Healthy eating – Activity overview

Nursery activity overview

Healthy eating / PSED
Demonstrates friendly behaviour, initiating conversations and forming good relationships with peers and familiar adults. / -What is your favourite fruit and why?
Circle time show various fruit discuss what is your favourite, information fruit books, paint/draw fruit,
Uses a range of tenses. Beginning to understand why and how questions. / -Why is fresh fruit good for you? If you went to the supermarket what would you buy that is healthy?
-Have a debate which fruit is the best and why?
Fruit shop/market role play, tea party, fruit songs/rhymes, following recipe instructions to make smoothie or fruit kebab. / Literacy
Shows interest in illustrations and print in books and print in the environment. Suggests how the story might end.
Handles books carefully. / -Explore different supermarket logos, what can you buy from them?
-What could you make using all the extra fruit that mum had bought?
Fruit stories, information books, zig zag books, design ‘best fruit’ leaflet, draw own fruit kebab, plates of healthy food.
Compares two groups of objects saying when they have the same number.
Shows an interest in representing numbers / -All the fruits are mixed up, can you sort into groups?
-How many different fruits can you see?
Sorting fruits, numbered fruits, matching games, fruit dominoes, ordering numbered fruit into fruit bowls. / UW
To know that children don’t always enjoy the same things. To know about similarities and differences.
Developing an understanding of growth, decay and changes over time. / -To look at different fruits and describe similarities/differences.
-Taste – what is your favourite?
-What else could Oliver’s Grandad grow in his garden?
Look at fruit from around the world. Plant vegetables, carrot tops, potatoes observe changes, tasting and record by using photos and make a chart of most favourite.
Can usually manage washing up and drying hands.
Draws lines and circles using gross motor movements. / -Look after environment/yourself after making fruit kebabs.
-How big can you paint your fruit?
Washing up and cleaning after cooking, brushes and colour water for painting fruit on ground. / EAD
Beginning to be interested in and describe the texture of things.
Uses various construction materials. / -What fruit would you like in your shopping trolley?
-What materials are you going to use to decorate your fruit?
3D papierMache fruits using various materials, glitter, paint, tissue etc. Play dough. Fruit faces, plates of healthy food.