EUH 6612. Gender and Power

Instructor: Thomas W. Gallant

Monday 8-10

Fall 1994

Grinter 108

This readings graduate seminar has three aims:

a. to investigate using secondary source materials the topic of gender and power in rural Mediterranean cultures during the recent past;,

b. to introduce the student to the methods of cross-cultural, comparative social history and historical anthropology,

c. to familiarize the student with the relevant anthropological and social historical literature on gender and power in the Mediterranean and introduce them to the research tools required to undertake original social historical and anthropological research.

We shall investigate the problem of gender and power in rural Mediterranean communities during the recent past. Secondary sources, such as ethnographies and ethnohistories, will be utilized. A comprehensive bibliography has been attached to this document. This will provide with a guide to the literature and give you a starting point for research on your paper. I shall be showing periodically through the semester films (both academic and commercial) that deal with Mediterranean cultures. These will usually be shown at my home on a weekend, and participation is strictly voluntary. This is a four-credit course. In addition to the three-hour seminar, every student will meet individually with the instructor for an additional hour each week.

Course Requirements:

One Topical Position Paper and Seminar Discussion 30%

Each student is to select one of the nine topics listed below (marked with a T) and using the list of Supplementary readings you are to write a 6-8 page that summarizes the literature on that topic. You will be responsible for playing a leading role in the seminar discussion of that topic. Since there are nine topics, more than one student may select the same topic. Doubling up will only be permitted after all the topics are covered.

One 25-page research Paper 50%

Each student is to write a research paper of approximately 25 pages in length. You may choose any topic relevant to the theme of the seminar. All paper topics must be cleared with me first. Possible paper topics will be discussed in class. A lengthy bibliography has been appended to assist you in beginning your researches.

Seminar Participation and Paper Presentation 20%

Each student will present the results of her/his research to the class. We shall adopt a panel format organize around papers with similar themes. Each of you will asked to play the role of panel discussant as well.

Books to be purchased. (At University Book and Supply)

Cole Sally. Women of Praia: Work and Lives in a Portuguese Coastal Community. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992.

Delaney, Carol. The Seed and the Soil: Gender and Cosmology in Turkish Village Society. Comparative Studies on Muslim Societies 11. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.

Dubisch, Jill. editor. Gender and Power in Rural Greece. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986.

Loizos, Peter and Evthymios Papataxiarchis, editors. Contested Identities: Gender and Kinship in Rural Greece. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991.

Additional readings will be distributed in class.

Films: list to be presented in class.

Seminar Topics

August 22: Introduction

August 29: The Mediterranean Debate

September 5: No Class, Labor Day

September 12: Gender in Anthropology and History

September 19: Kinship and Family Formation, Structure and Process (T)

September 26: Women and Property, Women as Property: The Dowry System (T)

October 3: Gender Segregation in Mediterranean Societies (T)

October 10: Honor and Shame (T)

October 17: Women and Work (T)

October 24: Death, Magic and Ritual (T)

October 31: Women in Islam: a Case Study (T)

November 7: Broken Homes: Migration and Emigration (T)

November 14: Resisting/Subverting the Dominant (T)

November 21: Gender and Power, Image and Reality (papers due)

November 28: Panel Presentations

December 5: Panel Presentations

Reading List

August 29: The Mediterranean Debate

Required Readings:

Boissevain, Jeremy. "Toward an Anthropology of the Mediterranean." Current Anthropology 20 (1979): 81-93.

Gilmore, David D. "Anthropology of the Mediterranean Area." Annual Review of Anthropology 11 (1982): 175-205.

Herzfeld, Michael. "The Horns of the Mediterraneanist Dilemma." American Ethnologist 11.3 (1984): 439-454.

Pina-Cabral, Joao de. "The Mediterranean as a category of regional comparison: a critical view." Current Anthropology 30 .June 3 (1989): 399-407.

Malefakis, Edward. Southern Europe in the 19th & 20th Centuries: An Historical Overview. Madrid: Instituto Juan March de Estudios e Investigaciones, 1992.

Supplementary Reading:

Two monographs have set the tone for the debate:

Davis, J. People of the Mediterranean. An Essay in Comparative Social Anthropology. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977.

Herzfeld, Michael. Anthropology Through the Looking Class: Critical Ethnography in the Margins of Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

September 12: Gender in Anthropology and History

Dubisch, "Introduction", in Gender and Power.

