ARH 2051 -- Art History II online – Fall 2017

Instructor’s Name:Michaela Oberlaender

Email: contact me within MyCourses email only

Office Hours/Instructor Availability: After class, in Clearwater CR 146-B from 4-4:15 p.m. on Mondays, and after class in Tarpon Springs in BB 210 from 3:15-3:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. By appointment, I will be glad to meet at the SPC Tarpon Springs library upon request.

Primary office Location:SPC Clearwater campus, CR Room 146B

Instructor Web Page:


Dean:Dr. Jonathan Steele

Office Location: Main office,CrossroadsBuilding, SPC Clearwater campus, CR 154-C

Office Number:(727) 791-5987

Academic Chair:Dr. Kevin Stanley

Office Location: Lyceum building 239, TS campus Office Number: 727-712-5717

Course Objectives

The main objective of this course is to teach you how to look at and discuss works of art in different media (including painting, sculpture, and architecture) and to understand them in light of their historical context. The meanings of works of art are affected, if not determined, by the place and period in which they were created. You will receive a brief overview of the "masterpieces" from prehistoric art to Gothic architecture. This class is challenging because there is a large volume of diverse material and cultures to cover in a relatively short period.

The focus of the course is on discussing the individual works of art presented as representative samples from their periods or art movements. The historical background helps you to understand the "why?" behind the choice of the subject matter and the colors, techniques, and compositions that were used. The following are skills you will work on in this class:

·Identifying major art movements and the work of some of the significant artists in Western Art

·Ascertaining the artistic significance of a work of art

·Being able to understand the historical and cultural context of major art movements

·Performing a formal analysis of a work of art

·Forming judgments about works of art based on the critical criteria learned in class and on field trips

Prerequisites(Course & Skill Set):ENC 0020 or EAP 1695 or appropriate score on the CPT.

Course Materials

·  Gardner's Art Through the Ages, The Western Perspective, Volume II,14th edition is available forpurchase in SPC campus bookstores. That is the official version of the textbook for this class and I recommend buying or renting the paper version of the book. You may also use the 15th edition of the book, since it is readily available and the pieces that I test for are in both editions of the book. You have to have a textbook if you want to pass this class. If you are strapped for cash and are comfortable with using an eBook only, you can just purchase the CourseMate access code directly from the Cengage publisher, since it comes bundled with the full textbook in eBook version. That said, it is easier to have a paper version of the book next to you while you are taking the exams if you want to look something up.

·  It costs only about $21 to rent from for the paper copy of the 14th edition and about $27 for the 15th edition for this semester for Amazon Prime members!

·A notebook if you take hard copy notes, or a Word file if you take notes on your computer. If you want to do well in this class, you should take notes on your reading and treat this as a serious college-level class. Just skimming the text and then taking the exams will likely yield a low grade.



Course Location: online Meeting Days: online


Course Dates: 8/14/2017-12/3/2017

Drop/Add: by 8/18/2017

Withdrawal Date: 10/19/2017

Financial Aid:


Each of yourfive exams will consist of objective questions, based on the material found in the chapters that will be covered in the Gardnertextbook. Multiple choice questions and true/false may be among the formats of the questions. The images in the tests are not cumulative, although being able to apply the terms and concepts learned for an earlier segment will apply to later tests, i.e. if you learn about "linear perspective" or "chiaroscuro," you are expected to be able to recognize these techniques not just in the chapter they are initially presented, but from that time forth.

Pay special attention to learning thetitle,artist(where applicable),medium,period, and identifying theartistic significanceof works of art, as some of the test questions will be based on these criteria. You will not need to learn the dates for the works, although being aware of what century they belong will be helpful to your general understanding of the material. The emphasis will be on images that are shown inthe PowerPoint slide shows in MYCOURSES,as well as in the textbook.

Typically,a few questions on each test will include “unknown” slides: ones that you have not seen in previously in your book, but by the same artists. You will need to identify the period of the work. This section will test to see whether you can abstract the knowledge gained about movements to pieces unfamiliar to you.All of the slides in this section will be similar in style to pieces that were presented during the pertinent chapters.

Read the document entitled “How to study for one of the Art History 2 Exams” in the Study Aids for Tests folder to help you prepare for these exams.

You only have ONE attempt to take an exam in this class!

This is the list of chapters for Gardner’s Art Through the Ages, 14thed., The Western Perspective, Vol. II.


·Before 1300 and Introduction: What is Art History?

·14. Late Medieval Italy

·15. Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Northern Europe

·16. The Renaissance in Quattrocento Italy

Exam 1

·4.17. Renaissance and Mannerism in Cinquecento Italy

·5.18. High Renaissance and Mannerism in Northern Europe and Spain

·6.19. The Baroque in Italy and Spain

Exam 2

·7.20. The Baroque in Northern Europe

·8.21. Rococo to Neoclassicism: The 18th Century in Europe and America

·9.22. Romanticism, Realism, Photography: Europe and America, 1800 to 1870

Exam 3

·10.23. Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Symbolism: Europe and America, 1870 to 1900

·11.24. Modernism in Europe and America, 1900 to 1945

Exam 4

·12.25. Modernism and Postmodernism in Europe and America, 1945 to 1980

·13.26. Contemporary Art Worldwide

Exam 5


You will be evaluated based upon your performance on the following items. Each exam is worth 100 points. Percentages will be awarded for each examination as outlined below:

