Interagency Coordinating Council

January 27, 2009



Tracey Dencker (proxy for Freda Collins (CDW) Rosanne Griff-Cabelli

(Gail Womble) Nancy Condon (DuPont Hospital) Sue Campbell

Billie Friedland Janet Cornwell (DECC) CarolAnn Schumann

Heather Hafer (proxy for Pam Green (CCHS) Peggy Miller

Mary Knapp) Stephanie Johnson (Parent)

Tom Kelly Pat Maichle (DDC)

Michelle Lamers (Vice Chair) Tressa Sharp (NNK)

Jim Lesko (proxy for Wendy Strauss (GACEC)

Martha Toomey) Charles Jennings (Head Start TA office)

Pam Lilly

Rich Maichle (proxy for

Carlos Duran)

Anne Meduri

Bruce Orr

Pam Reuther

Glyne Williams

Randall Wimberley (proxy for

Susan Cycyk)

Ann Woolfolk

Due to the inclement weather, a conference line was set-up for members, interested person to call in ~ they are listed below:


Debbie Amsden (proxy for Joan Dine (Bayada Nurses)

Michael Gamel~McCormick) Kristen (Bayada Nurses)

Maria Mendoza (proxy for Helen Arthurs (DPH)

Marie~Anne Aghazadian) Sara Myers (CDW)

Linda Nemes

Alisa Olshefsky

Arnetta Woodson (Chair)

Conference call started at 12:00 and ended at 1:20 ~ due to another meeting scheduled prior to our meeting and they need to use the conference phone system.

Meeting Called to Order and Approval of Minutes

Michelle Lamers called the meeting to order at 12:05. Meeting participants were introduced and minutes from the October 28, 2008 meeting were approved. Tom Kelly approved and Pam Reuther seconded. All voted in favor.

Parent Participation

Pam Lilly ~ one of two new parents to join the ICC shared her story about her daughter Sarah, who is five~ Pam shared a wonderful PowerPoint presentation and is very grateful

for Child Development Watch and her service coordinator.

There was a lengthy discussion on Outreach. Not all Physicians are telling families about Child Development Watch. Are children being label too soon or not soon enough ~ Dr. Meduri was the one, who informed Pam Lilly and her family about CDW, not her primary physician. Physicians need to be better advocates for parent. Parents can make the referral to CDW if they feel something isn’t right with their child. Randall asked “How do we get physicians involved?? A suggestion was to form a “Family Public Awareness Committee” and anyone who would want to volunteer for this committee should contact Michelle Lamers.

Annual Performance Report/State Performance Plan

Rosanne Griff-Cabelli shared a handout with highlights of the Annual Performance Report (APR) and State Performance Plan (SPP) activities and indicators. Overall, we are doing a much better job of correcting non-compliance as soon as it’s identified.

Indicator 8: Early Childhood Transition

Data shows that transition conferences are being convened much earlier. Pam Green complimented CDW saying that families also seem to have more information about the transition process and are better prepared for transition. Stephanie Johnson agreed and stated that having her child’s conference 9 months ahead of time allowed her to process her anxiety and get her questions answered. Jim Lesko added that the data is showing that holding transition conferences early has made a significant difference from both CDW and school districts’ perspectives. CDW is continuing to make improvements towards improving the quality of transition planning.

Indicator 1: Timely Early Intervention Services

Personnel shortages are a nationwide problem. Rosanne highlighted several improvement activities including:

·  Careful monitoring to ensure that referrals are acted as soon as possible

·  Exploring service delivery models such as TD or primary service provider

·  Recruitment and retention strategies

It is important to be efficient while at the same time maintaining high quality. Delaware continues to have a finding of non-compliance for this indicator.

Pam Green commented that availability is better; however insurance is sometimes a stumbling block. Linda Nemes would consider suggesting legislation to the Department of Insurance (DOI) regarding timely response for pre authorizations. Linda Nemes has shared that currently the private health insurance contract with the provider will spell out the time frames regarding pre authorization of services. If the question relates to claims processing, then DOI prompt pay regulation requires payment or denial of clean claims within 30 calendar days.

