6th Grade Language and Literature
1. Be responsible Bring to class daily:
ü Sharpened pencils
ü Your planner
ü Your binder with paper, Lang. Arts notebook, and materials from previous lessons
2. Be respectful
3. Be safe
Ø Follow Anwatin Behavior Expectations
4. Be your best
· participate
· come ready to LEARN!
· complete and turn in assignments
Ø Spelling homework is assigned on the first day in class (A or B day) and due your next day in class. (Students will always have 2 nights to complete their homework.) The final test is given on the last day of class for the week.
Ø Reading homework: Students are expected to read at least 20 minutes per day, and will be given a different method for reporting on their reading at the beginning of each week. (We will have silent reading in class at least once per week)
Ø Various assignments will be given throughout the year. Use your planner to keep track of due dates.
Assessments will be given in a variety of ways, including:
§ Chapter and final tests
§ Summative assessments
§ Projects and presentations
§ Essays/written assessments
§ All benchmark and summative assessments will be graded according to the Middle Years Programme assessment criterion
v Students are given letter grades based on the MPS grading scale.
v Progress reports are sent home with the students periodically, and are required to be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the student’s Advisory teacher within 3 school days. Phone calls home will be made to all students with a grade of D or F who do not return their signed progress report.
v Grades can also be accessed on the MPS Parent Portal. Go to the Anwatin web page for a link to the portal.
v Report cards are sent home via US mail at the end of each quarter.
I can be contacted in the following ways:
o School: 668-2450 (best chance between 8:30 & 9:15, or 4:00 & 4:15)
o Voicemail: 692-1389
o Email: (preferred method)