Cyngor Cymuned Aberporth Community Council

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The December meeting of the above named community council was held at Aberporth Village Hall on Tuesday 6th December 2016 at 6:30pm. The Vice Chairman; Cllr Richard Williams; presided.

Present: Cllr Jann Tucker, Cllr Hywel Evans, Cllr Dai Ogilvie, Cllr Mike Harwood, Cllr Gethin James, Cllr June Allen, Cllr Nicola Jennings, Cllr Jackie Brown, Cllr Anne McCreary and Vanessa Owens (Clerk).

1.  Apologies/Personal matters

Ymddiheuriadau/Materion Personol


Apologies were received from Cllr Colin Evans, Cllr Gethin Davies

2.  To disclose personal and pecuniary interests in items of business listed below

Datgelu diddordeb personol ac ariannol dan eitemau busnes sydd wedi eu rhestru isod

3.  Confirmation and signing of previous minutes

Cadarnhau a llofnodi cofnodion y cyfarfod diwethaf


Cllr Anne McCreary proposed that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as correct; this was seconded by Cllr Jann Tucker and passed unanimously.

4.  Financial business

Busnes Ariannol


Items agreed for payment:

£99.29 Cllr J Allen – raffle prizes

£248.00 E A Owens – trees

£480.00 Maxine Thom

5.  Notified Business

Busnes a rag-hysbyswyd


Ceredigion County Council and NEST joint event 10thJanuary 2017 12.15pm – 1.45pm Ystwyth Room, Penmorfa, AberaeronCllr Anne McCreary and Cllr Nicola Jennings to attend.


Email received from Ceredigion County Council regarding 2017 Year of Legends and 2018 Year of the Sea. Clerk suggested that if the Community Council wished to hold any special events in 2018 that funding be considered as part of this years precept as well as 2018. It was agreed that in early spring to get ideas together and put something away this budget.


Clerk advised that there may not be funding for the Cardi Bach service to run in 2017. This is something that Aberporth have previously supported with funding but there is no current provision in community council budget

The feasibility and sustainability of the service was discussed and the question raised of what would the impact be on Aberporth if the service did not run. It was felt that it supported the coastal path link. Clerk to contact Ceredigion to clarify the situation. Cllr Gethin James noted that this service has always been grant reliant and under threat.


Cllr Gethin James confirmed that the MOD has put in a pre planning application to Ceredigion County Council for a development in Parcllyn. Under the new planning bill this is considered a major application and will require a public consultation. Initial talks include a new club facility and giving an area to the community council for a playground.

6.  Reports


Clerks Report/Adroddiad y Clerc


The clerk provided information on the information panels and requested councillors to confirm the proposed locations so that the company can be provided with accurate installation information.


Cllr Gethin Davies has received permission from Parcllyn shop to locate the defibrillator at their premises. Clerk to order it. It was suggested to provide a 3rd in next years budget for Blaenporth or Blaenannerch. Cllr Gethin James suggested that we approach BT for the use of the telephone boxes that they have included for removal in their consultation to house the defibrillators.


Minutes Ref:30

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Beaches/ Traethau


Cllr Dai Ogilvie reported that there was no progress with Ceredigion County Council regarding the sand on Dolwen beach. Cllr Gethin James has spoken with Mr Cliff Bates and been advised that there is no budget to do any work but he will assess the risk.



Observations of the Planning committee were noted:

A161114- 5 Hilltop Way, Parcllyn, Aberporth – no observations

A161053 - Aelwyd Garage, Blaenannerch, Cardigan – no observations


Cllr Gethin James advised that Ceredigion County Council were not receiving the councils comments; Clerk to check with them the best reporting mechanism as it can now be done electronically linked to the online application.

Cllr Gethin James updated the meeting on the application for 10 houses in New Rd; a new drawing with 5 entrances has been provided. Cllr James has asked for traffic calmingmeasures if the scheme goes ahead but council officers don’t think there is justification to add it as a condition of the application. He confirmed that the planning has a link through to the play area and down to safe route to school.



Finance committee meeting to establish precept budget to be held on Wednesday 11th January 6pm.



The land in Parcllyn which previously had the public toilets has now been cleared. Ceredigion County Coucnil have been advised to move the highway signs of the now private property.


