Parker Elementary

SDMC Meeting Minutes

November 4, 2014


Cecilia Allen, Leslee Cross, Yvonne Fedee, Lori Frodine, Dale Harrison, Gregory Kabay, Jennifer Lemon, Doris Richardson, Victoria Sanchez, Susan Shafer, Desiree Slack.


Ms. Frodine welcomed everyone and introduced our new Community Members, Leslee Cross and Yvonne Fedee, and thanked them for volunteering their time to join Parker’s SDMC.


October 7, 2014 minutes were approved with the additional notes for Treasurer’sReport.


See handout from October 7, 2014 SDMC meeting.


Ms. Frodine shared the preliminary sketches of the floor plan with the SDMC for the new school. As progress is made with timeline, she will share with us. On December 15, 2014 there will be a presentation of the floor plans by the architects for the public at our Community Meeting. Construction is planned to begin June 2015 and finish 13 months later in, July 2016.


  • Budget Review: HISD snapshot was done October 31, 2014. Enrollment at this time will be used to determine our budget for the year. Our projected enrollment was 830, our actual enrollment is 840. There are added funds for those children identified as GT and “at risk.” This will add approximately $20, 000 to budget. No funds are expected until January, 2015.
  • This summer HISD did approve an increase in funding of about $50/student.
  • HISD also approved a reduction in magnet funding. This will amount to approximately $80,000 over the next 3 years. Other budgets will have to make up this loss, however, the specifics have not been decided at this time.
  • Budget monies will be used to plan /prepare for next year’s supplies.


  • Welcome to our new SDMC Community Members Leslee Cross and Yvonne Fedee. We are happy to have you!
  • Traffic concerns have been a topic of discussion with our community. Issues include illegal parking, safety for our students, and how can we make traffic flow better at dismissal. Realistically, we are doing a good job of getting folks in and out quickly considering the amount of children we have. It is a challenge to convey to parents the need for them to follow traffic laws. Constables have begun to make their presence known during peak times, but to do this every day is not possible. We do see the need for constables to actually write citations, rather than warnings, and have expressed this to them.
  • It will be imperative that we communicate with our neighbors before construction begins on new building regarding our parking situation. There will be no back parking lot for staff and we will only have access to 3 out of 4 dismissal gates. New policies for drop off and pick up will be revisited as we get closer to construction.


The SDMC meeting was adjourned at 4:30. Our next SDMC meeting will be December 2, 2014.

Respectfully submitted,

Desiree Slack