Saturday, September 18, 2004

Holiday Inn Select, Toronto


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John Grootveld

Horst Tietze

Mike Sweny

Dave Roza

Clarke Richmire

Philip Watson

Paulette Roscoe

Brian Gilchrist

Jim Brow

Pat Giles

Margaret Galbraith

Eunice Fowler

Absent with regrets:

Chris Margetts

Chris Smith

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04-051.1Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Horst Tietze at 3:40pm

04-051.2Approval of Agenda: Moved by Eunice Fowler, seconded by Brian Gilchrist that the agenda be approved. CARRIED

04-051.3Approval of April 30 2004 minutes: Moved by Margaret Galbraith, seconded by Clarke Richmire that the minutes be approved. CARRIED

04-051.4Business Arising:

At the time of the April meeting, John Grootveld indicated Philip Clark would be developing the material to be used for the next round of Level IV/V recertification; to date nothing has been received from Philip Clark; there are no requirements for recertification at the moment.


President: John Grootveld reminded all members that implementation of the new Swim Ontario Athlete Development Model will result in changes to provincially-sanctioned meets. Regional representatives are asked to inform regional sanction officers that effective immediately:

  • All events for 12/under swimmers must be Timed Finals only i.e. a 12/under swimmer may only compete in a given event once in a given meet. If participating in an open event, 12/under swimmers may only swim once.
  • The only exception is for championship level meets, where 12/under swimmers may “swim up” in relays in finals sessions.

Clubs need to be reminded that in addition to the above:

  • Time Trials are included in the “once per meet” restriction i.e. 12 /under swimmer may not participate in an event in a time trial held the same weekend at a meet, if he/she has already swum that event in that meet.
  • Penalty: $500 fine at first offence; $500 fine and loss of privilege of holding meets for two years on second offence.
  • There will be no competitive (sanctioned) meets during the month of March; only pre-competitive (approved) meets may be held.

Senior Nationals (Trials) were held in Etobicoke – thanks to Ruth Ann Ecker and Rick Hannah, who were in charge of all officials, and did a tremendous job ensuring the deck was well staffed. There was a great turnout from all levels of officials from across the province.

There is nothing to report from the NOC committee: Philip Clark will be reviewing the Ontario PowerPoint presentations of officials’ clinics when they are complete.



Pat Giles presented the Financial Reports:

OSOA Balance Sheet: 04/01/04 to 16/09/04
Current Assets
Royal Bank Signature Account / $ 2,979.22
Short Term investments / $19,000.00
Prepaid expenses for Masters Meet / $ 500.00
Prepaid AGM expenses / $ -
Accounts receivable / $ -
Total current assets / 22,479.22
TOTAL ASSETS / 22,479.22
Current Liabilities
Level III/IV Training payable / $ 2,592.98
Regional training payable / $ 800.00
Current Liabilities / 3,392.98
Retained earnings / $21,729.95
Total retained earnings / 21,729.95
Current earnings / -2,643.71
TOTAL EARNINGS / 19,086.24
TOTAL EQUITY / 19,086.24
LIABILITIES and EQUITY / 22,479.22

Moved by Jim Brow, seconded by Paulette Roscoe, that the financial statement be received. CARRIED

Pat also presented the proposed 2005/06 budget:

OSOA Income Statement: 04/01/04 to 16/09/04
ACTUALS / 2004-05 / 2005-06
Swim Ontario Swimmer Levy / $ - / $ 8,500.00 / $ 8,500.00
Swim meets / Fundraising / $ - / $ 9,000.00 / $12,000.00
Bank Interest / $ 59.70 / $ 250.00 / $ 250.00
Tag & Pin revenue / $ - / $ 250.00 / $ 350.00
Shirt & pant sales / $ 1,489.00 / $ - / $ 2,000.00
Donation / $ 75.00 / $ - / $ -
Miscellaneous / $ - / $ - / $ -
TOTAL INCOME / $ 1,623.70 / $18,000.00 / $23,100.00
Board travel / $ 2,105.16 / $ 6,000.00 / $ 7,000.00
Board rooms/meals / $ 342.50 / $ 2,500.00 / $ 4,500.00
Level III/IV / $ 4,200.00 / $ 4,200.00
Regional officials' training / $ 6,000.00 / $ 6,000.00
Bank charges / $ 40.25 / $ 50.00 / $ 50.00
Pins & Name tags / $ 107.53 / $ 300.00 / $ 300.00
Officials' shirts & pins / $ 1,574.64 / $ - / $ 2,000.00
Misc/phone/postage / $ 7.12 / $ 100.00 / $ 100.00
Awards for past members / $ 90.21 / $ 250.00 / $ 250.00
PowerPoint / Spec project / $ 6,000.00 / $ -
TOTAL EXPENSES / $ 4,267.41 / $25,400.00 / $24,400.00
NET INCOME / $(2,643.71) / $ (7,400.00) / $ (1,300.00)
Opening surplus balance / $21,729.00 / $14,329.00
Net income (deficit) current year / $ (7,400.00) / $ (1,300.00)
Closing surplus balance / $14,329.00 / $13,029.00

