1. Name: Ming-Lon Young

3. Office phone: (305) 585-6683 Fax: (305) 324-6012

4. Current Academic Rank: Professor of Pediatrics (tenured)

6. Primary Department: Pediatrics

7. Secondary or Joint Appointments: None

8. Citizenship: USA


1. Institutional:

1) National Taiwan University School of Medicine (June 1976) M.B.

2) Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health (June 1979) M.P.H.

2. Non-Institutional: None

3. Certification, license:

1) Certification:

American Board of Pediatrics,1985

ABP, Sub-Board of Cardiology,1985

North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology, 1987

2) License (Board of Medical Examiners):

Florida 4/27/1982

NASPExAM 1987 Special Competency for Pacemaker


1. Academic:

1)   University of Iowa, Associate of Pediatrics 7/85-6/86

2)   University of Iowa, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics 7/86-7/88

3)   National Taiwan University, Associate Professor of Pediatrics 8/88-6/91

4)   University of Miami, Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics 7-91-5/96

5)   University of Miami, Professor of Clinical Pediatrics 6/96-5/98

6)   University of Miami, Professor of Pediatrics 6/98-current

2. Hospital Appointments:

1) Jackson Memorial Hospital, Attending Physician 1991-Present

2) University of Miami Hospital and Clinics, Attending Physician 1991-Present

3) Memorial Healthcare system 2003- Present

3. Non-Academic:

1)  Director of Electrophysiology, Pediatric Cardiology, Univ. of Miami, 1995-present

2)  Director of Pediatric Cardiology (Interim), Univ. of Miami, 2005-current

4. Military:

1)  Second Lieutenant Physician, Taiwan 7/76-6/78


Books and monographs published:

1.  Lee PC, Young ML: Las arritmias cardiacas en las cardiopatias congenitas. In Elizari MV and Chiale PA: Arritmias Cardiacas, Fundamentos celulares y moleculares, diagnostico y tratameinto. 2nd Edition, Editorial Medica Panamericana. 2003, p. 917-930

2.  Chandar JS, Tamer DF, Young ML. Surgical outcome in Ebstein's anomaly. In Moller JH (ed): Surgery of Congenital Heart Disease: Pediatric Cardiac Care Consortium 1984-1985. Armonk, NY, Futura Publishing Co., 1998.

3.  Wolff GW, Young ML, Tamer DF: “Syncope-diagnosis and management", in Deal BJ, Wolff GW and Gelband H, ed., Current Concepts in Diagnosis and Management of Arrhythmias in Infants and Children, Futura Publishing Co., 1998, p 223

4.  Young ML, Wolff GW: “Supraventricular Tachycardia-diagnosis and management", in Deal BJ, Wolff GW and Gelband H, ed., Current Concepts in Diagnosis and Management of Arrhythmias in Infants and Children, Futura Publishing Co., 1998, p 89

5.  Young ML, Wolff GW. Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in children. In Lue HC, ed., Pediatric Cardiology Updates. Yumi Nishimura, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo. P. 117-121, 1997.

Juried or refereed journal articles or exhibitions: (Corresponding author in Bold Letter)

1.  Hwang HK, Wolff GS, Young, M: Optimal target sites and predictors of success in radiofrequency catheter ablation of the slow atrioventricular nodal pathway in children. PACE 2008 (accepted)

2.  Young ML. New techniques of mapping and ablation for tachyarrhythmias in children. Modern Cardiology 2008; 4:1-11.

3.  Ratnasamy C, Rossique-Gonzalez M, Young ML: Pharmacological therapy in children with atrioventricular reentry: Which drug? Current Pharmacological Design, 2008;14: 753-781.

4.  Ratnasamy C, Khan D, Wolff GS, Young ML. Clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of fasciculoventricular fibers in children. International J Cardiology. 2008;123: 57-262.

5.  Hwang HK, Young ML. Current Perspective on Electrical Problems in Children. Cardiology Today. 2005;9:2:68-71.

6.  Rusconi P., Gómez-Marín O., Rossique-González M., Redha M., Marín JR, Young ML, Wolff GS. Carvedilol in Children with Cardiomyopathy: 3 Years Experience in a Single Institution. J of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2004;23:832-38

7.  Lee PC, Wu JM, Wolff GS, Young ML. Effects of blocked atrial beat on the atrioventricular nodal recovery property in patients with dual nodal pathways. PACE 2003;26:2091-5.

8.  Manohar N, Young, ML. Rate dependent bundle branch block induced by Hyperkalemia. PACE 2003;26;1911.

9.  Weng KP, Wolff GS, Young ML. Multiple accessory pathways in pediatric patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Am J Cardiol 2003;91:1178-1183.

10.  Aviram G, Fishman JE, Young ML, Redha E, Biliciler-Denktas G, Rodriguez MM. MR evaluation of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in pediatric patients. Am J Radiol 2003;180:1135-1141.

11.  Van Hare, G, Carmelli D, Smith WM, Kugler J, Slka M, Friedma, R, Atkins D, Saul P, Schaffer M, Byrum C, Dunnigan A, Colan S, Serwer G, and Participating Members of the Pediatric Electrophysiology Society. Prospective Assessment after pediatric cardiac ablation. PACE 25:332-341, 2002.

12.  Lee PC, Kanter R, Chen SA, Wolff GS, Young ML. Quantitative assessment of the functional recovery property in Mahaim fiber. J Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 2002;13:535-541.

13.  Lee PC, Young ML, Wolff GS. Treatment strategies of supraventricular tachycardia and asymptomatic Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome in Children. Heart Views 2001;2:6-15.