Indicator 2: Services in Natural Environments

Birth to Three continues to ensure that services are provided in environments. A new committee is being formed named Expanding Inclusive Early Intervention Opportunities (EIEIO). The new group will expand the focus of Building Capacity in Natural Environments (BCNE) to include children birth through five.

Indicator’s 5 & 6: Child Find

As discussed in October, targets have been revised due to changes in eligibility definitions.

Indicator 7: Timely IFSP and MDA

As discussed, this indicator has seen some slippage ( from 95.72% down to 90.14 % of MDAs and initial IFSPs developed within the 45 day timeline. The slippage is primarily a result of the state hiring freeze and having fewer assessors and service coordinators in CDW.

Budget Reductions

Rosanne shared that the General fund Budget has been reduced by $30,000 for the current fiscal year. Of that $15,000 was for the Family Survey and $5,000 was for public awareness. The remaining $10,000 reduction is a result of increased private insurance reimbursements

The proposed budget for next year will most likely include the same reduction of $30,000. The final budget is not decided until the end of the legislative session, and it is highly likely that vacant positions will continue to be frozen unfilled positions. Currently there are six positions vacant, five of which are nurses. There is an additional advanced practice nurse retiring in April, bringing the vacant positions up to seven.

Child focus Practices ~ 3rd Series DEC Recommended Practices

Jim Lesko, DOE

Jim led a discussion focusing on Child-Focused Practices, as the third part of the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Recommended Practices series. Jim distributed the Child Focused Practices listed in the DEC Recommended Practices: A Comprehensive Guide for Practical Application in Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education.

Jim suggested to the ICC committee that as we continue to advise as a council in projects and/or activities, keep in mind that we promote child focus practices and strategies that structure learning opportunities - As practitioners and as a council the focus should be on strategies that structure learning opportunities where children are learning strategies and developing in their more global environment in which they live (children need to be taught in a more natural setting as much as possible).

One follow up to improve quality of early intervention programs may be to see if any provider agencies would be interested in using the DEC Recommended Practices Program Assessment in the three focus areas that have been presented: Interdisciplinary Models; Family Based Practices; and Child-Focused Practices. This would allow provider agencies to rate themselves, and focus improvements in practices based on this program assessment

As a Council, we need to stay current with what the researchers are saying and help practitioners by supporting current professional development opportunities.

Member Sharing

Glyne Williams discussed the extension of SCHIP and mentioned that they are considering the inclusion of dental services. At this time it is still unclear what exactly that means. Also being considered is lessening the five year barrier for non-citizens, in particular pregnant women. The details have not yet been worked out.

Rosanne reviewed several flyers which were included in the ICC folders. Carol Trivette from the Puckett Institute in North Carolina will be doing a free training on February 20th 2009 about evidence based practices in early literacy. Thanks to Janet Cornwell for arranging this linkage. The Inclusion Conference will be held May 7th and scholarships are available for family members and child care providers. Contact Carol Ann Schumann at 255-9136 or for more information about either of these events.

Pam Reuther reminded everyone about the Easter Seals volleyball fundraiser which will be held in March. Pam also mentioned that the Parent Information Center (PIC) now has office space in Dover at Easter Seals.

Pat Maichle: Pat Maichle referred the ICC to the recent report shared from Project Forum “Homeless and Special Education Administrative Collaboration: Recommendations (October 2008). Pat asked how mobile services through out the state for this population are. Rosanne responded by saying that Child Development Watch is regionally based. Procedures are in place and it is usually seamless for families to transfer within the state, and CDW links families to early intervention programs if they move out of state. Service Coordinators work very hard to keep track of families who are highly mobile. Birth to Three wants to make sure that CDW brochures and other information are distributed through the local school district Homeless Education Liaisons Coordinators, and through Early Head Start and other programs who work with families who are homeless and have young children.


Meet was adjourned at 2:58 pm. Motion to adjourn was made by Pam Reuther; seconded by Ann Woolfolk.

Next Meeting

April 28, 2009 ~ 12:00 to 3:00

Delaware Technical and Community College, Terry Campus, Dover, Conference Room 400A.

For additional information or copies of information provided at ICC meetings, please contact Inita Joyner @ 302-255-9134 or

Many documents may also be found on the Birth to Three website: