Сценарій виховного заходу

з англійської мови

для учнів 2-4 класів

в рамках тижня іноземних мов

A magic country of English

Compere 1 – Good afternoon dear boys and girls, teachers and guests!

Compere 2 – Hello everybody! We are glad to see you!

C 1 – Nowadays it’s necessary to know a foreign language.

C 2 – Knowledge of foreign language help us to develop friendship and understand foreigners.

C1 – You`re welcome to “A magic country of English”

C 2 – I think you`ll spend your free time wonderfully.

C 1 – Attention please! Are you ready for our party? So let’s go!

C 2 – Now we want to show you how the pupils of junior classes can speak English, recite poems, sing songs, play games, and perform tales.

C 1 – Children, have you got your favourite toys?

C 2 – And the pupils of the 2 – A form have their favourite toys too and they want to show their favourite toys, recite poems about toys and sing a song “ Toys, toys, toys.”

My favourite…

What`s my favourite toy?

My favourite one of all

Is it my scooter? Is it my doll?

No, it`s my orange ball.

What`s my favourite colour?

What do you think?

Is it yellow? Is it white?

No, it`s the colour pink.

What’s my favourite animal?

Try to guess the word.

Is it a zebra? Is it a cat?

No, it`s a lovely birds.

Toys, Toys, Toys.

Toys, toys, toys, toys,

Toys, toys, toys!

This is my big red kite,

My big red kite,

My big red kite

This is my big red kite,

I love toys!

Toys, toys, toys, toys, toys,

Toys, toys, toys

This is my big blue bike,

My big blue bike

This is my big blue bike,

I love toys.

Toys, toys, toys, toys,

Toys, toys, toys

This is my big, green train,

My big green train,

My big green train

This is my big, green train

I love toys. C 1 - Thank you very much for your poems and song. It has been well-done! But let`s go on.

C 2 – And now our special guests

C 1 - It is Snow White together with her dwarfs.

C 2 – They are so hard-working, these busy little fellows.

C 1 – But, they find time to present a fairy tale. Meet the pupils of 3 –B form with a tale “The Snow White and seven dwarfs”.

Queen: I'm very lovely, I'm very nice. Look at my hair, Look at my eyes.

Mirror: Yes, you are very lovely, yes, you are very nice. But the most beautiful is Snow White.

Queen: Snow White? Huntsman

Eger: Yes, your Majesty.

Queen: Take Snow White into the forest. Kill her and bring me back her heart!

Eger: I can't!

Queen: You must do it!

Eger: I shall do as you say

Snow White What a wonderful day we are having today! Let's sing and play!

Birds: Cheap-cheep! OK!

Snow White and Birds: Spring is coming!

Spring is coming!

Trees are green.

Trees are green.

Happy birds are singing:

Happy birds are singing:

Cheep - cheep - cheep!


Eger: The Queen ordered me to kill you.

Snow White: Oh, no!

Eger: But, I can't! Run away from here!

Snow White: But where?

Eger: Anywhere! Just run!

Snow White: All right! Good bye, dear Huntsman!

Eger: Good bye!

Animals: How do you do!

Snow White: How do you do! Who are you?


I am a hare.

I am a bear.

I am a squirrel.

I am a fox.

I am a deer.

I am a hedgehog.

Snow White: And I am Snow White.

Animals: Snow White?

Snow White: I am alone, I have no home. Tell me where to go?

Animals: We'll show you a nice little cottage. Don't cry, Snow White!

Snow White: My dear friends thank you!

Animals: Good bye, Snow White!

Snow White: Good bye!

Dwarves sing a song:

-  Over there in the mountains the seven dwarfs are waking up. Ah, ah, ah!

-  Over there in the mountains the seven dwarfs are washing. Splash, splash, splash!

-  Over there in the mountains the seven dwarfs are working. Boom, boom, boom!

-  Over there in the mountains the seven dwarfs are dancing. Tra - la - la. Tra - la-la.

-  Over there in the mountains the seven dwarfs are sleeping. Sh, sh, sh!

Oh, what a surprise!

Dwarf: Who are you? You are so nice!

Snow White: I am Snow White.

Dwarf: Please, stay with us!

