Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 21st September 2015 in Erbistock Village Hall.

Present. Councillors Lowther, Evans, Lewis, Thomas, Blakemore, Matthews and Cooper. Additionally P.C.S.O. Emily Blake and the Clerk.

Apologies. Councillor Pritchard.

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 8th June 2015.

These were accepted as a correct record.

Matters arising.

Culvert behind the Cross Foxes. Agreed we ask that the red and white barriers be removed.

Flexibus. Believed that the bus was still running.

Crabtree Green to Park Eyton Road. Hopefully this will be top dressed soon.

St. Hilary's Church, Erbistock. No lighting on the steps. Councillor Thomas reported that this was in hand.

Eyton Hall Lane. No progress. Continue monitoring.

Flashing light outside Eyton Primary School. A new one had been ordered.

The Clerk had been contacted by the school. We could use their noticeboard to display items. Agreed that we wait to consult with the new owners of The Waggon and Horses before we remove the Council noticeboard.

Community Council Street Lighting -Service Level Maintenance Agreement. We will be responsible for one light.


1.  Police Report.

P.C.S.O. Blake reported -

·  A.528. The speed survey did not qualify us for the go-safe van. However we were still concerned and she had forwarded our concerns again. Agreed the Clerk write a letter to express our ongoing worries, especially following the recent fatality.

·  There had been one theft of stone ornaments.

·  Two reports of Anti social behaviour/noise.

·  Councillor Lowther reported his suspicions of interference with wild life at night. Councillor Matthews warned of a white transit van in the area. P.C.S.O. Blake asked that any suspicious behaviour be reported to herself or her colleague, Steve Bellis, on 07818 522367 or 101.

The Chair thanked her for attending and for her contribution to the meeting.

2.  Planning Applications.

·  Rose Hill Lodge, Erbistock. Listed building consent for Raised Timber Decking round existing extension. P/2014/0717. Pending.

·  Garden House, Erbistock. Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an existing use operation. Dwelling has not been occupied by person employed or last employed in agriculture. P/2015/0269. Pending.

·  Cefnydd, Erbistock. Ground and first floor extensions and internal alterations. P/2015/0611. Pending.

·  Old Hall Farm, Erbistock. Variation of Planning Permission P/2011/0091 to allow alterations to previous plans. P/2015/0618. Pending.

·  Park Farm, Rhos y Madoc. Removal of 134m long hedgerow for agricultural purposes. P/2015/0671. No objections.

3.  Annual Audit 2014/15.

This completed. Fee of £96 has been paid.

4. Review.

The Annual Budget for 2015/16, the Annual Risk Assessment, Annual Review of the effectiveness of the Council's system of Internal Controls, Financial Regulations and Standing Orders were approved.

5. Eyton Primary School. Vacancy for a Community Governor.

The Clerk had received a request from the Headteacher that we fill the vacancy for a Community Governor. Councillor Cooper said she was happy for her name to go forward.

6. A.O.B.

Concerns expressed over road surfaces and white lining. Clerk to ask to join the next Environmental Audit in October.

·  Councillor Cooper asked about the roll out of Super fast Broadband in our area. Did W.C.B.C. have a policy? Clerk to clarify with Councillor Pritchard.

·  Clay pigeon shooting at Plas Goulbourne. Councillor Thomas highlighted the noise nuisance. Clerk to clarify with Councillor Pritchard.

·  Clerk gave out information on W.C.B.C. - Difficult Decisions 2016/17, The Lower Park Farm Co-operative and the Mayor's Charity Ball.

·  The Queen's 90th Birthday. Councillor Lewis proposed that we consider celebrating this event as a community next year on 10th/11th/12th June. The Chair asked that we give some thought to this before our next meeting and come with ideas on the type of event, possible links with other organisations, the venue, participants, costings, etc.

8. Date of next meeting. Monday 6th December 2015. Eyton School. 7.30 pm.