Loizos, Peter, and Evthymios Papataxiarchis in Contested Identities: Gender and Kinship in Modern Greece, 3-25.

Friedl in Gender and Power.

Yanagiasko, Sylvia Junko, and Jane Fishbourne Collier. "Toward a Unified Analysis of Gender and Kinship." Gender and Kinship: Essays Toward a Unified Analysis, 14-52. editors Jane Fishbourne Collier, and Sylvia Junko Yanagiasko. first ed. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987.

Di Leonardo, Micaela, "Introduction: Gender, Culture and Political Economy: Feminist Anthropology in Historical perspective." Gender at the Crossroads of Knowledge: Feminist Anthropology in the Post-Modern Era. editor Di Leonardo, Micaela. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991. 1-50

Scott, Joan. "Women's History ." New Perspectives on Historical Writing. editor. Peter Burke. first ed. University Park, PA.: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992. 42-66.

September 19: Kinship and Family Formation, Process and Structure

Just, Roger in Contested Identities.

Loizos and Papataxiarchis in Contested Identities.

Berkowitz, Susan G. "Familism, Kinship and Sex Roles in Southern Italy: Contradictory Ideals and Real Contradictions." Anthropological Quarterly 57(1984): 83-91.

Kertzer, David I., and Caroline Brettell. "Advances in Iberian and Italian family History." Family History at the Crossroads, 87-120. editors Tamara Hareven, and Andrejs Plakans. first ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987.

Douglass, William A. "Iberian Family History." Journal of Family History 13, no. 1 (1988): 1-12.

Barbagli, Marzio. "Three Household Formation Systems in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Italy." The Family in Italy from Antiquity to the Present, 250-270. editors David I. Kertzer, and Richard P. Saller. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1991.

Caftanzoglou, Roxanne. "The Household Formation Pattern of a Vlach Mountain Community of Greece: Syrrako 1898-1929." Journal of Family History 19, no. 1 (1994): 79-98.

Fernandez, James W., and Reante Lellep Fernandez. "Under One Roof: Household Formation and Cultural Ideals in an Asturian Mountain Village." Journal of Family History 13, no. 1 (1988): 123-143.

Supplementary Reading

6, 9, 18, 19, 20-21, 26, 30, 36, 37, 59, 74, 75, 76, 102-106, 107-108, 132, 183, 184-191, 192, 193, 205, 232-233, 234, 237, 262, 273, 282, 287, 298

September 26: Women and Property, Women as Property: The Dowry System

Required Reading:

Schneider, Jane. "Of Vigilance and Virgins.", Ethnology 9 (1971): 1-24.

Herzfeld, Michael. "The Dowry in Greece: Terminological Usage and Historical Reconstruction." Ethnohistory 27.3 (1980): 225-241.

Schlegal, Alice, and Roun Eloul. "Marriage Transactions: Labor, Property, and Status." American Anthropologist 90 (1988): 291-309.

Schlegal, Alice. "Status, Property, and the Value on Virginity." American Ethnologist 18, no. 4 (1991): 719-733. .

Brettell, Caroline B. "Property, Kinship and Gender: A Mediterranean Perspective." The Family in Italy from Antiquity to the Present, 340-354. editors David I. Kertzer, and Richard P. Saller. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1991.

Supplementary Reading:

97, 98, 111, 115, 126, 132, 133-135, 217, 250, 252

October 3: Gendered Space in Mediterranean Societies

Cowan, in Contested Identities.

Loizos, Peter and Evthymios Papataxiarchis in Contested Identities.

Dimen, Muriel in Gender and Power.

Dubisch in Gender and Power.

Taggart, James M. "Gender Segregation and Cultural Constructions of Sexuality in Two Hispanic Communities." American Ethnologist 18 (1991): 75-96.

Supplementary Reading:

38, 81, 83, 114, 163, 168, 171-172, 228, 276

October 10: Honor and Shame

Brandes, Stanley. "Reflections on Honor and Shame in the Mediterranean." Honor and Shame and the Unity of the Mediterranean, 121-134. editor David D. Gilmore. Washington DC: American Anthropological Association. 1987.

Gilmore, David D. "Honor, Honesty, Shame: Male Status in Contemporary Andalusia." Honor and Shame and the Unity of the Mediterranean, 90-103. editor David D. Gilmore. Washington DC: American Anthropological Association. 1987.

