LACUS 2005

Dartmouth College

Andres Hall Reservation Form

It is not possible for you to make your own reservation for a room in Andres Hall. Instead, fill out the form below and e-mail it, as an attachment, to Tim Pulju (). Please put “Andres Hall Reservation” as your subject header. Fill out a separate form for each room, even if you are travelling as, e.g., a group of two parents and two children, and therefore want a suite with one double and two single rooms. The deadline for receipt of forms is June 1.

1. Your name and gender; or names (and respective genders), if requesting a double room. You must list two names if requesting a double.

2. Underline the type of room desired. Singles have one twin bed and cost $36/night. Doubles have two twin beds and cost $63/night.

Single, not in a suite, with its own bath (note: only three such rooms are available)

Single in a suite with one other single, with one shared bath

Single in a suite of four singles total, with one shared bath

Double, not in a suite, with its own bath

Single in a suite with one other single and one double, with one shared bath

Double in a suite with two singles, with one shared bath

3. If you wish to share a suite with any other particular guests who are submitting separate forms, please put their names below, and make sure that they put the appropriate names under number 3 on their own forms.

4. Date of arrival and date of departure. The rooms are available from Monday evening, Aug. 1, through Sunday morning, August 7. Note that all rooms must be vacated no later than 9 AM on Sunday; this time is non-negotiable, as another group will be moving into the same rooms later the same day.

Arrival: Departure:

5. The rooms are on floors one through four of Andres Hall. Andres Hall does not have an elevator, although it does have handicapped-accessible entrances. Please underline the appropriate choice below.

I/we need a room on the ground floor

I/we don’t need a ground floor room

6. If you are coming to Hanover on the Dartmouth Coach, from Boston’s Logan airport, you will be dropped off at the front door of the Hanover Inn. From there, it is about a five-minute walk to Andres Hall.

If you are driving to Dartmouth, you will be able to park very briefly outside of Andres Hall when loading and unloading your luggage. For parking at other times, you must get a Dartmouth parking pass for $18 total for the week, allowing you to park in Dartmouth’s satellite parking—for more information about the satellite lots, see the LACUS website, subheading “Parking”. This $18 charge will be added to your room bill. Underline the appropriate choice below.

I/we want a Dartmouth parking pass I/we don’t want a Dartmouth parking pass

There are a total of sixty-five rooms available in Andres Hall. Of these, only seventeen are doubles. The majority of rooms, whether singles or doubles, are in suites in which two to four rooms share a single bath. It’s unlikely that we’ll be able to meet all room preferences; in the event of competing requests, priority will be assigned based on the order in which reservation forms arrived in my e-mail inbox. If you don’t get your preference, I will try to assign you the room type closest to your request, out of all types still available.

Once all rooms have been assigned, or all requests have been filled, I will send you instructions on how to arrange for payment. Note that, as explained on the website, Dartmouth requires that everyone who stays in a dorm must buy a debit card which can be used to purchase food, drinks, snacks, etc., at various campus eateries. Once again, I don’t understand the point of this policy, but we’re stuck with it, so your invoice for dorm accommodation will include the charge for the room, plus $5 per day per dining card, plus a $1 card issuing fee, plus the parking pass fee (if applicable).

If we run out of rooms before I receive your form, I will so notify you, and will give you up-to-date information about other housing options still available at that time.