Weingart Foundation

Program, capacity and capital supportReporting Requirements and instructions

Weingart Foundation requires periodic reports of its grantees to ascertain the progress of supported projects and the results of its funding. Progress reports are due every six (6) months beginning from the date of the grant award and continuing through the entire grant term. A final report is due when all funds have been expended and the project, as proposed in the application, has been completed.

Progress reports are an opportunity for you to document your achievements, challenges, and lessons learned. The Foundation recognizes that some grants, despite being well conceived and executed, will not achieve the desired results. Information about approaches that have not succeeded is also important and valuable to the Foundation.

Final Report(same form)

The final report should include the same information outlined above with one significant difference. This report should summarize your experience over the course of the entire grant period. The grant will be closed once all the Weingart funds have been spent, and the goals as proposed in the application have been met.


In the event your organization wishes to make any changes that will materially alter the scope, timeline or nature of the grant as originally proposed and for which the grant was awarded, you must first submit a written request for modification of the grant. Written approval must be obtained from the Foundation prior to the implementation of any changes or the grant may be rescinded. We also ask that you inform the Foundation of organizational changes, including changes in address, phone number, or key personnel.


Periodically, the Foundation will be using photos (with permission) on our website to highlight the work of the agencies we support. Please feel free to submit any photos with your report that illustrate your programs and services in the community.

Please do not send any publications and/or reports in lieu of this form.

There are two options when submitting reports:

1)Email: ; or

2)Mail:Weingart Foundation

1055 W. Seventh Street, Suite 3200

Los Angeles, CA 90017

Progress Report to Weingart Foundation

Date: Report due on:

From: File Number:

name and title of person completing progress reporttelephone number and e-mail address

For period to

Final Report yes no

Grant Amount: $

Grant Accomplishment(s):(Describe the progress you have made toward your original goals and objectives including an assessment of the project’s impact on those served and the benefits derived from the grant by your organization.)

Progress Report to Weingart Foundation

Project Challenges:(Please list significant challenges encountered and strategies used and/or planned to address these challenges. How will these actions affect future implementation?)

Planning for Project Sustainability: (What are the next steps for the project? Please describe how your organization is planning for its continuation, programmatically and financially. Has the Weingart Foundation grant helped to leverage other contributions for this effort?)

Optional: (Is there anything else you want the Foundation to know about the project or your organization? Have there been any unexpected outcomes that you would like to share?)

Progress Report to Weingart Foundation



If you were awarded a grant that has specific conditions (see Schedule B of the grant agreement), indicate whether you expect to meet all of the conditions of your grant by the date originally specified in the grant agreement. With each report, please let us know your progress and challenges. If you are encountering delays or challenges in fundraising, the Foundation would prefer to be informed well in advance of the scheduled payment date about the need for an extension or any other material changes in the project’s implementation. If you anticipate not meeting a stated condition(s) in the time period originally projected:

1)Explain the circumstances leading to this change, referring to which of the conditions you are describing

2)State the new date by which you expect to meet the conditions

Unless otherwise specified in your grant agreement, in order to release capital grant payments the Foundation requires the following information:

A list of names of donors and the amounts and dates of their gifts to validate that all additional commitments from other sources (in cash and valid pledges) have been secured to meet the capital campaign goal noted in your application. Certification, in writing, that all necessary permits for the project have been secured and that construction contracts have been executed, indicating date construction is expected to begin. We also expect that your organization will incur no additional long-term debt (not disclosed in original application) as a result of this program/project.

Matching grants require a list of names of donors and the amounts and dates of their gifts to validate that all required additional commitments from other sources (in cash and valid pledges) have been secured.

Status of Meeting Grant Conditions:

Accounting Summary

A line item accounting report should indicate the expenses related to the grant, and it should be based on the grant budget as presented in the original grant application submitted to the Foundation. Unless your organization has not yet received a grant payment, please indicate the amount of Weingart funds spent-to-date. Significant variances should be explained.You may use your own financial report format that at a minimum provides the information requested. An example is provided below.

Expense Category / Original Budget / Expenditures To Date
(through ______) / Weingart Foundation Expenditures