Job Description:Country Director (Uganda)

Post Title / Country Director (Uganda)
Unit / Restless Development (Uganda) Head Office, Jinja
Salary Grade / Approximate Annual Gross: 56-62 million Ugandan Shillings
Line Manager / International Performance Director - London


/ Restless Development, the youth-led development agency,has beenthe global leader in engaging and supporting young people to address the most urgent issues affecting their lives, communities and countries since 1985. We are repeatedly cited as a model of best practice in youth-led development by the World Bank, the UK Department for International Development, UNICEF, UNAIDS and other international development institutions.
With over 10 years of successful work in Uganda, Restless Development (Uganda)is now entering into an exciting new phase of growth, impact and national recognition, following 2 years of unprecedented programme expansion in Karamoja, Kampala and Busoga, organisational growth in all units, the launch of ournew brand, and the creation of our new 5-year National Strategy (2011-2015).To learn more about our work in Uganda and to download a copy of our National Strategy, please visit our website:
As Restless Development (Uganda) enters into this exciting new period, we are seeking a dynamic, talented and experienced individual to lead the Country Programme to even higher levels of success, working closely with our Management Committee and supported by Restless Development (International). Successful candidates will have proven senior management experience, a strong commitment to youth development, and the passion, enthusiasm and dedication to lead our cutting-edge, youth-led development organisation to achieve our new 5-year vision.
Skills and Qualifications /
  • Post Graduate-level Degree in relevant field of study, or equivalent work experience
  • At least four years senior management experience in programme and/orHR management
  • At least three years of experience in development sector, INGO experience preferred
  • Demonstrated experience in fundraising, partnerships and donor relationship management
  • Demonstrated record in building the capacity of staff teams to be effective and results-oriented.
  • Fluent written and spoken English, fluency in local languages preferred
  • Excellent IT, interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills
  • Knowledge of relevant national and international frameworks in the areas of youth development, empowerment, education, livelihoods, sexual reproductive health and rural poverty.
Individual must possess business astuteness, be results-oriented, have demonstrated analytical skills, be forward-thinking and be able to supervise and support operations and programmes working with a high capacity Management Committee. The successful candidate will enjoy working in a multi-cultural environment as part of a rapidly growing and developing organisation and be personally committed to Restless Development’s youth-led mission and values.
Position Summary / Responsible for all Country Programme performance areas and coordination with Restless Development (International), the Country Director’s main duties are:
  • Organisational Strategy and Direction: lead the 5-year National Strategic Framework (NSF) and ensure organisational performance across all key performance areas in close collaboration with governance structures (Management Committee, National Board)
  • Fundraising & Partnerships:lead the development and management of relationships to secure investment for full implementation of the NSF, strategic expansion and organisational sustainability
  • Financial Management : take overall responsibility for fiscal position and management
  • Human Resource Management: lead human resource systems, staff development, and performance management while taking overall responsibility for operations and risk management.
  • Programme Quality: lead and facilitate a continual learning and improvement process to ensure impact

Time: 25%

/ Organisational Strategy and Direction
Duties / The Country Director provides strategic leadership to the entire organisation, with specific responsibilities including:
Effective Management Structures:
  • Develop and chair the Restless Development (Uganda) Management Committee.
  • Directly line manage Restless Development’s management posts (including at least the Senior Programme Manager, Finance and Administration Manager, and Fundraising and Partnerships Assistant Coordinator) for increased performance and capacity.
  • Ensure that performance management and line management systems are operating in line with organisational best practice and policies.
Strategic Direction: Working with the Restless Development Management Committee:
  • Lead the strategic and operational planning of programmes and operations in Uganda in line with the 5-year NSF and business plan, partner objectives, national development priorities and the Restless Development Global Strategic Framework.
  • Ensure that Restless Developmenthas a staffing structure appropriate for implementing its Strategic Plan and effective communication systems across the organisation
  • Develop and engage the National Board in the strategic growth and business expansion of Restless Development
Values-based Leadership:
  • Serve as a role model at all times, personally embodying Restless Development’s mission and values for all staff, volunteers, and external audiences.
  • Create and maintain a values-based ethic across Restless Development (Uganda)to ensure that the Restless Development’s values, codes of conduct, policies and standards are understood clearly by all and adhered to in practice.
International Connection:
  • Serve as the primary liaison between Restless Development (Uganda)and other Restless Development offices around the world, taking advantage of organisational global best practice and tools as well as channelling International support for Restless Development (Uganda)in priority areas.
  • Contribute to Restless Development’s Global Strategy and Direction through participation in the Annual Directors Conference and active participation in Director-level decision-making processes.

