Methacton School District Home & School Council

November 8, 2010 Meeting Minutes

Methacton High School

In attendance: Cathleen Barone, Lynette Becattini, Lisa Connelly, Carol Davidson, Linda Fisher, Sue Gabriel, Melissa Gorla, Heather Gulsby-Steiner, Diana Kernop, Judy Landis, Sandy Leistensnider, Bruce MacGregor, Jane Martin, Lucretia Page, Dan Petino, Joyce Petrauskas, Sherry Polidore, Timothy Quinn, Zanthia Reddish, Tara Ricci, Lois Robinson, Shawna Rondeau, Sandi Schultz, Jason Sorgini, Cathy Stratoti, Kim Woodring, Susan Wozniak, Christine Steere, Genevieve Dickey, Jenny Anderson, Nancy Turner, Dana Leahan, Sherry Cain-Ordway, Carole Staats, Ronda Neider.

Call to Order:

Kim Woodring called the meeting to order at 7:01p.m.


Thank you to Methacton High School’s H&S for hosting tonight’s meeting.


Kim Woodring asked for a motion to approve the October 2010 minutes. Lynette Becattini and Linda Fisher approved the minutes from October 2010.

District Council Update:

v  Guest Speaker: Robert Toporek from Team Children gave a very informative presentation. Team Children collects, repairs and distributes these refurbished computers to families, schools, and organizations. For more information, please visit

v  Post Prom Presentation: Carole Staats provided information for this year’s post prom celebration. This year’s theme is “Get Your Game On”. Monthly meetings are held for anyone who would like to volunteer. A Dance Party Fund Raiser will be held Friday, February 4, 2011, at Chateau Ganieri. Last year, this event raised $11,000. The Post Prom Committee will be asking each Home and School for a “basket donation” to be raffled off at the Dance Party Fundraiser. Prom and Post Prom Celebration – Saturday, May 21, 2011. For more information on Post Prom, please visit

School Board Report:

Joyce Petrauskas stated that the School Board is very busy. The Teacher’s contract has been ratified. The Board is in the preliminary stage of budget development. Their goal is a 0% tax increase. Long-range plans include installing turf on some of the athletic fields and improvements to the transportation department building.

Administration Updates:

a.  Superintendent – Dr. Quinn: Thanked Diana Kernop for her part in settling the teacher’s contract. Dr. Quinn discussed the budget process and stated revenues may be the same as the current year or may decrease. They plan to ‘spend wisely’. The High School achieved AYP status. The process is underway for the placement of a Student Resource Officer (SRO) in the high school.

b.  Asst. Superintendent – Dr. Martin: A parent’s meeting for incoming kindergarten students will be held December 16, 2010. Instructional strategies and curriculum will be discussed. In January, Day Care and Preschool providers will also attend a meeting and will receive the same information.

c.  Director of Pupil Services – Dr. Robinson: A Family Fun Night was held at Eagleville Elementary – 132 people attended! Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held in November. Counselors will be available to parents during these conferences. Health and Growth Screenings are coming up.

d.  Director of Safety/Activities – Janeen Marzewski: No report.

e.  Director of Communications – Angela Linch: Thank you to all who volunteered to serve as “guinea pigs” for the parent portal communication at the elementary level. Everyone should be online by January. High School and Arcola families are using the portal and are receiving Web Portal Announcements. MHS parents who are signed up will have access to first marking period report cards online. Others will be sent a hard copy. A meeting of the district’s “Key Communicators” is scheduled for November 18th, 7:30a.m. at the Farina building. PVAAS will be the subject. Check out our website’s updated home page and look for information about this years Superintendent’s Holiday Card Design contest. Home and Schools are sending out paperless flyers on behalf of community organizations and it is going well. Feedback and/or suggestions are welcome. Please contact .

Teacher’s Report:

Diana Kernop: Thanked Dr. Quinn for his comments regarding teacher negotiations. She suggested residents should contact legislators regarding tax reform. Health Care costs are being reviewed by Allegheny Health Care Consortium. Teachers will continue to update their websites.

School Reports:

a.  Eagleville: Had a great fall parade and activities. Their first Internet Safety Program for Parents is complete and they are getting ready for their Holiday Shop. An Animal Welfare Assembly is also scheduled for November. The Joe Corby Fundraiser was a success. Drop off clothing donations this Friday.

b.  Methacton High School: Attendance at Home and School meetings is up. Their last meeting was held at the Worcester Historical Society. They provided volunteers for the College Career Fair and are sponsoring a Souper Luncheon for the staff this Wednesday. Thursday is the Blood Drive and Friday is Homecoming. They also reached their fundraising goal.

c.  Skyview: Held their walk-a-thon in October and exceeded their projected income goal by $2,000. The Fall Fest was successful with over 200 families in attendance. BLAST students and counselors are doing a great job.

d.  Woodland: Had a combined walk-a-thon / fall fest and exceeded income goal. As a reward, Elmwood Park Zoo is doing a presentation for the students. They are collecting pajamas for the Salvation Army and are having their first “Vendor Day” on 11/23/10.

e.  Worcester: Very close to meeting their income goal for the walk-a-thon. Wrap-up assembly will include teachers racing on “Wacky Bikes”. Teachers participating will design their own helmets. Upcoming events: Veteran’s Day Assembly, Tile Night, Fall Fest, Holiday Workshop, and Parent’s Night Out. Student Council is collecting candy and canned food.

f.  Arcola: Their No-Frills Fundraiser has not met projected goal. They are partnering with Skyview for an Author’s visit. Seventh grade will be attending “A Christmas Carol” at the high school. Home and School is looking for volunteers and they are having monthly activities for seventh and eighth grades.

g.  Arrowhead: Initiated a Mini-Grant Program and will distribute grants in fall and spring. Home and School purchased four smart boards for the school. Upcoming events: Craft Night and Grandfriend’s Day. Spirit wear sales are taking place.

h.  Audubon: Walk-a-thon exceed income goal and they are donating $1,000 to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. Their wrap-up assembly included wrapping the principal in toilet paper! They had a successful blood drive. A mother/son challenge will be held at Limerick Bowl. The Winter Solstice Event will be held 12/3/10.

Old Business:

No old business.


Motion to adjourn – Dana Leahan and Linda Fisher.

Next Meeting – February 7, 2011 @ Skyview Upper Elementary

Up Close & Personal

Skyview 12/14/10

MHS 1/25/11