NEXT STEPSis a parent training organization and resource network for families of students who have a disability.The transition series is to provide families with the skills and information they need to work with others to develop appropriate transition plans and achieve the goals of transition.

The NEXT STEPS training team will be presenting the following modules:

Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Transition: Making it in the Real World/Transition Plans: Roadmaps to the Future

For all young people, the transition from student life in school to adult life in the community is complicated. For students with disabilities and their families, this change can be particularly challenging, overwhelming and exciting. In order for young people to transition into satisfying adult lives there must be a collaborative effort among students, parents, educators and others. During this workshop, participants review the four critical goals of transition, consider practical opportunities which promote student achievement, become familiar with pertinent federal legislation and develop an understanding of the important roles of family members in the transition process.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires transition planning for all students with disabilities. Is a transition plan a written document? If so, who writes and signs it? Is transition planning a meeting? If so, who attends? This workshop is designed to give parents, students, educators and adult service provider’s answers to these questions and more. Participants will learn how transition planning is incorporated into students' ongoing special education plan. The influence of competency testing, graduation requirements, diplomas, integration and curriculum emphasis on transition planning will be discussed and reviewed.

Accessing Financial Resources and Services in Illinois Presenter: Ms. Sharon Butterfield

Ms. Butterfield is a social worker and intake coordinator at Park Lawn Services who is very experienced in navigating the maze to access services in Illinois. She receives funding through the Coleman Foundation Grant to assist families of individuals with developmental disabilities access services in the state of Illinois. During her presentation she will discuss the importance and purpose of completing the Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS)in order for a disabled individual to obtain a home base service grant. Her presentation is interactive whereas she will answer questions and give recommendations.

Wednesday October 18, 2017 Self-Advocacy and Supports: Keys to Independence/Moving On: Life in the Community

Young people with disabilities are learning to make choices about their lives. In school, community and family discussions, they are finding the words or behaviors to communicate their opinions and concerns. They are taking leadership in determining their own futures. Children and young adults who learn self-advocacy skills are best prepared to live satisfying adult lives in the community. This workshop is designed to help family members identify strategies for respecting a young person's choices while offering continued love and guidance. A variety of skills and supports that assist a young person in adult life will be reviewed.

To register, contact Brian Aardsma (Team Coordinator) at . before Monday, October 16, 2017

Southland Transition Educating Parents,

Professionals and Students (S.T.E.P.P.S.)

Presents its Fall 2017 Training

NEXT STEPS is a resource system to assist parents with effectively planning and advocating for children who have disabilities. NEXT STEPS targets educational transition, career exploration, employment, future planning, early intervention services, the Americans with Disabilities (ADA), special education and many other related areas.

Our mission is to assist families plan for their children’s future. NEXT STEPS teams, composed of teachers, parents, disability professionals, and interested persons, help develop stronger and better working relationships between families and the professionals who are working with their children; help increase family awareness of disability options and resources; and link experienced families with families seeking assistance with specific disabilities issues.


October 17th and 18th

5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Rich East High School Auditorium


300 Sauk Trail

Park Forest, IL 60466

Workshop 1 & 2: October 17, 2017“Transition: Making it in the Real World”Transition Plans: Roadmaps to the Future” Presenter: Ms. Sharon Butterfield

Workshop 3 & 4 October 18, 2017Topic: Accessing Financial Resources and Services in Illinois

“Self-Advocacy and Support: Keys to Independence”“Moving On: Life in the Community”

(Description of workshops on the back of flyer.)