Stargirl NotesStudy Guide

Author – Jerry Spinelli

Leo Borlock

•Narrator - main character – the protagonist.

• He is the narrator of the story (the person telling the story)

•11th grade

•Producer/director of Hot Seat

•He likes porcupine neck ties

•He wants to be a sports announcer or news anchor when he grows up

Kevin Quinlan

•Leo’s best friend

•Interviewer on Hot Seat – school TV show that he and Leo developed

•Wants to be a sleazy talk show host when he grows up

•Wants to interview Stargirl to increase ratings

Stargirl Caraway

•10th grade

•Unique/weird – brings a rat (Cinnamon) to school, wears unique clothing like tights with lady bugs on them, plays the ukulele, puts gifts on her homeroom’s desks, sings Happy Birthday to everyone, etc…

•Puts a curtain and a flower on her desk in every class everyday

•Has a large sunflower painted on the side of her canvas school bag

•Antagonist – she creates the problem in the story, without her, there wouldn’t be a story

•New to school – had been home-schooled prior to this year

Hillari Kimble

•“Hater” – does not like Stargirl

•Jealous of Stargirl because she is taking the attention from her

•Is dating Wayne Parr – who is known for his good looks

•Is known for her mouth, the hoax, Wayne Parr


•Mica, Arizona – desert – saguaros – a type of cactus

•Mica Area High School (MAHS)

•Present day

Possible Themes – A theme is the message the author wants you to take away from the novel.

Additional Characters

Archibald Hapwood Brubaker – AKA Archie

  • 70 something year old man
  • Paleontologist – scientist who studies bones
  • Enjoys teaching kids in the area
  • Has worked with Stargirl for the past five years
  • Owner of Senor Saguaro – 30 foot cactus

Said, “On the contrary, she is one of us. Most decidedly. She is us more than we are us. She is, I think, who we really are. Or were.” This was said in reference to Stargirl’s failure to conform unlike most people.

Mallory Stillwell

  • Bleached blond and beautiful
  • Captain of the cheerleaders
  • Asked Stargirl to become a cheerleader

Summary of each chapter:

Chapter 6

The day before Hillari Kimble’s birthday, she approaches Stargirl and tells her in no uncertain terms that she may not sing happy birthday the following day to her in the cafeteria. Stargirl agrees. The entire school waits to see what will happen. Stargirl does sing Happy Birthday and even uses Hillari’s name, but she directs the song at Leo, our narrator. She then finishes off by grabbing Leo’s earlobe and calling him cute.

Chapter 7

In this chapter, we are introduced to Archie Brubaker. We learn that his house is filled with bones from his previous career as a paleontologist. Leo and Kevin visit Archie to see if he has any idea what to do about the Stargirl situation at school. Archie admits to having spent a great deal of time with Stargirl. We learn that in the five years she has been visiting Archie, Stargirl has changed her name multiple time. She has gone from Pocket Mouse to Mud Pie to Hullygully and now Stargirl.

We also learn that Stargirl’s mom, in addition to homeschooling Stargirl, makes costumes for movies. While Stargirl’s father works for Mica Tronics.

Chapter 8

By December 1st, Stargirl Caraway becomes the most popular student at MicaAreaHigh School. Leo ponders what may have caused this to occur. He questions several things including:

  • Cheerleading, she is over the top. She is named “Best Athlete on the Field.”
  • Hillari Kimble backlash – Hillari tried to drop Stargirl’s pet rat Cinnamon to its death.
  • Dori Dilson’s decision to sit with her at lunch one day which prompted other to follow suit the following day.

Students begin imitating Stargirl’s bizarre antics. Change begins to take place at the school.

Chapter 9

Leo compares the students at MicaAreaHigh School to mud frogs. He says that the students, much like these frogs, have lay dormant, waiting for someone of something to shake them up. Stargirl is the rain that brings these “frogs” at MAHS out to the surface.

Students began doing things they had never done before including:

  • Wearing Hush Puppy shoes instead of sneakers
  • Painting toenails green
  • Dying hair purple

Leo shares this info with Archie, calling it a miracle. Archie responds by saying miracles don’t last long.

Chapter 10

Kevin and Leo schedule Stargirl to be on Hot Seat on February 13th.

The Roadrunner bulletin board in the courtyard at school displays a copy of Stargirl’s Pledge of Allegiance to the United Turtle of America – people begin saying her version the following morning.