Herzfeld, Michael. "Honour and Shame: Problems in the Comparative Analysis of Moral Systems." Man 15 (1908) 339-351.

Wikan, Unni. "Shame and Honor: A Contestable Pair." Man 19 (1984) 635-652.

Blok, Anton. . "Rams and Billy-goats: A Key to the Mediterranean Code of Honour." Religion, Power and Protest in Local Communities: The Northern Shore of the Mediterranean, 51-70. editor Eric R. Wolf. 1st ed. Amsterdam: Mouton, 1984.

Cavallo, Sandra. "Female Honor and the Social Control of Reproduction in Piedmont between 1600 and 1800." Sex and Gender in Historical Perspective, 73-109. Translator Margaret A. Gallucci. editors Edward Muir, and Guido Ruggiero. first ed. paperback. Selections from Quaderni Storici, editors Edward Muir, and Guido Ruggiero, 1. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990.

Supplementary Reading

10, 25, 42, 56, 80, 93, 146-148, 152, 166, 218, 222, 225-227, 228, 240, 243, 247, 256,

October 17: Women and Work

Cole Sally. Women of Praia: Work and Lives in a Portuguese Coastal Community. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992.

Salamone, S.D. and J.B. Stanton in Gender and Power.

Dimen, Muriel, in Gender and Power.

Supplementary Reading:

Numbers: 13, 16, 22, 23, 27, 29, 59, 63, 84, 126, 151, 154, 173, 177, 195, 197, 210, 213, 236, 259, 267, 269, 270

October 24: Death, Magic and Ritual

du Boulay in Gender and Power.

Caraveli in Gender and Power.

Danforth in Contested Identities.

Du Boulay in Contested Identities.

Dubisch in Contested Identities.

Breuner, Nancy Frey. "The Cult of the Virgin Mary in Southern Italy and Spain." Ethos 20, no. 1 (1992): 66-95.

Supplementary Reading

5, 33, 57-58, 61, 73, 85, 108, 130, 164, 182-83, 194, 260

October 31: Women in Islam: a Case Study

Delaney, Carol. The Seed and the Soil: Gender and Cosmology in Turkish Village Society, Comparative Studies on Muslim Societies, editor Barbara D. Metcalf, 11. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.

Marcus, Julie. "History, Anthropology and Gender: Turkish Women Past and Present." Gender and History 4, no. 2 (1992): 147- 174.

Supplementary Reading:

Numbers 1, 2, 12, 119, 176, 208, 221, 261

November 7: Broken Homes: Migration and Emigration

Brettell, Caroline B. "Male Migrants and Unwed Mothers: Illegitimacy in a Northwestern Portuguese Parish.". Sex and Gender in Southern Europe: Problems and Prospects, Anthropology, 87-110. 9 (1 and 2), 1985

Brettell, Caroline B. "Emigration and Household Structure in a Portuguese Parish, 1850-1920." Journal of Family History 13, no. 1 (1988): 33-58.

Kelley, Heidi. "Unwed Mothers and Household Reputation in a Spanish Galician Community." American Ethnologist 18, no. 3 (1991): 565-580.

Sutton, Susan Buck "Family and Work: New Patterns for Village Women in Athens." Journal of Modern Greek Studies 4, no. 1 (1986): 33-50.

Denich, Bette S. "Urbanization and Women's Roles in Yugoslavia." Anthropological Quarterly 49, no. 1 (1979): 11-19.

Supplementary Reading:

23, 41, 47, 79, 92, 125, 136-140, 159, 171-172, 182, 197, 246, 286-270, 279, 289, 296

November 14: Resisting/Subverting the Dominant

Kennedy in Gender and Power.

Herzfeld in Contested Identities.

Uhl, Sarah C. . "Special Friends: The Organization of Intersex Friendship in Escalona (Andalusia) Spain." Anthropology 9 (1985): 129-152.

---. "Forbidden Friends: Cultural Veils of Female Friendship in Andalusia." American Ethnologist 18, no. 1 (1991): 90-105.

Kaplan (# 180), chapter 4 "Women Out of Control" and chapter 5 "Female Consciousness."

Hart, Janet. "Women in the Greek Resistance: National Crisis and Political Transformation." International Labor and Working-Class History 38 (1990): 46-62.

Radcliff, Pamela. "Elite Women Workers and Collective Action: The Cigarette Makers of Gijón, 1890-1930." Journal of Social History 27, no. 1 (1993): 85-108.

Supplementary Reading:

4, 7, 67, 70, 71, 73, 77, 91, 128. 136-140, 162-163, 208, 264, 290, 301

November 21: Gender and Power, Image and Reality

Herzfeld in Gender and Power.

Rogers, Susan Carol. "Gender in Southwestern France: The Myth of Male Dominance Revisited.". 65-86 Sex and Gender in Southern Europe: Problems and Prospects, Anthropology, 9 (1 and 2), 1985.

Brandes, Stanley. "Women of Southern Spain: Aspirations, Fantasies, Realities." 111-128 Sex and Gender in Southern Europe: Problems and Prospects, Anthropology,9 (1 and 2), 1985.

Gilmore, David D. "Men and Women in Southern Spain: "Domestic Power" Revisited." American Anthropologist 92, no. 4 (1990): 953-970.

Gender & Power Bibliography

1. Abadan-Unat, Nermin, Kandiyotim Deniz, and Mubeccel B. Kiray, editors. Women in Turkish Society, Leyden Brill, 1981.

2. Abdel Kader, Soha. Egyptian Women in a Changing Society, 1899-1987. Boulder: Lunne Rienner Publishers, 1987.

3. Aceves, Joseph B., and William A. Douglass, editors. The Changing Faces of Rural Spain, Cambridge, MA: Schenkman Pub. and Co., 1976.

4. Ackelsberg, Martha A. Free Women of Spain: Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.

5. Alexiou, Margaret. The Ritual Lament in Greek Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974.

6. Allen, Peter S. "Female Inheritance, Housing and Urbanization in Greece." Anthropology 10 (1986): 1-18.

7. Altamiro, Deborah. "Up In Arms: Women Activists on World War II Greek Resistance." Ph.D. diss., University of California at Santa Barbara, 1993.

8. Arlacchi, Pino. Mafia, Peasants and Great Estates: Society in Traditional Calabria, Translator Jonathan Steinberg. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

9. Arnold, Marlene Sue. "Childbirth among Rural Greek Women in Crete: Use of Popular, Folk, and Cosmopolitan Medical Systems." Ph.D. diss., University of Philadelphia, 1985.

10. Asano-Tamanoi, Mariko. "Shame, Family and State in Catalonia and Japan." Honor and Shame and the Unity of the Mediterranean, 104-120. editor David D. Gilmore. Washington DC: American Anthropological Association, 1987.

11. Aschenbrenner, Stanley E. "A Study in Ritual Sponsorship in a Greek Village." Ph.D. diss., University of Minnesota, 1979.

12. Atiya, Nayra. Khul-Khaal: Five Egyptian Women Tell Their Stories. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1982.

13. Bakalaki, Alexandra Maria. "The History and Structure of a Feminized Profession: Hairdressing in Athens and Thessaloniki." Ph.D. diss., SUNY, Buffalo, 1984.

14. Barbagli, Marzio. "Three Household Formation Systems in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Italy." The Family in Italy from Antiquity to the Present, 250-270. editors David I. Kertzer, and Richard P. Saller. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1991.

15. Bardis, Panos D. "The Changing Family in Modern Greece." Sociology and Social Research 1955 (1940): 19-23.

16. Baron, Ava, editor. Work Engendered, Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1991.

17. Barrett, Richard. "Social Hierarchy and Intimacy in a Spanish Town." Ethnology 11 (1972): 386-398.

18. Bastos, Cristiana. "The Northern Algarve and the Southern Iberian Family Pattern." Journal of Family History 13, no. 1 (1988): 111-122.

19. Bauer, Rainer Lutz. "Inheritance and Inequality in a Spanish Galician Community, 1880-1935." Ethnohistory 34, no. 2 (1987): 171-193.

20. Behar, Ruth. Santa Maria del Monte. The Presence of the Past in a Spanish Village. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986.

21. Behar, Ruth, and David Frye. "Property, Progeny and Emotion: Family History in a Leonese Village." Journal of Family History 13, no. 1 (1988): 13-32.

22. Bell, Anna Cento. "Proto-industrialization, Small-scale Capital Accumulation and Diffused Entrepreneurship: The Case of Brianza in Lombardy." Social History 14 (1989): 177-200.

23. Bell, Donald Howard. Sesto San Giovanni: Workers, Culture, and Politics in an Italian Town, 1880-1922. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1986.

24. Bell, John. "Modernization through Secularization in Bulgaria." Diverse Paths to Modernity in Southeastern Europe: Essays in National Development, 15-32. editor Gerasimos Augustinos. Contributions to World History, 20. Westport, CT.: Greenwood Press, 1991.

25. Bell, R. M. Fate and Honor, Family and Village, Demographic and Cultural Change in Rural Italy since 1800. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979.

26. Benigno, A. "The Southern Italian Family in the Early Modern Period: A Discussion of Co-residence Patterns." Change and Continuity 4 (1989): 165-194.

27. Bennett, Diane O. ""'The Poor Have Much More Money': Changing Socio-economic Relations in a Greek Village." Journal of Modern Greek Studies 6, no. 2 (1988): 217-244.

28. Berkowitz, Susan G. "Familism, Kinship and Sex Roles in Southern Italy: Contradictory Ideals and Real Contradictions." Anthropological Quarterly 57 (1984): 83-91.

29. Bettio, Francesca. The sexual division of labour : the Italian case. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.

30. Bloch, Maurice. "Descent and Sources of Contradiction in Representations of Women and Kinship." Gender and Kinship: Essays Toward a Unified Analysis, 324-340. editors Jane Fishbourne Collier, and Sylvia Junko Yanagiasko. first ed. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987.

31. Blok, Anton. The Mafia of a Sicilian Village. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1974.

32. ---. "Rams and Billy-goats: A Key to the Mediterranean Code of Honour." Religion, Power and Protest in Local Communities: The Northern Shore of the Mediterranean, 51-70. editor Eric R. Wolf. 1st ed. Amsterdam: Mouton, 1984.

33. Blum, Richard, and Eva Blum. The Dangerous Hour: The Lore of Crisis and Mystery in Rural Greece. New York: Charles Schribner's Sons, 1970.

34. Bock, Gisela. "Women's History and Gender History: Aspects of an International Debate." Gender and History 1 (1989): 7-30.

35. Boissevain, Jeremy. "Toward an Anthropology of the Mediterranean." Current Anthropology 20 (1979): 81-93.

36. Bonalumi, Antonella. "Per una storia dell' assistenza abbandonata a Bergamo: il pio Istituto degli Esposti durante la Restaurazione." Archivo Storico bergamasco 8, no. 1 (1988): 69- 113.

37. Botev, Nikolai. "Nuptiality in the course of the demographic transition : the experience of the Balkan countries." Population Studies 44, no. 1 (1990): 107-126.

38. Bottomley, Gillian. "A World Divided- Studies of Gender Relations in Modern Greece." Mankind 16 (1986): 181-189.

39. Boulting, William. Women in Italy. New York: Brentano's, 1910.

40. Brandes, Stanley. "Reflections on Honor and Shame in the Mediterranean." Honor and Shame and the Unity of the Mediterranean, 121-134. editor David D. Gilmore. Washington DC: American Anthropological Association, 1987.

41. Brandes, Stanley. Migration, Kinship and Community: Tradition and Transition in a Spanish Village. New York: Academic Press, 1975.

42. ---. Metaphors of Masculinity: Sex and Status in Andalusian Folklore. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1979.

43. ---. "Women of Southern Spain: Aspirations, Fantasies, Realities." Sex and Gender in Southern Europe: Problems and Prospects, 111-128. Anthropology, editors David D. Gilmore, and Gretchen Gwynne, 9 (1 and 2). 1985.

44. Brettell, Caroline B. "Emigration and Household Structure in a Portuguese Parish, 1850-1920." Journal of Family History 13, no. 1 (1988): 33-58.

45. ---. "Property, Kinship and Gender: A Mediterranean Perspective." The Family in Italy from Antiquity to the Present, 340-354. editors David I. Kertzer, and Richard P. Saller. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1991.

46. ---. "Male Migrants and Unwed Mothers: Illegitimacy in a Northwestern Portuguese Parish." Sex and Gender in Southern Europe: Problems and Prospects, 87-110. Anthropology, editors David D. Gilmore, and Gretchen Gwynne, 9 (1 and 2). 1985.

47. ---. Men Who Migrate, Women Who Wait: Population and History in a Portuguese Parish. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986.

48. Breuner, Nancy Frey. "The Cult of the Virgin Mary in Southern Italy and Spain." Ethos 20, no. 1 (1992): 66-95.