Time: 30%

/ Fundraising & Partnerships
Duties / Working closely with the Fundraising and Partnerships Assistant Coordinator, specific responsibilities include:
  • Secure necessary funds to meet approved budgeted expenditure for each financial year as well as long-term funding to ensure the sustainability of multi-year programmes and business.
  • Develop the strategic relationship between Restless Development (Uganda)and the government of Uganda, including partnerships with key Ministries and authorities (Gender, Labor & Social Development; Education and Sports; Health; National Planning Authority).
  • Develop partnerships with key decision-making and policy making individuals and institutions, including government, UN, bi-lateral, NGO, and private sector actors, to further the strategic objectives of Restless Development
  • Serve as the lead public spokesperson for Restless Development (Uganda)with national and local partners and stakeholders.
  • Develop proposals, general literature, media links and PR tools to attract investment and to allow maximum coverage of Restless Development’s work in Uganda

Time: 15% / Financial Management
Duties / Working closely with the Finance & Administration Manager, specific responsibilities include:
  • Take ultimate responsibility for all financial management, accounting and auditing in accordance with the Restless Development (Uganda)Finance Procedures Manual.
  • Develop and maintain clear policies and procedures to minimise risk of misappropriation or fraudulent use of organisational resources in line with Restless Development’s global values
  • Develop clear guidelines and lead all staff in the annual budget development and monitoring process
  • Ensure that Restless Development’sexpenditure is within agreed budget parameters.
  • Report accurately, transparently and in a timely manner on expenditure to all investing partners.
  • Oversee Restless Development’s cash management to ensure organisational liquidity at all times.

Time: 15% / Human Resource Management
Working closely with the Management Committee, ensure support, development, motivation and performance of at least 180 staff and Volunteer Peer Educators(VPEs) across 9 districts (Jinja, Mayuge, Kamuli, Kayunga, Iganga, Kaliro, Kampala, Moroto, Napak). Specific responsibilities include:
  • Lead fortnightly performance and line management with all Management Committee staff, ensuring their efforts are in line with agreed individual performance and growth priorities
  • Ensure full implementation of performance management, line management and staff development for all staff and VPEs
  • Assess needs, create plans for development, and build the capacity of the Management Committee and all staff to ensure continual individual growth and organisational performance
  • Take overall responsibility for all operational systems including risk management and full implementation of policies in line with Restless Development (Uganda)’s national policy manual and the laws of Uganda
  • Ensure internal communications systems are in place to include informal and formal communications, meetings and updates, annual schedule, unit and staff meetings, quarterly staff workshops, etc.

Time: 10% / Programme Quality
Duties / Working closely with the Senior Programmes Manager (and/or Programmes Manager and Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator), specific responsibilities include:
  • Ensure that programmes, monitoring & evaluation systems, and operations reflect the operational standards, strategy and best practices of Restless Development (International) in line with the global Key Performance Indicator Framework and Programme Quality Standards
  • Develop, lead and maintain a Management for Impact system to ensure continual refinement and improvement of Restless Development’s programmes and operations to produce maximum impact.
  • Ensure that Restless Development’s Management for Impact system is implemented in line with organisational values using consultative processes, rigorous evaluation, analysis and discussion at all levels.
  • Ensure that strategic planning and annual operational planning processes incorporate lessons learned from past experience and best practice from across Restless Development globally.

Time: 5% / Other
Duties /
  • Other duties as required, sometimes requiring work on weekends, for which time off in lieu can be taken.