Stargirl shows up to another student’s (Anna Grisdale) grandfather’s funeral only to be chased away by the girl’s mother.

9 year old Danny Pike falls off his bike, develops a blood clot and nearly dies. Stargirl is photographed at the scene of his homecoming where a new bicycle has mysteriously appeared.

Chapter 11

Stargirll takes her cheerleading off the court. She starts cheering anyone and anything. She cheers for students who pick up trash without being asked, aced a test, wore unusual earrings. Students at MAHS are happier and friendlier than they have ever been.

The basketball team (The Electrons) go undefeated. In the 19th game of the season, while playing against the team from Red Rock, the MAHS fans got so wrapped up in the game that they started showing unsportsmanlike behaviors. They booed so much that Stargirl left the game. The other cheerleaders got annoyed at Stargirl and tricked her by saying that someone had left something inside the gym, and would she go get it. The team proceeded to leave her at Red Rock, requiring the Red Rock custodian to drive her home.

Chapter 12

February 13th – The day of Stargirl’s scheduled appearance on Hot Seat arrives. Leo senses that things will not go well due to Stargirl’s drop in popularity because of her stunt at the last basketball game. Hillari Kimble is on the “jury” (the group of 12 students who ask the guest questions. Things start out quietly until Stargirl acts as though she is truly sitting in a hot seat and as a result, Cinnamon the rat, runs all over the place.

Chapter 13

Leo describes what actually took place when Stargirl was interviewed on Hot Seat. Stargirl is “attacked” by her schoolmates. She is ridiculed for changing her name so often. She is accused of being unpatriotic because of her version of the Pledge of Allegiance. She is attacked for cheering for the other team. She is told by Hillari Kimble, that because of all of these things, Stargirl should go back to where she came from.

Chapter 14

Mr. Robineau, the advisor for Hot Seat, decides not to air the Stargirl episode. Despite the previous day, Stargirl leaves a candy heart on everyone in her homeroom’s desk. The Electrons play Sun Valley in an attempt to move toward the State Championships. The Electrons are losing until Ron Kovac, the star of the Sun Valley team, broke his ankle during the game. Stargirl went over to Kovac and cradled his head until the ambulance took him away. The Electrons went on to win the game. The Electrons then played and lost to Glendale. Stargirl has a tomato thrown at her face at the end of the game. The fans are upset that Stargirl cheers for both teams. At the end of the chapter, Leo finds a Valentine from Stargirl with the words I love you on it.

Chapter 15

Leo wonders why Stargirl has given him the Valentine. Since he doesn’t know the answer, he avoids her attempt at talking to him.

Chapter 16

Stargirl approaches Leo in the lunch room. This time he does not run. Kevin teases Leo that Stargirl is in love with him. Leo overhears a group of girls talking about Stargirl having been thrown off the Cheerleading Squad. They refer to him as “Starboy.” Leo drives to Stargirl’s house. When she comes outside, he hides behind a car and proceeds to have a conversation with her. He is smitten.

Chapter 17

Leo fears everyone can sense his feelings about Stargirl. He hides out, until the end of the day. At that point, he meets up with Stargirl. Stargirl remarks about the time Leo had followed her out into the desert. They go to Stargirl’s enchanted place in the desert. Stargirl encourages Leo to lose himself.

Chapter 18

Leo becomes more and more interested in Stargirl now that they are dating. But as they get closer, he realizes that everybody in school is avoiding him and Stargirl. When he asks Kevin about it, Kevin tells him that they are ignoring him because of who he is dating. Kevin says that it is mostly due to her cheering for other teams. Stargirl doesn’t seem to notice.

Chapter 19

Leo goes to Archie’s to find out what he thinks of the Stargirl situation. Archie tells Leo that he and Stargirl are being “Shunned.” This is an Amish term used for people who have done something wrong in the community and this is their punishment. Leo and Archie consult Senor Saguaro who supposedly tells Leo that he has to decide who he values more, the kids at school or Stargirl. Leo didn’t want to answer that question.

Chapter 20

Stargirl brings Leo further into her world of making the most out the ordinary. He begins noticing things he had never noticed before. Stargirl tells Leo that someday she hopes to drive a silver lunch truck so that she can make all of the people who are hard at work happy at lunch time. Leo realizes that Stargirl was the person who sent him the porcupine necktie two years earlier. Leo does not understand why Stargirl does not want any “credit” for her acts of kindness.

