Name: ______

Unit 6 Study Guide:Foundations of Government


1. What do we call Rule of Law, Democracy, Limited Government, Consent of the Governed, and Representative Government?

Fundamental Political Principles

2. What is a system of government where the people rule?


3. What principle says the laws apply to everyone?

Rule of Law

4. Principle of government where we elect people to serve us in government …

Representative Government

5. The government is not all powerful …

Limited Government

6. What means the power of the government comes from the people?

Consent of the Governed

7. A judge is charged with theft. What principle does this show?

Rule of Law

8. You vote for a candidate to serve you in the Virginia General Assembly.

What principle is this?

Representative Government

9. “Government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” – Abraham Lincoln


10. Checks and Balances are an example of …

Limited Government

11. The Virginia Declaration of Rights is a model for …

The Bill of Rights

12. The Charters of the Virginia Company of London stated the colonists had the same rights as …

English citizens

13. What document first stated the idea of freedom of religion in the colonies?

Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom

14. What document declared the colonies free from England?

Declaration of Independence

15. What document stated grievances against the King and that all people are equal?

Declaration of Independence

16. What are the “unalienable rights” listed in the Declaration of Independence?

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

17. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Virginia Statue of Religious Freedom?

Thomas Jefferson

18. Which document failed as our first attempt at a national government?

Articles of Confederation

19. The Articles of Confederation gave usa weak central government with no power to tax or enforce laws. What government was given too much power?

The states

20. What replaced the Articles of Confederation and provides for our current system of government?

The Constitution of the United States

21. What three word phrase tells us the Constitution gets its power from the people?

“We the People”

22. The Constitution says the minority’s rights will be respected, but who will rule?

The majority rules

23. What document is the “Supreme Law of the Land” and protects the freedoms given to us in the Bill of Rights?

The Constitution of the United States

24. Where are the goals of the government listed in the Constitution?

The Preamble

25/26. List the 6 goals of the government in the Preamble.

D - Defense

J - Justice

W - Welfare

U - Union

T – Tranquility (Peace)

L - Liberty

27. What purpose does the military serve?


28. What purpose does the court system serve?


29. How many amendments have been added to the Constitution of the United States?


30. What are the two steps to adding an amendment to the Constitution of the United States?

1. Action by Congress

2. Ratified by the states

31. What document explains the amendment process for the Constitution of the United States?

The Constitution of the United States

32. What does the amendment process allow us to do to the Constitution?

Make changes

33. What are the two steps to adding an amendment to the Constitution of Virginia?

1. Action by General Assembly

2. Ratified by Virginia voters