Chapter 9

Industrial Revolution


  1. Sir Robert Walpole
  1. Robert Owen
  1. John Kay
  1. Richard Arkwright
  1. Andrew Ure
  1. Thomas Malthus
  1. David Ricardo
  1. Richard Trevithick
  1. George Stephenson
  1. James Hargreaves
  1. Edmund Cartwright
  1. Henry Cort
  1. Friedrich Engels
  1. Adam Smith
  1. James Watt
  1. John McAdam
  1. Henry Bessemer
  1. Robert Peel
  1. Georg Hegel
  1. Charles Dickens

Identify the following :

  1. Putting out system
  1. Factory system
  1. Enclosure movement
  1. Chartism
  1. Zollverein
  1. Crédit Mobilier
  1. Combination Acts
  1. Factory Acts 1833
  1. Luddites
  1. Separate spheres

Put the following inventions in chronological order:

1.Power loom

  1. Spinning Jenny
  2. Flying shuttle
  3. The Rocket
  4. The Great Exposition
  5. Water frame
  6. Combination Acts


  1. Why was Great Britain able to start the Industrial Revolution and then sustain their advantage?
  1. Analyze how the Industrial Revolution affected the industrialists, the government, and the workers.
  1. Identify three people you believe to be most influential in the Industrial Revolution and discuss, with specific examples, their contributions.
  1. If the Industrial Revolution started in the late eighteenth century why did it take so long for the people to see benefits?
  1. What were the social consequences to the Industrial Revolution?
  1. How did the Agricultural Revolution pave the way for the Industrial Revolution in England?
  1. Discuss social consequences of rapid industrialization in England.
  1. What were the social consequences of the Industrial Revolution in England? Be sure to include references to child labor, the Luddites, and urban squalor.
  1. Why was the Industrial Revolution in the rest of Europe always behind the technological advances experienced in England? Discuss the advantages that other countries from lagging behind England.
  1. To event extent did the nineteenth century reforms by the British government change the nature of British society and politics?
  1. Discuss the mass movements of protests that were waged in Britain during the nineteenth century. To what extent were those protests displays of frustration and dissatisfaction with the government?
  1. Compare and contrast the theories of mercantilism and laissez-faire economics.
  1. To what extent did the writings of Karl Marx reflect the mood of the time and how did those writings influence the role of the workingman in Britain?
  1. Discuss the writings of David Ricardo and Thomas Malthus. Be sure to mention not only what they believed but if their predictions came true or not.
  1. The quality of life for the workingman actually deteriorated during the Industrial Revolution. Defend or refute this statement.
  1. How did the Industrial Revolution affect the lives of women in the upper and working class in Europe?
  1. What exactly was meant by the term “Industrial Revolution” and how did it really affect the people of Europe?
  1. What were two positive results of the Industrial Revolution? What were two negative results of the Industrial Revolution?
  1. What was the basis of Engels’ on the middle class in his book, The Condition of the Working Class in England? Using actual events and legislation discuss whether or not Engels was justified in his beliefs.
  1. Why did it take so long for the benefits of the Industrial Revolution to alter the lives of the majority of people in Europe?