A...... 90 - 100Excellent performance

B...... 80 - 89Good performance

C...... 70 - 79Average performance

D...... 60 - 69Poor performance

F...... 59 and under Very poor performance

Exam1...... 10 % of final grade

Exam2...... 13 % of final grade

Exam3...... 15 % of final grade

Exam4...... 15 % of final grade

Exam 5...... 15 % of final grade

Other Assignments:

Introduce Yourself Discussion..……………………………..….…....1 % of final grade

1stDrop Box Assignment…………………………………………….1 % of final grade

Week 2 video quiz……………………………………………………1 % of final grade

Attending Class Field Trip with the class…...... …+5 points extra credit Exam 3 grade

Museum Visit Paper…………...... 12 % of final grade

Architectural Scavenger Hunt Discussion ...... 12 % of final grade

Contemporary Art Discussion ...... 5 % of final grade

However, if you do not complete alltheassignments (Introduce yourself discussion, scavenger hunt & article essay with a “C” or better, the highest grade you may earn in this course is a "D" since this portion fulfills your general writing requirement for the college).You must turn in the assignmentsbefore the due date for a chance at full credit.

First Week’s Homework

1.  Discussion "Introduce yourself to the class"

Due: before11 p.m. on 8/20/2017. I will know if it has been turned in on time by the time stamp your submission within MyCourses.

Please use proper spelling and grammar, since this assignment constitutes 1% of your final grade. Whenever communicating with me via email, I would appreciate it if you avail yourself of your computer’s spell checker and send me grammatically correct messages, since I am not impressed by the recent trend toward ignoring all laws of English grammar and capitalization in email messages.

2.  1st Drop Box Assignment due: before11 p.m. on 8/20/2017.

Week 2 Homework

This is a video quiz assignment to satisfy that you are logging in to MyCourses and doing your work. Its purpose is to satisfy the attendance requirement for the college and to ensure that you will not be taken out of the class as a “No Show” for non-attendance. It covers a ca. 6-minute video about Sandro Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus painting.

Due: before 11 p.m. on 8/27/2017.

If you receive a “no show” for both Weeks 1 & 2 in terms of attendance, SPC will administratively remove you from the course, so doing your homework these first two weeks is crucial!

Museum Field Trips and Essay

Our community offers several excellent opportunities for experiencing the visual arts in local museums.In this course, the college requests you to visit theLeepa-Rattner Museum of Arton the Tarpon Springs campus of SPC and complete a writing assignmentrelated to your visit.Admission is free for SPC students.

If you do not live within Pinellas County, Florida, you need to indicate that in your 1stdrop box assignment to me and suggest an alternate art museum that is local to you where you might be able to visit during the term to fulfill your museum writing discussion post. Please provide the url for the museum also. I will then reply to you and let you know if your alternate suggestion is an acceptable venue.

You must submit the museum paper in Word format in the proper drop box, with your photos of your favorite and least favorite works of art clearly inserted into the document and identified, and described in the paragraphs accompanying the works. You also need to include a photo of yourself inside the museum to prove you were there this semester. Please check the detailed formatting instructions and the grading rubric for the paper in MyCourses.

You are encouraged to join us for the Leepa-Rattner Field Trip with the class. I will be giving the tour onSaturday, 8/26/2017 at 11 a.m. You will get a chance hear me demonstrate how to perform a formal analysis using the Feldman Method of Critical Analysis. Joining me for the field trip is strongly encouraged. If you do, you will gain a small reward for it grade-wise. The Leepa-Rattner Museum is always free for SPC students. You may attend this field trip to help with your Museum Visit Essay or go to one of the other local art museums. The “Extra Credit” folder has some information about others that are approved and when they have reduced admission rates.

I will also offer a two-part field trip, tentatively scheduled for Friday, September 22, 2017 (I am awaiting confirmation while composing this syllabus, so please consult the calendar and the News Items within the course as well as emails for confirmation). This field trip will go to Tampa, with a docented tour of Sacred Heart Church, a Romanesque cathedral in downtown, that also features beautiful stained-glass windows, and another stop at the Tampa Museum of Art, where we will focus on the temporary exhibit of Photorealism paintings and also view the Animals in Ancient Art shows. It is likely to start in the afternoon with the church portion first, and the Tampa Museum second. You may go to one or both segments of this field trip, although for this class, the latter portion is more relevant to the class materials. Because you will have to listen to tours at both places, I’ve decided to be generous with the extra credit: you may earn +5 points for each segment of this field trip, and you are welcome to do both if your schedule permits.

The museum is free for college students with ID, but you may bring a guest and your guest does not have to be a college student. On Fridays after 4 p.m., the Tampa Museum has a “pay what you will” policy, so you could even just pay 50 cents and get in. The Fourth Friday is usually reserved for festivities in Tampa, so it’s usually a good date night, and I wanted you to be able to take advantage of that. I don’t know yet whether there will be a charge for the tour of the Sacred Heart church, but I will keep you posted.

You definitely need to go to a museum during the semester in which you are taking this class to do the Museum Visit Paper, whether you can go on a field trip with your instructor or whether you have to do the museum visit on your own. If you do go on the extensive guided tours (Leepa-Rattner, Sacred Heart, Tampa Museum) with the instructor, you will earn + 5 points extra credit on the Exam 3 grade -- that way those of you who make the effort to come with me at a given time will be rewarded for it.

This instructor will strive to grade the Museum Visit Essays in a timely manner. Please realize that doing a good job reviewing this assignment takes some effort, so please be patient, as the grades are submitted manually as the instructor gets to them. I have upward of 118 students this semester and each essay takes about half an hour to grade. I can only handle reading so many of them at a time, so again, please be patient. The better your essay is, the easier you make your instructor’s (and your own) life in the end!