NWCCU Steering Committee

Meeting Minutes


Members Present

Barber, Michael

Campbell, Mike


Howell Jane

Khaleel Tasneem

Lacy Kirk

Redinger Matt

McGuiness Sheila

Roberts Brent

Pedula Barb

Schaffer Rachel

White George


Subcommittee reports:

Standard 1:No report

Standard 2A: Tasneem Khaleel reported that the subcommittee is yet to meet. She has approached the Academic Senate for faculty and senators to participate and is waiting for a response.

Standard 2B: Tasneem Khaleel reported that three faculty members have accepted the invitation and is waiting to hearing from others.

Standard 2C. Rachel Schaffer reported that the subcommittee has met two different times and has a third meeting scheduled. Initial assignments to the subcommittee members have been made and moving forward.

Standard 2D-2F: Sheila McGuiness reported that the graduate council was making good progress on the standard.

Standard 2G -2H: Kirk Lacy reported the subcommittee has met three times, is making good progress and a prioritized action plan is under review.

Standard 3:No report

Standard 4:Matt Redinger reported the subcommittee has a membership of 9 individuals. They know the standard, each one is assigned a task and have a meeting scheduled next Monday (March 20).

Standard 5:Brent Roberts reported that the subcommittee will be meeting on Thursday (March 17). A GAP analysis will be done and the subcommittee is making good progress. A preliminary survey of graduating seniors is planned for this semester.

Standard 6:No report

Standard 7: Mike Campbell reported the subcommittee has complete membership and will be going through the standard at the first meeting. No meeting time is set yet but the subcommittee will discuss the timeline at its first meeting.

Standard 8: Barb Pedula reported that COT has a master plan and will need more faculty. Needs to set up meetings. Eakle Barfield has agreed to be on the subcommittee.

Standard 9:No report

Subcommittee meeting schedule and progress report:

Each sub-committee chair will post a progress report on the CQI portal

Initial matrices for data collection:

No report

Initial template for subcommittee IR drafts:

Mike Barber reviewed University of Montana program review template as a possible starting point since it complies with BOR requirements.

progress of CQI office set-up and CQI administrative support hiring:

Office space has been designated on the third floor of McMullen Hall. Tasneem

reported that the Position Description has been reviewed by Drs. White and Barber

and sent to Janet Simon for further review. It should be advertised soon.

CQI Website:

Good progress and the website should be up within a few days.

Audio Conference on Student Ratings:

Mike Campbell summarized the content of the audio conference on student rating that he and Tasneem Khaleel attended. The conference focused on the validity and reliability of student ratings of faculty.

Next meeting will be on March 27th at 3:30 in COE 122.

Tasneem Khaleel will make a power point presentation on Standard 2.