Version 2015-12-16Annex 5
Annualproject report
to Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC)
General Information
1. Reporting organisation
Name of organisationName of legal representative / Visiting address
Postal Address / Web-address
Phonenumber / E-mail
2. Contact persons
Name and position / Telephone & cell phone / E-mail3. Title/name of the project, activities implemented during DDMMYY-DDMMYY
4. Date, place and signatures
Introduction to the preliminaryannual report
Thepreliminary annual report is a description of the activities implementedand outputs achieved during the year. SSNC ask partners to send this information ahead of the annual report, in order for us to be able to compile a complete report to the back donor. When you are about to compile your annual report, we advise you to depart from this preliminary report.
- Outputs and activities should be described with a gender perspective. This should as a minimum include sex-disaggregated data, but could also include descriptions on how the activities implemented have taken into account the different roles of men and women.
- Relate the reporting to the project objectives and the workplan.Note project progress in the results matrix as well as in the narrative report. Verify the results, ie how do you know that you achieved the result?
Date, place and signatures
PRELIMINARYAnnual reportPart A: Narrative report
- Executive Summary
Give a brief overview of the project; its scope, objective, achievements and challenges. Not more than 1 page!
2. Internal organizational changes
Briefly describe important changes in your organization during the year. This could be eg new policies, partners and donors.
3. Developments and challenges in the context affecting the project implementation
Briefly describe possible changes in the surrounding context affecting the project.This could be a new law, a break-through in negotiations, etc.
4. Results during the period
- What results have been achieved in relation to the planned project objectives? Please include both expected and/or unexpected results.
- What expected results did you not achieve? Why? Has this affected the project?
- Please attach a list over implemented activities and outputs.
- Attach the results matrix to the report.
5. Gender, HIV/Aids and Conflict
- How has the project contributed to gender equality?
- How has the project taken HIV and aids into account (where relevant)?
- If there is a violent conflict in the project area, described how this affected the project and/or your organization.
5. Risk management
Return to the risk analysis in the application for 2016 and do a follow-up on the risk analysis you stated there. Have you come across other risks during the year? How have you dealt with those risks?
NB: Risks are events that may impact negatively on objective achievement.
6. List of publications or other material
Please attach a list of all publications published during the year financed by funding from SSNC.
7. Other comments