Langshire HOA

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

February 17, 2009

The meeting was called to order by Norm Quinn at 5:01 PM

A Board quorum was established with Norm Quinn, Duane Anglevar, Dick Crowel, Carl Neff and Jean Murphy. Darcy Swafford represented Tropical Isles Management.

Duane made a motion to approve the January 20, 2009, meeting minutes with no corrections. Dick seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Financial Report

Duane Anglavar reviewed the January financial reports. There was a broken sprinkler valve at 8492 Langshire at a cost of $245. The 8500 Langshire rental residence will show a net loss of approximately $1,037 after collection of the February rental payment of $1,400. The receivable balance as of 1/31/09 was $8,526. Thus, Langshire recovered $7,500 of this potential loss. Renewed CD for $22,700. Dick made a motion and seconded by Norm to approve the January financial. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Informational Items

A.  Violation letters have been mailed out.

B.  Reviewed the status of foreclosures and liens. 8013 was sent to the attorney at the board’s request.

C.  Reviewed the status of 8500 Langshire. March 4th the mortgage holder will take back.

D.  The neighborhood watch program has many associations represented.

E.  Break-ins are still occurring. If anything looks suspicious , contact the Sherriff office. The Sherriff Department is patrolling the community. The master is looking into fencing.

F.  The board needs to know information on renters. Jean Murphy needs to be sent this information.

G.  Dick and Jean are not receiving all the e-mails. Tropical Isles will re-check their addresses to make sure they are included on all e-mails sent to the board.

Committee Reports

A. ACC – John Anderson stated violation letters have been mailed out. Violators must contact the ACC committee to let them know the violation has been corrected. Alarm signs in rear of home are acceptable.

B. Social Committee – Julie Quinn sent an e-mail on up-coming events and will also put these events on the website.

C. Beautification Committee – New plantings will be held off for several more weeks due to any frost that may occur.

D.  Fine Committee – No report.

E.  Pool Committee – Dick Cowel stated that after the pool inspection there were some issues from the report that he addressed. One chair has broken straps. The shower cord is broken.

Community Forum

A.  None

Action Items

A.  Duane Anglavar recommended adding $15,000 to the operating CD. A motion was made and all were in favor.

B.  Dick Crowel, moved and seconded by Jean Murphy that brick pavers be allowed as a replacement option replacing concrete driveways and walkways. Brick pavers or concrete would be the only options for replacing existing concrete driveways/walkways. A motion was made by Norm Quinn to table this motion under all residents were aware of the change the board was anticipating making in options for replacing concrete driveways. Motion seconded by Duane Anglevar. Motion failed 3 to 2. The original motion for allowing pavers was then voted on and passed 4 in favor and 1 against.

Open Forum

A. Gutters were discussed. An ACC form must be filled out.


Duane made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Norm seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous and the meeting was adjourned.