Moved by Philip Watson, seconded by Dave Roza, that the proposed 2005/06 budget be approved as presented. CARRIED

Dave Roza is still investigating the best possible price for LCD projectors; current estimate is about $1175.US plus taxes (less than half market price), but negotiations are continuing.

Moved by Pat Giles, seconded by Eunice Fowler, that the motion regarding the purchase of LCD projectors (April 2004) be amended: that the cost limit of LCD projectors to be purchased for each region be increased to $1200+tax per unit; regions still have the option of agreeing to purchase a second projector out of Regional funds. (All units purchased through OSOA; regions reimburse OSOA account for second projectors.) CARRIED

Moved by Mike Sweny, seconded by Dave Roza that future AGM expenses (accommodations, travel, and Hall of Fame dinner) for OSOA board members be covered fully from OSOA funds. CARRIED

Moved by Pat Giles, seconded by Brian Gilchrist that mileage reimbursement be increased to .25 per kilometer effective immediately; hereafter OSOA mileage will be reimbursed at the same rate as that used by Swim Ontario. CARRIED

Moved by Pat Giles, seconded by Mike Sweny that the meal allowance for OSOA board members attending OSOA board meetings be increased to $8. – 12. – 20. for a daily total of $40. CARRIED

Horst Tietze reported that some money from the 2004 Masters Meet is being held by OSOA to cover mandatory up-front expenses for the National meet hosted by the group in 2005. A cheque for $8000. was given to the Treasurer.

The Finance Committee suggested that the board release $100. to purchase swim-related equipment for Alastair Currie’s son, as a thank-you for the many hours he put into preparation of the Powerpoint presentations. Horst Tietze volunteered to purchase a gift certificate.

Moved by Philip Watson, seconded by Clarke Richmire that Horst Tietze proceeds with the purchase of a $100. gift certificate from a swim shop in the Toronto area. CARRIED


Margaret Galbraith reported that the committee reviewed the last PowerPoint presentations; date for publication will be September 2004 for all clinics. Final changes should be completed and discs burned and mailed out to Regional Representatives by the end of September. Additional discs may be copied for clubs. Any mistakes noted should be sent to Margaret.

When final changes have been completed, existing presentations should be removed from the Lakeshore site, and the approved version should be posted on Swim Ontario website.


Western: London Aquatic Club successfully hosted the swimming component of the Can-Am Police/Fire Games in July; participants congratulated the club on the great organization of the meet. Several officials from the region worked the Trials in July. The Regional officials’ clinic will be held October 2nd; Eastern Canadians will be hosted by Brantford in February.

Eastern: Regional clinics will be held in Ottawa on October 23rd; Timer, Strokes & Turns, Chief Timer, Clerk of Course, Starter and Meet Manager will be presented. We will also be conducting a Regional Senior/Master seminar on November 13th. Negotiations for LCD projectors are continuing. Nepean successfully hosted LC Junior Provincials.

Central: Regional clinics will be held on October 2nd at the Swim Ontario board office. Congratulations to Don Dudar for achieving Level 4, and to Bernie Gross for achieving Level 5 status. Thanks to Brian Gilchrist for supplying officials’ name tags. On November 7th Scarborough Swim Club will be celebrating their 50th anniversary. Masters Nationals will be held in Etobicoke over the long weekend in May. Interested officials are asked to contact Horst Tietze. Central has agreed to purchase a second LCD projector, for use in the region.

Huronia: Alton Cunningham was presented with a gift from OSOA at the region’s spring AGM. Thank you to Northeastern for evaluating Philip Watson and Frank Woodley. Matt Rose from Huronia region represented Canada at the Olympics. There will be two regional clinic days: Sept 25th in Peterborough and Oct 2nd at Base Borden.

Northeastern: the NEOR AGM will be held next week (Sept 24-26); Referee, Starter, Clerk of Course and Chief Finish Judge clinics will be presented in conjunction with the AGM. The senior education component will be “So Now You’re On A Jury of Appeal”. The OSOA representatives will also present a clinic to the coaches on “How to Make a Protest”. We have one swim team in the region which seems to be have disappeared; two others are in jeopardy.

Brian Gilchrist also announced that Chris Margetts is retiring from the OSOA board, in order to spend more time with her family.

Northwestern: the regional annual meeting will be held next week; there may be some clubs in the region in jeopardy.

04-05 1.62005 Conference and AGM – London The OSOA board needs to decide quickly if we will be making a presentation during the conference; suggestions for possible topics should be forwarded to Margaret Galbraith before the January teleconference. Margaret also announced that the organizing committee is looking for an “entertainer” for Friday night; budget allows only $1000., so any suggestions are welcome.

04-05 1.7Swim meet sanctions / Athlete Development Model Changes to be made to meets held in Ontario were already discussed – see President’s report. Regional representatives are asked to remind sanction officers to ensure 12/under events are scheduled as timed finals only.

04-05 1.8Level IV and V Elevations

Moved by Margaret Galbraith, seconded by Paulette Roscoe that the following be elevated:

  • Level IV: Susan Curtis Villar, Don Dudar, Frank Woodley, Tim Duquette.
  • Level V: Janet Klein, Dave Bloch Hansen, Bernie Grose, Phil Watson


04-05 1.9Change to Candidates for Future Evaluations See Appendix A.

04-05 1.10Change to Evaluators Add Barb Richmire to Huronia region evaluators.

04-051.11New Business

John Grootveld expressed thanks on behalf of the board to Chris Margetts for her many years service to the board: she will be missed.

All board members were asked to review (and correct if necessary) their contact information – see Appendix B for updated list.

04-05 1.12Date of the Next Meeting Next meeting will be held via teleconference in January; date to be confirmed later. If necessary, committee meetings should be held via teleconference at a date earlier than that set for the board meeting.

04-05 1.12Adjournment Moved by Dave Roza that the meeting be adjourned at 5:15pm.


Candidates / Club / Position / Date of lastCertification / Date puton list
Debbie Barnes / Senior / 04/99 / 01/00
Pat Pariselli / NYAC / Senior / 04/00
Allen Wolch / Senior / 12/02 / 05/03
Dennis Plata / Senior / 02/02 / 05/03
Dennis Reedley / Senior / 05/02 / 05/03
Debbie Fennell / ESWIM / Senior / 10/99 / 05/03
David Share / Master / 09/01
Mike Walker / Master / 09/01
Susan Shaw / Master / 05/01 / 05/03
Ted Zaharia / Master / 11/01 / 05/03
Dave McNeill / Master / 04/00 / 05/03
Steven Ries / Master / 10/03
Ben Moore / COBRA / Master / 10/03


Valerie Quirk / NKB / Senior / 04/01
Roger Maillet / Senior / 09/01
Jim Stevens / Senior / 09/01
Lori Sioui / TD / Senior / 11/01 / 04/02
Carey Depalazieux / NKB / Senior / 09/02
Steve Flieler / TD / Senior / 04/04 / 05/04
Thomas Dunn / Master / 09/01
Larry Holmes / UCSC / Master / 10/00
Wendy McCutcheon / GO / Master / 10/03
Glenn Greig / AC / Master / 02/03 / 01/04
Michel Degrace / UNATT / Master / 02/03 / 01/04
Greg Blaskovitz / NKB / Master / 02/03 / 01/04


Brenda Murray / Senior / 10/03
Stewart Nutt / BST / Senior / 09/04
Jane Wolfe / MUSAC / Senior / 09/04
Peter van der Meer / OSAC / Master / 06/98 / 01/00
Mary Jane Smith / TRENT / Master / 10/03
Catherine Wackett / CATS / Master / 10/03
Frank Woodley / MYK / Master / 04/04 / 09/04


Steven O’Neill / SLSC / Senior / 04/02 / 04/02
Glen Hill / SLSC / Senior / 04/02 / 04/02
Louise Quirion / TMSC / Master / 02/02 / 10/03
Janice Dolcetti / SSMAC / Master / 06/96 / 10/99
Jerry Dolcetti / SSMAC / Master / 06/96 / 10/99
Doug Bignell / Unatt / Master / 04/98 / 05/03
Gary Crossley / NBYT / Master / 05/00 / 10/03
Martin Litchfield / UNATT / Master / 04/04
Lyse Perron / TMSC / Master / 04/04
Jean Turgeon / SSMAC / Master / 04/04


Janice TRUSH / TBT / Senior / 05/04 / 09/04


Kim Smith / BAC / Senior / 01/00 / 01/02
Riley Hinson / LAC / Senior / 05/02 / 01/03
Ron King / HAC / Senior / 10/02 / 01/03
Alex Vanderkam / LAC / Senior / 11/01 / 01/04
Denise McDonald / LAC / Senior / 06/03 / 01/04
Merle Fast / ROW / Senior / /03 / 09/04
Greg Taylor / BAC / Master / 06/99 / 04/99
Dean Smith / BAC / Master / 10/95 / 09/01
Margie Lockhart / UNATT / Master / 06/02 / 01/03
Paul Leslie / HAC / Master / 05/03 / 10/03
Paul Crone / BAD / Master / 06/03 / 10/03
Brad Knowles / HAMMR / Master / 07/03 / 10/03
Sue Curtis Villar / GMAC / Master / 06/04 / 09/04


EVALUATOREach evaluator shall be an active Master Official. Evaluators will be appointed by the Region and approved by the Board.

SENIOR LEVELEvaluators list will remain the same, with names added or withdrawn as required.

MASTER LEVELFor Master evaluation, one evaluator should be from a region other than that of the candidate.

Gord Bassett
Les Darvas
Ruth Ann Ecker
John Grootveld
Rick Hannah
Nigel Morris
Dave Thompson
Horst Tietze


Burt Boudreau
Ted Hayes
Darlene Medaglia
Dave Roza
Mike Sweny
Bob Testa
Bob Wallace
Scott Milloy / HURONIA
Alton Cunningham
Clarke Richmire
Barb Richmire
Brian Gilchrist
Chris Margetts
Joanne Matheson
Paulette Roscoe
Connie Zwarich
Elaine Batstone
Lee Batstone
Harold Demetzer
Pat Giles
Irene MacLeay
Jim Brow / WESTERN
Fran Fairley
Eunice Fowler
Margaret Galbraith
Art Hinton
Jeff Lee
Dawn McAuley
Gerry Thomas
Maureen Thomas
Central / John Grootveld / 4 Whitbread Ave.,
Bolton, ON
L7E 1L3 / / H: 905-951-2273
B: 416-746-7688 or
F: 905-951-2274
Central / Horst Tietze / 53 James Foxway
North York, ON
M2K 2S2 / / H: 416-225-6532
Eastern / Dave Roza / 33 Springwood Circle,
Stittsville, ON
K2S 1E2 / / H: 613-831-7492
C: 613-799-4553
Eastern / Mike Sweny / 5393 West River Drive
Manotick, Ontario
K4M 1G4 / / H: 613-692-4439
B: 613-260-1441
F: 613-260-1551
C: 613-762-4439
Huronia / Clarke Richmire / 32 Dowlwood Dr.,
Wasaga Beach, ON L0L 2P0 / / H: 705-429-9519
B: 705-445-3161
F: 705-429-9520
Huronia / Phil Watson / 7 Gibbard Cres.Collingwood, ON
L9Y 2B9 / / H: 705-444-2590
Northeastern / Brian Gilchrist / 2075 Josephine St.,
Sudbury, ON
P3A 2N1 / / H: 705-566-3454
Northeastern / Paulette Roscoe / 1192 Airport Road,
North Bay, ON
P1B 8G2 / / H: 705-497-9018
Northwestern / Jim Brow / 904 Third St E,
FortFrances, ON
P9A 1S1 / / H: 807-274-9655
Northwestern / Pat Giles / Box 427
Rainy River, ON
P0W 1L0 / / H: 807-852-3564
B/F: 807-852-3529
Western / Eunice Fowler / 10597 Iona Rd, RR1
Iona Station, ON
N0L 1P0 / / H: 519-764-2576
B: 519-667-6516
Western / Margaret Galbraith / 786 Warwick St.
Woodstock, ON
N5S 4R1 / / H/F: 519-537-5065
MSO Rep / Chris Smith / 152 Duncairn Rd,
Toronto, ON
M3B 1E2 / / H/F: 416-444-1885

OSOA Board Members: Contact InformationAppendix B

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