Chapter 21

We learn that Stargirl finds out about different occasions in people’s lives by reading the fillers in the newspapers and looking at bulletin boards in the community. Leo begins helping Stargirl deliver cards, plants and balloons. Stargirl and Leo play the card game where they follow a person for 15 minutes, make up a story about their lives and then decide what sort of card they would give the person. Stargirl drops change along the way to help cheer up people who may be excited to find it.

Chapter 22

Leo has dinner at Stargirl’s house. He expects her house to be unusual and her parents to be hippies, but find them both to be rather ordinary. Stargirl tells Leo about her “Happy Wagon.” The number of stones in the wagon reflects the amount of happiness she is feeling at any given time. There are 18 stones in the wagon during this chapter. Leo is surprised to learn that Stargirl had once had three stones in the wagon. This suggested that at one time, she was very unhappy. Stargirl tells Leo that she is making a scrap book for her 5-year-old neighbor, Peter Sinkowitz. Leo and Stargirl kiss for the first time.

Chapter 23

Students blame Stargirl for MAHS not making it to the basketball championship.

Leo, despite being happy in Stargirl’s presence, begins to feel resentment toward Stargirl because he doesn’t want to lose her, but he also doesn’t want to lose all his “friends.”

Chapter 24

Stargirl puts a sheet that reads Stargirl loves Leo on the Roadrunner bulletin board. His first reaction is happiness, but then he is angry. He does not like such public displays of affection. He realizes that he is being punished for the crime of being linked to an unpopular person.

Chapter 25

Unsure of how to handle the situation, Leo avoids it. When Stargirl persists, he tells her of his unhappiness regarding the students ignoring him. Stargirl does not seem to care about this for herself, but Leo points out all of the unusual things she does and basically tells her she simply isn’t normal. As a result of this conversation, Stargirl vanishes.

Chapter 26

Stargirl shows up at school looking just like all the other MAHS girls. She is no longer Stargirl, but Susan Julia Caraway. Leo is thrilled! The two seem to get closer. Stargirl does everything she can to be “normal.” She even goes so far as inventing a fictitious character named “Evelyn Everybody” to which she compares herself. Still, the shunning continues. This saddens Stargirl. She doesn’t know what to do. She wants to make Leo happy, but the students are not responding to her attempts. Stargirl tells Leo that she had a vision that she will become popular when she brings home the silver plate from the Arizona Oratorical Contest. Leo wants to believe this too.

Chapter 27

Leo and Stargirl (Susan) head to Phoenix for the competition. Stargirl reveals that Dori Dilson is angry at her due to the changes she has made to her personality. On the way to Phoenix, Stargirl makes Mr. McShane stop the car in the desert so she can observe nature. She learns of the Moa – an extinct bird that was killed off by people long ago…

Chapter 28

Stargirl wows everyone at the contest. She is bringing home the silver plate.

Chapter 29

Stargirl and Leo celebrate her win by having jalepeno poppers and ginger ales in the hotel bar. The celebration ends abruptly when they return to school and only three people are there to greet Stargirl – Dori Dilson and two teachers.

Chapter 30

Stargirl returns! She announces that she is giving up on trying to be popular and normal. Stargirl and Leo both realize that Leo will not be asking Stargirl to the Ocotillo Ball. Stargirl and Dori Dilson start a band called the Ukee Dooks.

Chapter 31

Leo does not go to the Ocotillo Ball. Stargirl does. She is driven on a bicycle with a side car by Dori Dilson. She is a vision. By the end of the night everyone except Wayne Parr and Hillari Kimble are back under Stargirl’s spell. They do the Bunny Hop for what seems like hours. And at the end of the night, when Stargirl leaves the ball, that is the last anyone ever sees of her.

Chapter 32

Fifteen years later, Leo still thinks about her. In conversations with Archie, he realizes what he lost out on by not keeping Stargirl in his life.

Chapter 33

Archie and Leo bury Barney, the Palocene rodent out in the desert.

More than Stars

The impact Stargirl has left on MAHS is evidenced through:

The high school has a club called the Sunflowers which does nice things for other people. The Electron marching band has a ukulele. At every game, when the opposing team scores its first basket, a group of Electrons cheers.

For Leo, he drops change on the ground when no one is looking, he listens for mockingbirds and he feels guilty buying Hallmark cards.

Last month, a day before his birthday, Leo received a porcupine tie in the mail.