Antonian College Preparatory High School

Honors Anatomy Syllabus, 2015-16

Biology General Requirements -

One credit for successful completion of this course; Prerequisite: None.

Course Goals -

In Anatomy, students conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. Students in Anatomy study a variety of topics that include: the cell, Integumentary system, the skeletal system, the muscular system, and the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the endocrine system, the urinary system, and the reproductive systems.

Course Outline -

First Semester / Second Semester
The Cell
The Integumentary system
The Skeletal system
The Muscular system, and t
The Nervous system / The Cardiovascular system
The Respiratory system
The Digestive system
The Endocrine system
The Urinary system, and
The Reproductive systems

Grading -

10%= Daily Assignments/Homework
35% = Lab Reports/ Quizzes
55% = Projects/ Tests
Course Requirements:
Supplies- 3 ring notebook w/dividers Pocket folder with brads
Loose-leaf paper
Blue or black pen
1 boxes of Kleenex tissues
/ 94-100% = A
85-93% = B
75-84% = C
70-74% = D
69% and Below = F


You will be required to keep a notebook of all of the work that you do in this class. This notebook will be checked periodically. All paper and handouts should be in the rings of the binder and in chronological order as follows:

1. Course description, syllabus

2 Notes

3. Daily Work/Homework

4.  Labs/Quizzes

5.  Tests/ Major Assignments

Syllabus- The syllabus is a general outline. It contains topics and some assignments. Additional assignments will be added as necessary.

Assignments- All assignments must be written in blue or black ink on loose-leaf paper or the handout provided. Papers that have been torn out from a spiral notebook will not be graded. Proper grammar and spelling are expected on all work that is turned in for a grade.

Late Assignments -
All assignments are due at the beginning of the period. Other than excused or prearranged absences, assignments handed in at any other time are considered late. Penalties for late work: 10% deduction each day. You are responsible for making up missed assignments as stated in the ACP handbook.

Make-Up Assignments and Tests- It is the responsibility of the student to find out what work was assigned and what information was missed. Labs missed due to absences must be made up. Check with the teacher to determine when you can make up the lab. Tests missed due to an absence should be taken as soon as possible following an absence. Missed tests will only be given either before or after school. No make-up tests will be given during class time.

Assignment Requirements- All assignments must be complete and on the paper specific to that assignment. Only one copy will be given, do not lose it. All assignments must be written in ink and must be legible. All work must be shown on assignments, labs, tests, and exams including calculations.

Lab/Activities- will include the construction and use of models, simulation, field studies, and case studies with round table discussions. Participation is required in order to receive credit for a grade.

Attendance- You are expected to be in class on time every day. See handbook.

Expectations- Students are expected to participate in class on a daily basis, work

Collaboratively with other students, complete all assignments with attention to quality, and be prepared to learn.

I have read and understand the requirements and expectations of this class.

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent Signature ______Date ______