> Secrets, Lies, and Algebra by Wendy Lichtman

> The Writing on the Wall by Wendy Lichtman

> The Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure by Hans Magnus Enzensberger

> The Man Who Counted: A Collection of Mathematical Adventures by Malba Tahan

> The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster

~~> Choices to do after reading the novel....

~ Do a standard book report (Must be 5 pages typed with a 6th page that contains your references!) NO PLAGARIZING!!!

~ Create a scrapbook (10 pages plus cover) on themes, issues, what you learned, plot, samples, creativity and neatness, etc.)

2.) Choose one of the following options andcreate a poster demonstrating yourunderstanding of the topic. You must fill the poster with at least 20 facts or compare/contrast, etc.

a. Chisanbop (Math Using Fingers)

b. Different Numeration Systems (i.e. Chinese, Egyptian, Roman, Hindu-Arabic)

c. Different Number Bases (i.e. Base 2, Base 5, Base 9, etc.)

d. Math-Oriented Careers (i.e. computer programmers, computer analysts, accountants, statisticians, taxconsultants, etc.)

3.) Wanted: Math Jobs ~ choose a career thatuses math; but not an obvious one (engineers, mathematicians, teachers, etc. - these are too easy). On a poster board, describe the following steps below and a worksheet that demonstrates a math skill needed for this career.

- in two paragraphs describe what the career is (It is the study of...... , in charge of...., importance of this career..., etc. Go into detail about your career and how it relates to math. Be sure to discuss the following, but you are not just limited to these:

~ What does this career do?

~ How is the math used in this career (explain don't just say it)

~ Relate the classes/topics you have studied to what the career does with it

- also you must create a separate worksheet that uses math skills you study/studied thatthis particular career demonstrates

~ This worksheet can't just be a basic word problem. Get creative and come up with something that will take an average student or myself more than 5 minutes to complete.

~ Be sure to make a connection of this worksheet to the career itself and put it on the poster board (on a separate sheet of paper I want the answers that you came up with and a separate copy)

- make your poster board attractive with colorful images, symbols, shapes, things that the career uses, etc. Make it neat and at your level. IT SHOULD NOT BE ALL COMPUTER PRINT IMAGES AND PASTE! Also have a bold heading of the career somewhere on top.

4.) Up to 2 students each semester (see me in advance) based on first come first serve! Choose a major CHAPTER you learned this year and create a bulletin board display (outside classroom) that shows off key concepts. (Themes may not be repeated from other displays)

* These must be appropriate and approved by me first.

* Bring me a sketch drawing of your ideas.

* I will supply lettering and boarders for you if you want.

* Classroom time will NOT be allowed for you to put this together.

·  You must do it on your own free time (break, before/after school).

5.) Draw a cartoon involving math.

The comic strip must:

o Contain 12 panels (Calvin and Hobbes above has 4 panels).

o Explain or demonstrate a recent topic or concept.

o Have clearly drawn, unique characters (ones YOU make up).

o Be neat and presentable on good quality paper (NOT notebook paper). This is a FINISHED product.

The cartoon will be graded on:

· Math content – a topic we have covered in Math this year with an accurate and correct explanation.

· Creativity – unique, well drawn characters (not copyrighted ones!) with some humor or drama in the wording. Cartoon should generate interest in the subject.

· Neatness – pictures should be well drawn and neat AND words should be written neatly or typed. Spelling and punctuation counts, so get someone to proofread your work.

· Presentation – paper should NOT be notebook paper or torn. Cartoon should be on clean paper. Finished product should be mounted on a colorful background paper, like construction paper, or some other unique presentation.

6.) Math Music Video(s) on DVD or CD withown Math lyrics. Keep this clean and must get the song approved by me first. Up to 3 people max in a group with equal time and effort. You may not use one from past credit or someone else's as your own. Trust me, I will know!

^ I must have a typed, clean copy of your math lyrics

^ Video must be easy to understand/hear

^ Background music is instrumental ONLY so you can sing along

^ Don't pick a song that repeats the same thing a million times! I want to hear YOUR lyrics and see the math involved.

^ During your video DO SOMETHING! Don't just stand there. Think of the appropriate ones on MTV or VH1.

^ Use costumes, props, lights, location, etc.

7.) Math Alphabet Book

~ Create a book of the alphabet but using math words as the main focus. You may use any part of the word as your letter, but make the letter you are trying to explain bigger and bolder than the rest. (Sample: Geometry or EXterior Angles)

~ Each letter must show an image that clearly demonstrates the word you are trying to define.

~ All images must be hand done and created based on your grade level ability (no internet)

~ All details in the explanation should include complete sentences that demonstrated what it is, what it is used for/how and explain your full understanding.

~ All should be done in a booklet/binded using full 8 by 11 sized paper.

~ All pages should be neat, checked for grammar, and spelling.

~ Must also include a title page, decorated, and have your name on it.


Due Dates: (no exceptions)

1st Semester - Decemeber 9th, 2016

2nd Semester - May 19th, 2017