Transcript – Getting emergency financial assistance

If you or your family get caught up in a major emergency – such as a bushfire, storm or flood – you might need some help you get back on your feet. In some emergencies, you and your household might be eligible for emergency funds from the Personal Hardship Assistance Program run by Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services.

The Personal Hardship Assistance Program offers two different types of funds: emergency relief assistance and emergency re-establishment assistance. If you qualify, you could receive money from one or both of these schemes. It all depends on your situation.

First, let’s look at emergency relief assistance. Staff from the Department of Health and Human Services can provide you with a one-off emergency relief payment, once they have looked at your eligibility and your needs.

Emergency relief funds can be paid to help you or your household after a house fire. They’re also paid after natural emergencies such as bushfires, floods, severe storms and earthquakes. In most cases, an eligible household will usually receive only one emergency relief payment.

The money you receive can be used to pay for short-term shelter – such as a motel room for a few nights, food, clothing, personal items – such as toiletries or medications. It can also pay for transport costs – such as train fares to go and stay with family or friends.

To receive emergency relief assistance, you must discuss your circumstances with a Department of Health and Human Services officer – usually within seven days of the emergency.

The second type of funding is called Emergency Re-establishment Assistance. You can apply for Emergency Re-establishment Assistance if your main residence has been destroyed or is so badly damaged that you can’t live in it without major repairs. It can also be paid if you can’t return home for more than a week after an emergency. Be aware though that this isn’t a substitute for taking out insurance.

To receive Emergency Re-establishment Assistance you must meet some eligibility conditions. If you need this type of assistance contact your local Department of Health and Human Services office, and make an appointment to discuss your needs.

You can find out more about the Personal Hardship Assistance Program by visiting the Human Services website at

During an emergency you can find out what’s available by going to the VicEmergency website at and clicking the relief & recovery tab; by downloading the VicEmergency App ; or by calling the VicEmergency hotline on 1800 226 226.