Interest Form for Volunteering with FGC’s New Meetings Project

Use this form to express your interest in being a part of the mentoring ministry of FGC’s New Meetings Project. It should be completed and sent with a signed copy of your travel minute, the Information Form for Clearness Committees or Anchor Committees for Persons Applying as a Volunteer with FGC’s New Meetings Project, and two references to Brent Bill, Friends General Conference New Meetings Project, 6960 E. Hendricks County Rd, Mooresville, IN 46158, or emailed to:

Please answer these questions as thoroughly and as thoughtfully as you are able.


Mailing Address:

Home phone:

Work phone:

Cell Phone:

E-mail address:

How long have you been involved with Friends? Where are you a member?

Have you met with a clearness committee about volunteering for the New Meetings Project? If you have not asked for a clearness committee, we ask that you do so at this time, as such a committee will need to complete an interest form as well.

  • It is our experience that clearness committees help Friends discern and become more clear about the ministry to which they feel they are called and help the meeting be aware of and discern how to best assist the member with that call.
  • If your meeting has not used clearness committees in this way or has not appointed an anchor/support committee in several years, please contact us if you want some assistance. Resources regarding clearness committees and other forms of supporting Friends in ministry can be found on FGC’s website.
  • If your meeting is very small, you may want to invite additional Friends from your quarterly or yearly meeting to serve on the clearness committee.

Describe your time availability to volunteer for this program:

  • Weekend visits?
  • How many times per year?
  • How much notice would you need to be able to travel during the week?
  • What kind of financial support would you need in order to be able to travel?

(Some volunteers are able to cover their own travel costs and choose to make it a tax deductable donation to FGC)

Please list two Friends who can serve as references and how we can contact them concerning your offer of service. (Postal address, phone number and e-mail addresses) As a courtesy, please notify these individuals that you are using their names as references.


Contact Info:


Contact Info:

Please return this form to Brent Bill, Friends General Conference New Meetings Project, 6960 E. Hendricks County Rd, Mooresville, IN 46158, or email it to:

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