Year Assemblies (during registration) – Pupils are to go to the assembly hall where they will be registered

30th – S4

1st Dec – S5

4th Dec – S6

Senate Meeting will take place todayin the Conference Room at the start of P5. Can all senate representatives please register with their teacher first then make your way to the conference room. Thank you.


All students must have a filled in copy of the registration form for the Bronze award ready with the £20 registration fee. In order to get the enrolment form you must go on the ‘Moray Council Duke of Edinburgh’ website and look at ‘information for participants’ and open the ‘enrolment form’ (MS Word), print and complete. Please remember only those who have both the enrolment form completed and £20 registration fee will be given the opportunity to start the Bronze award. Good luck and see you at the assembly hall 1305 tomorrow. (AD)

COMPETITION TIME ICE CREAM…This year we are giving you the opportunity to have your very own flavour of ice cream MADE by Fochabers Ice Cream Parlour and SOLD at the farmers market on the 15th of December. If you would like to see your own original flavour on sale then pick up an entry form and return it to the Home Economics department by Friday 1st of Dec.

Raffle Request for Christmas Concert We are hoping to run a raffle at the Christmas concert on Monday. It would be great if anyone could donate bottles, chocolates or nice gifts for the occasion. Please hand them into Jane Forster in G02. Proceeds will go to Teenage Cancer Trust.

Switch off Fortnight This fortnight is Switch Off Fortnight and the Eco group would like to remind you all how important it is to be mindful of the amount of energy that you use on a daily basis. If we want to protect our environment and hopefully save some money in the process then there are small things that you can do to make a difference.

Tip 9: When cooking, put lids on pots and pans to reduce cooking times.. this uses up less electricity or gas, depending on your cooker.

Our Reading Lunch is Today- Bring your lunchand enjoy a book – drop what you are doing and pick up a book Share what you are reading with others. All lunchtime in the library.

Don’t forget the FOOD AND FICTION event during the Reading Lunch in the Library. Enjoy little snacks from some famous books. Samples include a giant chocolate cake from Matilda, Nightlock from The Hunger Games, Ginger Beer from The Famous Five and The Second Breakfast from The Hobbit amongst others. But, don’t forget your donations for these Food in Fiction tables.

Support your House tomorrow in the Inter-House Book Quiz – our last Book Week Scotland event Come along to the library and support your team. See if they can beat the staff team, Fiction Addiction, led Mrs Forster, tomorrow at lunchtime. Presented by Sandy McWhirter, with tartan, teacakes and music. Don’t miss it!

Team names are:

Flash Gordons 3.1415

Illiterate Innes

Mad Eye Moray

Radiant Randolph

Seriously Surreal Seafielders


S2 pupils - All pupils who would like to be considered as a Manager for the farmers market should collect an application form from outside of Home Economics and return it by Monday 4th of December.

S3 Holland Trip: Any remaining deposits for the Holland activities week trip must be handed in to Miss McNeil or Mrs Munro by today, Thursday 30th.

Landshut Exchange Pupils who have not already done so please pick up a letter from Mrs Hendry in Room B33 on Thursday at registration. Also a polite reminder that the 2nd instalment is due by Thursday 30th November at the latest. Again please had in to Mrs Hendry room B33 at registration on Thursday.

Activity Days 2018 – SOAR Braehead, Glasgow 23-25 May 2018 There will be a choice of lunchtime meetings in G08 on Wednesday 29th November and Thursday 30th November for any S3 students interested in going to SOAR Braehead (Skiing etc) next year during the S3 Residential/Activity Days. On each day you’ll be shown the facilities/places we’re going and have a chance to ask any questions you may have. We MUST confirm numbers soon so please come along if you are interested at all. (DT)


Thursday 30th November, SDS Careers appointments with Gayna England, Room G42

P1 - Wesley Allan, S5P2 - Callum Nicol, S6P3 - Billy Smith, S5

P4 - Bartlomiej Bernacki, S4P5 - Ryan Truslove, S5P6 - Jack Cooney, S5

S6 Advanced Higher Day at Aberdeen Uni Please remember to be at the school for 7.15 on Thursday morning as the bus is to leave here at 7.30 to get to Aberdeen Uni for 9.15am. Bus returns to school for 6pm at the latest. (TShaw)


Our first after school training session was meant to be this Wednesday 29th, but I now have to move the date to Wednesday the 6th of December after school 15:20- 16:30 pm in B39 (Miss Tullis’ Room). It is important that all participants attend the training. I look forward to seeing you all then. PS There are 3 pupils that have not collected their handbooks. Could you come and collect them as soon as possible. Thanks M.Tullis

S4-6 Biology Study Support Biology study support is available every Thursday after school from 3.25-4.25 for all Biology courses. Come along to the Biology department to get help with class work, access resources and work on problem solving skills. You will also be able to work on revision techniques and practice SQA past papers. (RG)

S6 – Hot food Please note that hot food is not permitted to be eaten out with the canteen area. Please do not take hot food to the S6 area – it must be consumed within the canteen. Thank you for your support with this. (KJG)

S6 Any S6 pupil who can help serve teas and coffees at Bishopmill Primary School Fayre on Friday 1 December from 5.45 – 8pm should give their names to Mrs Grant in G21.

S5/6 Snow BallCelebrate the festive season and come along to the Senior Christmas Snow Ball. Music by Scenix and a finger buffet will be provided. Tickets will be on sale from the 1st December. Tickets are £5.00 each and can be purchased in the canteen at morning interval/lunch time. Doors open at 6.30p.m. Please note that tickets cannot be purchased at the door on the evening of the ball. (KJG)

Foundation Apprenticeship Open day – Friday 1 December Students should receive consent forms in registration today (Tuesday). Can these please be completed and returned to K Grant no later than Thursday 30 November. Students should meet in the canteen on Friday 1 December at the end of period 1. They will then be accompanied to the college.

Chemistry drop in sessions: Need help with Chemistry? Don’t know your protons from your neutrons or your mole from your volume? Then do something about it…….

Mr Baker will be available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday lunchtime from 1pm to 1.30pm and on a Wednesday after school from 3.30pm to 4.30pm to assist with any questions in relation to Nat 5, Higher and Advanced Higher. No question too difficult. No problem too big! Thanks (MB)

Art & Design S4/5/6: Support for written work will be available in the Art department during the following lunchtimes: Tuesday lunchtime – Nat 5, Wednesday lunchtime – Higher, both in room B30. Wednesday and Thursday afterschool is also available to anyone who would like more time to complete written and practical work. Please sign in with Miss Tullis for afterschool sessions. (KT)