Stephen van Vlack

Sookmyung Women’s University

School of English (TESL)

Teaching Listening and Speaking

Spring 2015

Discourse Completion Tasks

Using Texts for Speaking Practice (DCTs)

Below you will find several different types of ways of using texts to teach and practice pragmatic skill in speaking. They are all inspired by what is often called a DCT (Discourse Completion Task) (Kasper and Rose, 2002). This short file shows a few different DCT formats.

Part 1: Choose the Best Response

Instructions: In the following 5 scenarios, you are asked to respond in English as you would if you were actually in the particular situation. In numbers 1-5, you will be presented with 4 possible answers. Simply pick the best answer by marking the appropriate space to the left with an X.

1. <Agreeing>

Your friend, Jenny says she is annoyed with her neighbor’s barking dog. She insists pets should be banned in apartments so neighbors will not be bothered by them. You agree with her.

Jenny: I am so annoyed. That psycho dog next door barks all the time. I can hardly concentrate on my work.

You: That's terrible. Well, what can you do?

Jenny: I think pets in apartments should be banned.

You:______You are absolutely right.

______I couldn't agree with you more.

______You should complain to the landlord.

______Darned tooting.

2. <Advising>

Your sister, Jibong is worried about her weight. She wants to lose some weight.

You: Hey, Jibong. Wow! You look rather peeved. What's the matter?

Jibong: I'm afraid I gained tons of weight. What a bummer.

You:____ A little weight gain is good for your health.

____ Why don't you keep it a secret?

____ You should get some more exercise.

____ I lost weight recently.

3. <Rejecting>

Your friend, Mark, suggests that you go to the movies tonight, but you have to study for an exam.

Mark: Why don't we go to the movies tonight?

You:____ No, we can't.

____ There’s no good movies playing now.

____ I'd love to, but I have to study for an exam.

____ Toodamn busy.

4. <Apology>

You have been late for meetings several times. Now, you are late again. Your friend, Kate is angry with you.

Kate: You're late again. We have waited here for 30 minutes.

You: _____ I can't tell you how sorry I am.

_____ The traffic was terrible.

_____ I am late, so what are you going to do about it?

_____ I promise to be overly early next time.

5. <Invitation>

You invite your friend, Mary, to your birthday party on the phone.

Mary: Hello.

You: May I speak to Mary?

Mary: Speaking. Who's calling?

You: This is Eunju.

____ Are you busy tomorrow?

____ Tomorrow is my birthday.

____ Why don't you come share my birthday cake?

____ I’m having a party tomorrow. Please come.

Part 2: Evaluate the Responses

Instructions: For questions 1 through 5, you are supposed to rate your perception of the appropriateness of the responses from one (1) to five (5). One (1) is the most appropriate and five (5) is the least appropriate. Circle the number that reflects your judgment of the response to the situation.

1. You are an exterminator. You visited a house that is full of cockroaches and mice.

Lady: Please help me to get rid of these dirty things.

You: Don't worry. I'm an exterminator.1 2 3 4 5

Sure, no problem.1 2 3 4 5

I'm perfectly willing to do so.1 2 3 4 5

2. You are a seven-year-old girl. Your mother is upset because the toilet is clogged.

Mother: Look at this! You really make me mad.

You: I sincerely apologize to you.1 2 3 4 5

Hey! Take it easy. It's not good for your health.1 2 3 4 5

Sorry, Mom. Please forgive me.1 2 3 4 5

3. The roof of your house is leaking and your husband doesn't know what to do.

Husband: The roof just keeps on leaking no matter what I do. How about moving to another house?

You: You must be joking!1 2 3 4 5

Get back up there and fix it.1 2 3 4 5

Should I call a professional?1 2 3 4 5

4. You and your friend share a house. One freezing cold morning, when you wake up, you find the heater is not working.

Friend: What happened last night? I'm almost frozen to death.

You: Then, get out of here.1 2 3 4 5

I don't know, either. Let's call the janitor.1 2 3 4 5

I should like to put forward a suggestion. 1 2 3 4 5

5. You are invited to your friend's housewarming party this Saturday. However, you already have an appointment with your parents.

Friend: I'll have a housewarming party this Saturday. Can you come?

You: It’s very good of you to offer, but I have an appointment. 1 2 3 4 5

I'm afraid I can’t.1 2 3 4 5

Yes, as long as it's a wonderful party.1 2 3 4 5

Part 3: Grade the Responses

Instructions: For questions 6-10, rate the answers according to how you would respond. The response that sounds most correct for the situation (the one you are most likely to use) should be marked number 1. The number 2 should be given to the second best answer. Continue to assign numbers in this way through number 3, which should be the least appropriate or least likely answer. Hint: the degree of politeness is an important variable in many of these situations.


5. You are a company worker and just got on an airplane for a business trip. You wanted a window seat because you have airsickness but the window seats were all taken when you checked-in. You now see a schoolboy sitting next to your seat, playing a computer game.



You:Are you traveling alone?


You:1 :I have a real problem with airsickness. Would you mind letting me take the window seat?

2 :If it’s OK, I would like to change seats with you.

3 : Change seats with me.

6. You are waiting in line at the grocery store. The store is very busy and there are lines at all the registers. The person in line in front of you has a large shopping cart full of groceries. Because you are only buying one bag of wonderful Basmati rice, you want to ask the person in front of you if it is OK to move ahead of them in line. What would you say?

You: ___: It’s OK if I go in front of you, right?

___: I’m sorry. I’m kind of in a hurry. Would you mind if I went ahead of you?

___: Due to the fact that I’m only buying one simple bag or rice, I would be delighted if you would be so kind as to allow me to proceed to the checkout before you.

7. You are a student. Your midterm paper is due tomorrow but you find it will be impossible to pass it in on time. You visit the professor’s office to request an extension on your due date.

You: Excuse me. May I speak to you for a moment?

Professor: Sure, what can I do for you?

You:____: The time you have allotted us to finish the midterm is not enough. How about extending the due date?

____: I am sorry, but I don’t think I can finish my midterm paper by tomorrow. Would it be possible to turn it in late?

____: I am afraid my midterm paper is going to be late. What’s the damage?

8. You plan to travel to a famous resort soon, and you know one of your company colleagues, Sam, has a membership card for that resort. If you can borrow it, you will be able to stay there free of charge and it will save you a lot of money. You are in a restaurant having lunch with him. He says:

Sam: Do you have any special plan for this summer vacation?

You: Yes, I plan to go to the Paradise Resort with my family. I heard it’s a very nice resort, but it’s quite expensive.

Sam: Oh yes. That’s a wonderful place to go for a family trip. I often go there to relax. I bought the membership and it’s really worth it.

You:____: Lend me your membership card, will you?

____: If you don’t plan to go there next month, can I use your membership card?

____: Let me use your membership card, please. I will buy you a nice dinner.

9. You are exercising at the gym. You want to use a piece of equipment but someone is sitting on it. After watching for a moment, you realize that the man is simply relaxing and is not actually using the equipment. You want to use the equipment, what do you say?

____: Excuse me, please go sit somewhere else so those of us who want to exercise can use this equipment.

____: Excuse me, do you mind if I use this?

____: Pardon me, if you are not using this machine, would you be so kind as to sit somewhere else so I can use it?

10. You are at a restaurant with your friend and a girl/guy you are introducing to him/her. When the check arrives you realize you need to borrow money to pay for your share of the check. You say to your friend.

____: Hey, take care of me for doing you this favor?

____: I am sorry to ask you this, but would it be possible to borrow some money until payday?

____: (You say nothing and wait for him to offer to pay the check.)

Part 4: Complete the Dialogue in Your Own Words.

Instructions: Read the dialogue and based on what you read complete the dialogue in your own words. Make sure your responses are both appropriate and grammatically acceptable.



You and your friend, Betty, are walking down the street when you accidentally stumble. As you stumble you try to grab onto your friend for support but actually push her and she falls down hard in the street.

Betty: What the ...... ? Why did you push me?

You: ______

refusing an invitation>

1. Your friend, Kate, calls you and invites you to a party, but you have a terrible cold.

You: Hello?

Kate: Hi, this is Kate.

You: Oh, hi, Kate! How are you?

Kate: Good. Hey, can you come to the party tomorrow?

You: ______

refusing a request>

2. One day, your neighbor, Ji-soo, knocks on your door and asks to borrow a hammer, but you don't have one.

Ji-soo: Could you do me a favor?

You: Well, what is it?

Ji-soo: I have to hang some pictures on the wall, but I don't have a hammer. Could I possibly borrow yours?

You: ______

refusing an invitation>

3. Your friend wants to go to the cinema, but you want to see a play instead of a movie.

Your friend: Let's go to the cinema this Saturday. I heard that the new movie is really good.

You: ______

making a suggestion>

4. Your friend has spent nearly three hours trying to choose a present for her boyfriend. As a result you are both in danger of being late for class.

Your friend: I can't decide which one my boyfriend will like?

You: ______

refusing a request>

5. You work at a fast food restaurant on a part time basis. A customer wants you to refill their coke, but refills are against the rules.

Customer: Excuse me!

You: Yes, Ma'am. What can I do for you?

Customer: Could you get me a refill?

You: ______

Part 5: Uncovering the features

Instructions: Below you will find several examples of spoken texts. In the space provided you will provide information about the context.


A: Do you fancy going to the movies tonight?

B: Tonight?

A: If you’re not doing anything else.

B: No I’m OK.

A: Shall we go then?

B: Yeah, sure, if you like.




Setting: ______

Speaker: ______

Hearer: ______

Function(s): ______


I know you came from another city but to reach a final decision I need to see you again next week.




Setting: ______

Speaker: ______

Hearer: ______

Function(s): ______


A: Would you like fries with that?

B: Absolutely not!




Setting: ______

Speaker: ______

Hearer: ______

Function(s): ______


I know that today is the deadline for project submission, but I could not finish it. Could you excuse me two more days?




Setting: ______

Speaker: ______

Hearer: ______

Function(s): ______


A: Oh, I love it. There’s so much space

B: But will it float?




Setting: ______

Speaker: ______

Hearer: ______

Functions: ______