To encourage membership and involvement in IEEE/IAS activities through annual recognition of outstanding contribution by a young member of IAS.


The Outstanding Young IAS Member Award is presented annually by the Industry Applications Society (IAS) for outstanding achievement through involvement in IEEE-IAS activities by an engineer less than 35 years of age. The awardee has been judged to have made an outstanding contribution to the profession in the form of IEEE/IAS activities such as (but not limited to) authorship of technical papers, IAS chapter leadership, IAS committee work, conference leadership, and standards working groups. The recipient receives a suitably inscribed plaque, a cash award of $500, and reasonable expenses to attend the IAS Annual Meeting.

Nomination and Selection Procedure

1. The IAS Outstanding Young Member Award Committee (OYMAC) will evaluate nominations and recommend a recipient to the Chairman of the Awards Department. The OYMAC is selected by the Awards Department Chair and appointed by the Executive Board. It is made up of three to five Society members including at least three previous recipients of the award (if applicable).

2.  In January of each year, nominations will be solicited through the Awards Nominations Committee, Industry Applications magazine, Executive Board members, and the IAS Operating Departments. Nominees must be less than age 35 at the specified award nomination due date. To be considered as a nominee, a simple format, four page form must be completed describing IAS activities and associated contributions made by the nominee. The form must be submitted and received by the IAS Awards Department Chair before the specified due date of April 1. A copy must be sent concurrently to the IAS President.

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Submit completed nomination to:

Dr. Adam Skerok

Chair IAS Awards Department

University of Quebec at Trois Rivieres

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

3351, boul. des Forges

Trois Rivieres, QC G9A 547


819 376 5219 (FAX)

With copy to:

H. Landis Floyd II

President, Industry Applications Society


101 Beech Street

Wilmington, Delaware, 19805


302 695 0734 (FAX)

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3. The Chair of the Awards Department will compile the nominations which includes the first and second runner-up from the final ballot of the previous year if still less than age 35 at the due date and the new nominations received. These nominations are then presented to the OYMAC for selection of a recommended recipient by May 1.

4. Selection is based on total contribution to the profession through any and all IEEE-IAS activities in which the candidate is engaged in. Each member of the OYMAC will receive the data for all nominees and prepare an evaluation ballot for each candidate. The OYMAC Chair will collect the ballots and tabulate the results in a spreadsheet. The OYMAC will then meet (conference call or in person) to discuss the numerical results and apply judgment as to the most deserving candidate.

5. The recommended recipient will be submitted to the Chair of the Awards Department by May 1 who will present it to the IAS Executive Board for approval at the May meeting (generally the first week of May).

6. The Awards Department Chairman, with concurrence of the Society President, will then notify the recipient by June 1 and make arrangements for receiving the award. This timing is necessary so that adequate time is available for announcement prior to the Society Annual Meeting, at which time the Award will be presented.

7. The Awards Department Chair obtains the Award Plaque and makes the necessary arrangements for presentation of the award at the Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting usually held in October.


Nomination Form

IAS Outstanding Young Member Award

I. Purpose: The purpose of the IAS Outstanding Young Member Award is to encourage membership and involvement in IEEE/IAS activities through annual recognition of outstanding contribution by a young member less than 35 years of age.

I. Instructions: All information must be furnished neatly, accurately, and completely. If additional space is needed, please note the section and continue the information on a separate sheet of paper and attach to this form. Selection of the recipient will be made by May 1 of each year. Forms should be submitted to the Society Awards Department Chair in a marked envelope no later than April 1. Envelope marking shall be: Nomination - IAS Outstanding Young Member Award. A copy must be sent concurrently to the IAS President.

III. Candidate Information



Business Address:

Position Title/Function:

Business Telephone:

Home Telephone:

V. Record of IAS Contributions

A. List papers presented at IAS Conferences and note any associated awards or recognition.

B. List any contributions at the local IAS chapter level.

C. List contributions to IAS committees.

D. List contributions to IAS conferences.

E. List contributions to IAS standards activities.

F. List contributions to IAS publications, including newsletters, IAS Magazine, and IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

G. List contributions to IAS educational activities.

H. List any other noteworthy information about the candidate s qualification for this award.

V. Nominator Information



Business Address:

Business Telephone:

Home Telephone:

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