Name: ______Ms. McPherson / English 10

Night – Finding Examples to Support Themes

In order to prepare for our first formal essay, in this assignment you will practice finding examples and pulling quotations from the text that show a particular theme.

·  For each theme, find three examples from the book.

·  In each box, explain the example and how it demonstrates the theme in your own words and include a quotation from the book using MLA Citation that supports this example.

This project is due on Tuesday, November 26 and is worth 25-points.

Resistance /

Loss of Identity

/ Loss of Faith / Relationships Between Fathers and Sons
·  Example 1:
The foreman Franek wants Elie to give him his gold crown, but Elie resists his request by giving mulitple reasons why he cannot comply. Although Franek wields power over him, Elie does everything he can to keep his gold filling.
·  Quote 1:
“I answered that…without that crown I could no longer eat…I needed to get my father’s advice” (Wiesel 55). / ·  Example 1:
·  The prisoners lose their identity when the SS guards take away their names and give them numbers.
·  Quote 1:
“We were told to roll up our left sleeves and file past the table. Three veteran” prisoners, needles in hand, tattooed numbers on our left arms. I became A-1773” (Wiesel 42). / ·  Example 1:
Elie wants to know if god is still alive or dead. He is a sad little angel; The three prisoners were lynched because they live in the concentration camp for a long time.
·  Quote 1: “For god’s sake, where is god? Where he is? This is where-hanging here from this gallows” (Wiesel 65). / ·  Example 1:
Elie and his father had a good connection but then they lost the good connection. The blockalteste said to Elie that to think about himself and not think about his father.
·  Quote 1: “He was right I thought deep down, not daring to admit it to myself” (Wiesel 111).
·  Example 2:
Juliek was playing his violin and he was a song from Beethoven. Juliek played a German song and he is not supposed to play German music.
·  Quote 2:
“All I could hear was the violin and it was as if Juliek’s soul had become his bow” (Wiesel 95). / ·  Example 2:
The SS guard called the prisoners that they are filthy dogs. They were no longer marching the prisoners were running. If they stop for a second they will quickly get shot eliminated the filthy dogs.
·  Quote 2:
“Faster, you tramps, you flea-ridden dogs!” (Wiesel 85). / ·  Example 2:
He will never forget and murdered his dreams and soul to ashes. He saw the SS guard burning bodies and killing children.
·  Quote 2:
“Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever” (Wiesel 34) / ·  Example 2:
Elie’s father got smacked for no reason at all. Elie wanted to defend his father but he wanted want to get into trouble.
·  Quote 2:
“My father suddenly had a colic attack” (Wiesel 39).
·  Example 3:
The man tells Elie to lie about his age that to them that you are not fifteen you are eighteen. He wanted to lie to the SS guard.
·  Quote 3:
“’Fifteen.’ ‘No. you’re eighteen.’ ‘But I’m not, ‘I’m said. ‘Fool. Listen to what I say’ “(Wiesel 30). / ·  Example 3:
The police said to the Jewish that they were good for nothings. The SS guard was wants the prisoners to hard work and work faster
·  Quote 3:
“Faster!, Faster! Move you lazy good-for-nothings!” (Wiesel 19). / ·  Example 3:
He feels furious and god won’t them and Elie is asking all of these questions.
·  Quote 3:
“My eyes had opened and I was alone, terribly alone in a world without god, without man” (Wiesel 68). / ·  Example 3:
His father left his inheritance to remember him by those tools. Elie took the spoon and knife to remember his father.
·  Quote 3:
“Keep the spoon and knife. You will need them as much as I” (Wiesel 75).