Greater Lansing Homeless Resolution Network


Thursday, May 21, 2015

9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.



I. Call to Order and Confirmation of Quorum

David Henrion called the meeting to order at 9:34 and found a quorum.

II. Welcome and Introductions

All introduced themselves.

III. Networking Block

The group spent ten minutes networking with each other.

IV. Review of Minutes – April 16, 2015

The meeting reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. Tinisha Kuykendoll motioned to approve the minutes with changes. The vote is unanimous.

V. Board Discussion

1. David spoke on Erma Chastine’s resignation from the board, and briefly introduced Jenny Leaf as the nominated member to the board.

2. Jenny talked about her past work at the Red Cross, at a shelter in Washtenaw County, and her current work at Loaves & Fishes. She was worried that adding another role to her plate would be tasking, but she felt that it is worth it to make sure that the network’s board is functioning effectively.

3. David asked all paid network members to cast their vote on a piece of paper. He counted the votes privately and announced the vote was unanimously in favor of Jenny.

VI. Chairperson Report

1. Susan Cancro introduced herself and presented the report on behalf of the executive committee.

2. Susan came to the meeting from MICAH’s Breakfast of Champions.

a. She said that Nick Lyon was introduced, who will be the new head of the state DHHS department, and liked what he said at the breakfast.

b. Lyons talked about the changes with the CMH/DHHS system, which he said were made with front line workers in mind.

i. Al Platt mentioned how complicated and unknown this is now.

ii. The room hoped that Lyon is correct about this system.

c. Susan got the impression that Lyon would be approachable in his position.

d. Susan spoke with a woman who works at a shelter in Kent County.

i. Kent has a main shelter, two smaller shelters, and then a rotating system of churches that serve as a shelter.

ii. This woman shared her perspective on her county with Susan, and they discussed the experience of trying to improve on a less than ideal system.

e. Another issue discussed was how to determine priorities and funding at the CoC level.

3. Susan segued into GLHRN’s ranking concerns. She noted how important the process is, and if it is not done well, it is discouraging.

a. Susan noted that our recent process created a lot of discussion.

b. She mentioned that the NOFA and MSHDA funding cycles might be here soon. For these cycles, the continuum will use a better version of the previous ranking process.

c. The Finance committee will work to overhaul the process much more substantially for the long term.

4. Susan then talked about Pat Wheeler’s condition. She suffered a fracture in her back, and Susan asked the group to keep her in their prayers.

a. Pat may not be able to continue as the continuum’s chair. In the executive committee, this means that Sharon Dade, as the co-chair, would step forward to the chair position. Since it is so close to the board meeting, Susan doesn’t think it would be necessary to fill the co-chair position.

b. Susan asked other members to consider serving on the board. She said that it is very rewarding, and not as time consuming as some might think.

VII. Strategic Planning

1. David spoke about various strategic planning aspects that the CoC is considering.

a. He asked the network to fill out survey he passed around.

2. David also invited any interested parties to be a part of the new HARA subcommittee, which will help to set policy and procedures for the HARA.

VIII. Updates – HARA and Community Partners


1. Martha Jackson said the HARA has no more prevention funding and they are at the end of RRH funding. David asked the room, and no agency present had any prevention funds.

b. City of Lansing

1. Joan Jackson Johnson addressed questions about the registration fee for Community/Kids Connect.

i. She stated that in 2014 the city paid a fee of $15000 for the event.

ii. Joan said that the city could take that fee out of grants, or out of something else, but they don’t have the resources to pay that much money again.

a. Al asked how much the fee was. Joan answered $200, and she will talk to anyone who has a problem with that.

b. Joan said this fee is just for Community Connect, and Kids Connect may be reduced or free.

iii. Joan said that the Lansing Center has an AC, is just one floor, and is centrally located.

iv. She stated that next year, more involvement might be asked for.

v. Joan noted that Kids Connect gets more people donating.

vi. Joan said that Kids Connect will not be partnering with New World Flood this year.

2. Joan then spoke about the mobile food pantry.

i. They received only about 50 pounds of meat from the food bank, which is apparently having a shortage of meat.

a. Clients would prefer protein over other kinds of food.

ii. The mobile panty did have asparagus with recipes, and lots of snap peas, but these were not what clients are looking for.

iii. Next time, Joan will get a recipe together with all ingredients.

iv. Joan noted that about 100 people monthly get it directly to home.

3. Joan announced that the city had a pre-prevention program the previous two weeks; with the goal of assisting people catch up with rent before needing Legal Services.

i. Clients have to attend financial empower classes.

ii. Some clients will get multiple months if they follow up with CMH.

iii. Joan noted that supportive services funds are lowering, but the needs are increasing.

4. Joan believes the city will have checks available in first weeks of July.

5. Susan asked if the group should talk about issues with the food bank.

i. Joan noted that food costs are up and food stamp moneys are even.

a. Clients can go once a month to the local food bank. B. The mobile bank can cover some of that, but not all.

ii. Joan stated that Valueland gets a good bang for the buck for food.

6. Liza Rios spoke briefly about Community Connect. She said about 15 agencies have registered so far and read them to the group.

i. Liza offered registration forms if any wanted to fill one out.

ii. Liza said that she doesn’t want the fee to be preclusive, but that is how the network is partnering with the city, which bears most of the cost.

iii. There will be Community Connect meetings the next two weeks.