Snow White: All right!

Dwarfs: Hurray, hurray!


Brothers, look at the clock: it's time to go to work!

Dwarfs: Hi-ho, hi-ho!

Snow White: Good bye, brothers!

Dwarfs: Good bye, Snow White!

Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?

Mirror: It was always you. That's right! But now it is Snow White.

Queen: You are lying! Snow White is dead!

Mirror: To the seven dwarfs' cottage she's fled.

Queen: But her heart is here!

Mirror: No, it's the heart of a deer.

Queen: What shall I do? I must look through the Magic book. The apple!

Snow White: One day my Prince will come! One day my Prince will come! Oh! Who are you?

Queen: I am a poor old woman. And I'm very thirsty. Please give me some water!

Snow White: Here you are!

Queen: Thank you!

Snow White:

You are welcome!

Queen: Take the apple.

Snow White: Oh, thank you!

Queen: Good bye!

Snow White: See you later! Ah!

Queen: Ha-ha-ha!

Dwarfs: Hi-ho! Hi-ho!

Snow White, what's the matter?

Dwarf: She is dead!

Dwarfs:We can't believe it! Ah-ah-ah!

Prince: Dwarfs, How do you do!

Dwarfs: How do you do!

Prince: Why are you so sad?

Dwarfs: Snow White is dead.

Prince: She is so beautiful! I'd like to give her a kiss!

Dwarfs: Yes, Prince, do it, please!

Snow White: Oh, my Prince!

Dwarfs: Hurray, hurray! Snow White is alive again!

Prince: Dear Snow White, please be my Princess!

Snow White: I'm so happy! All right! My answer is "Yes"!

Brothers, good bye!

Dwarfs: Good bye, dear Snow White! Be always happy!

C 1 - Now let`s clap together our actors.

C 2 – Let’s continue our party. And meet the pupils of 2 – A form with a song. “At the park”

“At the park”

At the park

It so much fun

For you, for me, for everyone!

Play on the seesaw,

Play in the pool.

Eat an ice cream,

It`s nice and cool.

Play with a frisbee.

Play with a ball.

Play on the slide,

It`s fun for all.

At the park

It`s so much fun.

For you, for me, for everyone

C 1 – Hello, here we are again. We hope our show isn`t boring, is it?

C 2 – Now, meet the little mouse and little cat. They don`t know where their houses are?


Little mouse

Little Mouse, little Mouse

Where is your house?

Little Cat, Little Cat

I have no flat

I`m a poor mouse

I have no house.

C 1 – Thank you very much for your poem.

C 2 – You have proved house is very important for us.

C 1 – But we should protect our homes and care about our families.

C 2 – And now the pupils of 3 – A form want to show how they protect their home, when their mother went to the market. Meet them with the tale “The Wolf and Seven little Kids”

The Wolf and Seven little Kids

Storyteller: Dear children! Hope you like fairy-tales very much! You know an old story about the wolf and 7 little kids don't you? Now the play begins! Once upon a time there lived Mother Goat and her 7 little kids. (Mother Goat has a milk can in her hand. She wants to go to the market. Her

kids are around her.)

Mother Goat: Now, my dear children, I must go to the market and get some milk for you. You must stay at home! You must not let anybody in. Lock the door! Goodbye!

7 Little Kids: Goodbye! Goodbye! Come back soon!

(They sing a song «1 and 2 and 3 and 4 ")

1 and 2 and 3 and 4

We are dancing on the floor

We are dancing on the floor

Clap – clap – clap.

Storyteller: Look! There is a big bad wolf! He is at the door! He wants to eat up

the kids!

Wolf (loudly and roughly): Open the door! It's me, your mother! I have some milk for you!

1  kid: No, no, you are not our mother!

2  kid: Our mother's voice is soft!

3  kid: Our mother's voice is sweet!

4 kid: We must not open the door to anybody!

Wolf (loudly and roughly): You are silly kids! (The wolf goes away.)

Storyteller: And the wolf changes his voice. Now his voice is soft and he goes to the Goat's house again.

Wolf (softly): Open the door, my dear children. It's me, your mother! I have some sweets for you!

5kid: No, no, you are not our mother!

