6th Grade Language and Literature


1.  Be responsible Bring to class daily:

ü  Sharpened pencils

ü  Your planner

ü  Your binder with paper, Lang. Arts notebook, and materials from previous lessons

2.  Be respectful

3.  Be safe

Ø  Follow Anwatin Behavior Expectations

4.  Be your best

·  participate

·  come ready to LEARN!

·  complete and turn in assignments


Ø  Spelling homework is assigned on the first day in class (A or B day) and due your next day in class. (Students will always have 2 nights to complete their homework.) The final test is given on the last day of class for the week.

Ø  Reading homework: Students are expected to read at least 20 minutes per day, and will be given a different method for reporting on their reading at the beginning of each week. (We will have silent reading in class at least once per week)

Ø  Various assignments will be given throughout the year. Use your planner to keep track of due dates.


Assessments will be given in a variety of ways, including:

§  Chapter and final tests

§  Summative assessments

§  Projects and presentations

§  Essays/written assessments

§  All benchmark and summative assessments will be graded according to the Middle Years Programme assessment criterion


Students are given letter grades based on the MPS grading scale.

Progress reports are sent home with the students periodically, and are required to be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the student’s Advisory teacher within 3 school days. Phone calls home will be made to all students with a grade of D or F who do not return their signed progress report.

Grades can also be accessed on the MPS Parent Portal. Go to the Anwatin web page for a link to the portal.

Report cards are sent home via US mail at the end of each quarter.


I can be contacted in the following ways:

School: 668-2450 (best chance between 8:30 & 9:15, or 4:00 & 4:15)

o  Voicemail: 692-1389

o  Email: (preferred method)