1. Karen Batterham spoke for DHHS. She started with one clarification. They have no personal needs closet; it is mostly a dried goods pantry. Their one exception is diapers which they give a few out per client.

i. This pantry is for clients that will not be able to get food assistance right away, and can’t make it to the food bank.

ii. Joan asked about clients who have received assistance but have run out.

a. Karen said that DHHS will show them what they can apply for and direct the clients to the food bank.

b. Joan said she is worried about the families running out of food.

c. Karen noted that the policy is for supplementary income.

iii. Karen mentioned that CPS has a needs closet, but it is for kids that go into their care.

iv. Joan asked if there was a place with shampoo/feminine products.

a. Karen said that once a year they spend about $1000 on that, but that goes through quickly.

v. Susan said she had been talking to Christian Services. They have fewer people coming in then previously, and Susan suggested that they are a resource that can be used to help with this need. She noted that a client can receive help once every 3 months.

a. Joan noted that many clients had trouble connecting with Christian Services on the phone.

b. Lorrie stated they are always answering calls; they just only have 2 people on staff. Lorrie mentioned that agencies can call a quicker line.

vi. Susan said she will talk to Christian Services to figure out how to be more efficient. She felt the key part is letting people know about the service and know how to access a phone to call in.

vii. Tiffany Wilkinson suggested taking personal care items to where clients are.

a. Susan said that the supplies are ready to go, so maybe the best option is to get them in line elsewhere.

b. Karen noted DHHS has 10000 people monthly in their lobby.

c. JJJ suggested engaging the fire department to send people out.

viii. Susan mentioned the importance of flexibility from Christian Services. She gave two numbers: 392-5411 gets worker to process an item and 392-5413 gets a general worker there.

ix. Lorrie noted they have kids’ clothes, household items, and MSU beds.

a. Tiffany Cotton asked if they have cribs or pack/play. Lorrie was not sure.

b. Susan answered that they don’t do cribs, because used cribs can be dangerous, but they do have pack/plays available after birth.

c. Tiffany C thought that might be an issue for pregnant mothers.

d. Susan said she would talk to them about it.

2. Karen then spoke about drug felons and food assistance. DHHS has a monthly match to identify if clients are fugitive felons. If one is, the case closes.

i. She said there is a daily match to identify clients who are no longer fugitive felons. After a match, the case worker has 10 days to change the situation.

ii. This match is done by Michigan State Police, and Karen is unsure how they do it.

iii. Karen stated that DHHS will deny any individual convicted of at least 2 drug felonies since August 26, 1996.

a. If a client has one offense, then the applicant must have an authorized representative on the application.

b. If a client is denied for this reason, it will be on the denial form.

c. If applicant lies on the application, DHHS’ policy is to charge the money back, but this is ultimately up to the work.

d. Liza stated there is a class action suit against DHHS for this policy, and she asked others to tell their clients to join if denied for this reason.

e. Amy Will asked if medical was included. Karen said it was not.

f. Nadine Reynolds asked if it was in the best interest of client to be denied and then go to LS.

iv. Karen stated that workers will do an investigation to determine if an application error was on purpose. The OIG office makes that determination.

a. She asks people to be honest, but noted it is a personal decision.

3. Karen then talked about DHHS assistance with car repairs or purchases. i. The hotline is 517-887-9490, and one worker handles that.

ii. The cap is $2000 for a new vehicle and $900 a year for repairs.

iii. It is available to anyone with an employment need for a car. DHHS will look at bus routes and other possible transportation options before deciding.

iv. Karen said that these funds are underutilized every year.

v. She noted that moving expenses can also be covered at DHHS.

vi. Susan asked about verification. Karen said that it is usually verified by the employer only.

d. CMH

Al announced that their Executive Director is leaving in Oct. Their board is trying to recruit a replacement and overlap directors. The room felt like this was a big loss for CMH and the community.

IX. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 11:06.

Next Meeting: Thursday, June 18, 2015 at Advent House


Advent House: Allyson Bolt

Susan Cancro

Kendra Crater AmeriCorps Volunteer

CADL: Kathy Johnson

CEI-CMH: Cindi Borgman

Mary Inada

Al Platt

City Rescue Mission: Tiffany Wilkinson

City of Lansing: Joan Jackson Johnson

EVE: Amina Mohamed

Liz Panek

Gateway: Sophia Estrada Ferreira

GLHC: Cathy Calkins

Ken Roubal

GLHRN: David Henrion

Haven House: Amy Will

Ingham County DHS: Karen Batterham

ICHD: Tricia Ware

Lansing Housing Coalition: Debra Baker

LSSCM: Liza Rios

Loaves and Fishes: Jenny Leaf

NCA: Justin Christian

Nadine Reynolds

NW Initiative/AARO: Danyel Evans

One Church One Family: Joan Jackson Johnson

Salvation Army: Tim Beimers

VOA: Martha Jackson

Sonja Morrison

Wellness, Inx: Kenneth Evans

Andy Tassupts

Carefree Medical: Lisa Saltman

Center for Financial Health: Angela Burge

JIMHO: Vicki Sandbrook

LAAN: Tinisha Kuykendoll

Lansing School District: Pamela Davis

Meridian Township: Darla Jackson

Sparrow Hospital: Tiffany Cotton

Sharon Hunt

Sparrow's Nest: Lorrie Schartow