6kid: Your voice is soft, but it is not our mother's!

Wolf: But don't want these nice sweets?

7kid: We don't want any sweets from you.

Wolf: And I have cake for you!

1 kid: No, we don't want a cake from you!

Wolf: And I have some ice-cream for you!

2Kid: We don't want any ice-cream from you!

Wolf: Open the door or I shall break it!

3Kid: We are not afraid of you, a big bad wolf!

Big bad wolf, big bad wolf! We aren't afraid of a big bad wolf! Tra-la-la-la-la!

Storyteller: The wolf is looking for a very big stick. He wants to break the door!

4kid: We aren't afraid of a big bad wolf! But we must fight against him if he

comes back.

5Kid: You and you take two big spoons. You and you two take the frying-pans.

Storyteller: Do you hear the noise? That is wolf again.

Wolf: Do you give up! One!

7Little Kids: No!

Wolf: Do you give up! Three!

(Kids make awful noise, the Wolf is frightened.) Oh! What is that? What is that? I must run away very quickly!

(Mother Goat come in.)

Mother Goat: Oh, what's the matter? What does this all mean?

6Kid: Everything is all right, mother!

7Kid: The wolf wanted to eat us up!

1 kid: But it is not so easy to do it!

Mother Goat: Oh, my dear brave children! It is very good that you are not afraid of a big bad wolf! There are many wolves in the world! If we fight all together we shall win!

Storyteller: So, our fairy-tale is coming to the end. We are going to sing a song for you about friends!

A song "If you travel with your friends" (мотив мелодії « Если с другом...»)

If you travel with your friends,

If your travel with your friends

You enjoy the journey.

With the merry friends of mine

With the merry friends of mine

I am happier and stronger!

When it rains or when it snows

When it's sunny or wind blows

All my dear friends with me!

When it rains or when it snows,

When it`s sunny or wind blows

All my dear friends with me!

C 1 – I think it`s high time to make a pause.

C 2 – Listen to me please. Clap your hands only when we`ll say the names of the colours.

C 1 – Open, ten, red, yellow, a tree.

C 2 – A Street, a table, a room, black, a night, blue.

C 1 –A book, a bed, orange, a lamp, food, green

C 2 – April, bread, pink, brown

C 1 – A cup, a ball, a doll, a car, white.

C 2- A mouse, a chicken, a crocodile

C 1 – And apple, a bear, purple.

C 2 – Thank you children! You know all colours very well.

C 1 – But we`ll go on our party

C 2 – Now, let`s invite the pupils of 2 – V form and listen them. They know many poems about animals.


I have a pig

Not very little, not very big,

Not very pink, not very green,

Not very dirty, not very clean.

What a happy day today!

Boys and girls are very gay!

They dance and play.

What a happy, happy day!

My cat is fat,

My cat is black.

My cat likes rats,

Thin and fat.


Juicy apples, brown and red,

Are good for your teeth, my dentist said.

So after meals I take a bite

To keep my teeth both strong and white.









Dear Mum

You give me warmth You always help

You make me safe to make it fun

When you are close so here`s my love

You make me brave! You are my Mum!

C 1 – You know that people are very clever but some animals are clever too.

C 2 – And the pupils of 3 – A form want to show the tale, where the animals are clever.

C 1 - Meet the actors of our wonderful fairy-tale “Goldilocks and three Bears”

“Goldilocks and three Bears”

Porridge for breakfast!

Scene 1

Daddy Bear Hello! I'm Daddy Bear.

Mummy Bear Hello! I'm Mummy Bear.

Baby Bear Hello! I'm Baby Bear. Mummy Bear It's eight o'clock. This is our breakfast. It's porridge. Baby Bear Thank you, Mummy, but it's hot! Daddy Bear Let's go for a walk before breakfast. The porridge is hot! All Go for a walk first. Go for a walk!

Hello, Goldilocks!

Scene 2

Goldilocks Hello! My name's Goldilocks! This is my mummy.

Mummy Hello!

Goldilocks And this is my daddy.

Daddy Hello!

Goldilocks It's time to play! Bye, Mummy! Bye, Daddy!

Mummy, Daddy Bye, bye!

Goldilocks skips happily through the forest.