Cllr Richard Williams gave information on County gritting schedules.

Streetlighting/Golau stryd

Footpaths & Maintenance/Llwybrau Troed a Chynnal a Chadw


Report of the recent committee meeting were provided


Ceredigion County Council has suggested that the community council consider registering the land adjacent to the lower welfare park that the steps sit on. Cllr Gethin James explained that the recent improvements to the steps and the community council commitment to accept responsibility for future maintenance can’t be legalised as the county council do not own the land and therefore cant transfer it to the community council.

Emergency Plan Committee/Pwyllgor Cynllun Argyfwng


Suggested to have a meeting in February.

Procedures Review Committee/Pwyllgor Adoygu Trefn - Community Welcome Audit/Archwiliad Croeso Cymuned

Tidy Towns/Trefi Taclus

Chairmans Report/Adroddiad y Cadeirydd


Cllr Richard Williams advised that the Chairman had attended the School fayre and scouts Christmas market

Committee Representative Reports/Adroddiadau Cynrychioliadol y Pwyllgor


Clerk had received a copy of a letter from Blaenporth Community Association via Cllr Allen advising that they had raised funds through various events and requesting the equivalent match funding.

Cllr Jann Tucker reported that she had heard nothing from Blaenporth Management Committee although she thought there had been some meetings. She felt that they are not talking to the community council and there there should be more communication.

Cllr June Allen informed the meeting that there had been a Blaenporth committee meeting the previous evening and she had received an email that the community council had not responded to letters. She had obtained copies of the letters.

Cllr Gethin James enquired if there were two committees as it was unclear as to who was involved with the


Minutes Ref:31

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proposed project.

Cllr Anne McCreary felt that representation from this council works well with the village hall committee and that Blaenporth representatives should be kept up to date with what is happening.

Cllr Gethin James noted that it had never been agreed that every £1 they raised would be match funded £1 for £1

Legally we can’t give the funding in this manner.

It was agreed to arrange a meeting with Blaenporth Management Committee.


Cllr Gethin James reported on the consultative meeting with Ceredigion County Council where he received responses to the community councils questions.

Issues raised regarding traffic calming; county council will look into it and hopefully the community council can engage with officers but will be necessary to first see what is happening with planning in New Road.

20mph outside school active during pick up and drop off; county council response was that because it is a long straight it may need physical traffic calming measures and they will consider it.

Go safe; county council listened and took it on board that the community council have tried to join the scheme for the last 10 years; community council need to press on it again.

Roadsweeping; county council are doing it but not very often, the towns still getting it but not the rural villages. For last 3 years there has been no routine sweeping. Due to budget cuts there are only 2 sweepers in the whole county and other community councils are noting the same issues.

Cllr Richard Williams advised that we can phone the call centre and then they will then send a sweeper out. Llangrannog Community Council had asked about parking enforcement and county council apologised that due to staff shortages they had experienced problems to cover.


Cllr Jann Tucker asked about progress with path adjacent to Brynseion chapel.

Cllr James updated the meeting that he had spoken with land owners and Ceredigion County Council and that a formal application to do the path needs to be made. Clerk noted future implications on cost to maintain the path if the path becomes adopted.




Tackling Ageism and Awareness Raising training dates

Natural Resources Wales Report It Number

OVW: Office of the Future Generations Commissioner networking opportunities.


Police Precept Consultation

LDBCW Electoral Review: Policy and Practice

Correspondence was noted

7.  Review Diary

Adolygu Dyddiadur

8.  Emergency Any Other Business

Unrhyw Faterion Brys Arall


Cllr Gethin James on behalf of the community council had received a letter from Mr O C Davies’ solicitors that he was willing to deed an area over to the community council. It was agreed to appoint a solicitor to action the process on our behalf.


Cllr Jackie Brown requested a public noticeboard in Parcllyn. There is currently no land available to locate one.


Finalised details for Xmas dinner.


Cllr Richard Williams advised that there were no changes to Christmas refuse collections over Christmas.

9.  Date of next meeting

Dyddiad y Cyfarfod Nesaf


Date of next meeting is Tuesday 17th January 2017 at 6:30pm


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8:15 with Merry Christmas and a reminder about the carol singing.


Minutes Ref:32