14.  Kuo CT, Wu JM, Lin KH, Young ML. The effects of aging on the atrioventricular nodal recovery properties. PACE 24:194-198, 2001.

15.  Lin MH. Young ML. Wang NK. Shen CT. Central venous catheter-induced atrial ectopic tachycardia with reverse alternating Wenckebach periods. J Formosan Med Assoc. 2001;100:50-2.

16.  Wu MH. Lin JL. Lai LP. Young ML. Lu CW. Chang YC. Wang JK. Lue HC. Radiofrequency catheter ablation of tachycardia in children with and without congenital heart disease: indications and limitations. International J of Cardiol 2000;72:221-7.

17.  Vega-Arrillaga F, Young ML, Wu JM, Wolff GS. Initial Low Temperature Setting in Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome. PACE 2000;23:2097-2100.

18.  Vega F, Mehta M, Young ML. Successful radiofrequency catheter ablation of a chaotic atrial tachycardia. HeartWeb 1999;4(10):doc. 990100001.

19.  Kohli V, Young ML, Perryman RA, Wolff GW. Paired ventricular pacing is the primary therapy for junctional ectopic tachycardia in postoperative children. PACE 1999;22:706-710.

20.  Vazir-Marino F, Young ML, Kohli V, Barron M, Wolff GS. Controlled ventilation enhances catheter stability during radiofrequency ablation. PACE 22:86-90, 1999.

21.  Wu, MH, Wang JK, Lin JL, Lai LP, Lue HC, Young ML, Hsieh FJ. Supraventricular tachycardia in patients with right atrial isomerism. J Am Coll Cardiol 32:773-9, 1998.

22.  Wu JM, Young ML, Lin MH, Wolff GS. The effects of blocked atrial beats on the AV nodal recovery property: Facilitation or depression? J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 1998;9:481-490.

23.  Lin MH, Young ML, Wu JM, Wolff GS. Developmental changes of atrioventricular nodal recovery properties. Am J Cardiol 1997;80:1178-1182.

24.  Mangru N, Miller J, Young ML, Wolff GS. Radiofrequency catheter ablation of a verapamil sensitive ventricular tachycardia. Pediatric Cardiol 1997;18:235-6.

25.  Mangru N, Young M, Mas M, Chandar J, Pearse LA, Wolff GS. Usefulness of tilt test with normal saline infusion to treat pediatric patients with neurocardiac syncope. Am Heart J 1996;131:953-5.

26.  Young ML, Kuo CT, Kohli V, Wolff GS. Similar time-dependent recovery property in fast and slow AV nodal pathways. Am J Cardiol 1997;79:424-430.

27.  Kohli V, Mangru N, Pearse LA, Cantwell P, Young ML. Radiofrequency catheter ablation for ventricular tachycardia and intracardiac tumors in an infant. Am Heart J 1996;132:198-200.

28.  Chang YC, Wu MH, Lin JL, Young ML, Wang JK, Lue HC. Radiofrequency catheter ablation of supraventricular tachycardias in pediatric patients. Acta Paed Sin 1995;36(2):113-120.

29.  Wu MH, Lin JL, Wang JK, Chiu IS, Young ML. Electrophysiological properties of dual atrioventricular nodes in patients with right atrial isomerism. Br Heart J, 1995;74:553-5.

30.  Rusconi P, Chandar J, Garcia O, Young ML. Aborted Sudden Death in Dual Chamber Pacemaker Treatment of Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy. Am Heart J 1995;130:912-5.

31.  Mehta M, Wolff GW, Young ML, Mas MS, Escobar A, Gelband H. Usefulness of endothelin-1 as a predictor of response to head-up tilt study in children with syncope. Am J Cardiol 76:86-88, 1995.

32.  Wang JK, Lue HC, Wu MH, Young ML, Chiu IS. Assessment of ventricular septal defect with aortic valve prolapse by echocardiography. Cardiol Young 4:44-50, 1994.

33.  Wu MH, Chang YC, Lin JL, Young ML, Wang JK, Lue HC. Probability of supraventricular tachycardia recurrence in pediatric patients. Cardiology 85:284,289, 1994.

34.  Wu MH, Su MJ, Lee S, Young ML. The electrophysiological effects of antiarrhythmic potential of a secoaporphine, N-allylsecoboldine. Br J Pharmacol 113:221-227, 1994.

35.  Dai ZK, Young ML, Lin FY, Lo HM, Huang TY. Surgical ablation of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome in children. and young adults. Kaohsiung J Med Sciences. 1994;10:123-30.

36.  Young ML, Su MJ, Wu MH, Chen C. The electrophysiological effects of dicentrine on the conduction system of rabbit heart. Br J Pharmacol 113:69-76, 1994.

37.  Wang JK, Lue HC, Wu MH, Young ML, Wu FF, Wu JM. Obstructed total anomalous pulmonary venous connection. Pediatr Cardiol 14:28-32, 1993.

38.  Young ML, Mehta MB, Martinez RM, Wolff GS, Gelband H. Combined alpha-adrenergic blockade and radiofrequency ablation to successfully treat junctional ectopic tachycardia without atrioventricular block. Am J Cardiol 71:883-885, 1993.

39.  Lee WJ, Wu MH, Young ML, Lue HC. Sinus node dysfunction in children. Acta Paediatr Sinica 33:159-66, 1992.

40.  Hung CR, Chiu IS, Lai JS, Wang JK, Young ML, Wu MH. Total cavopulmonary connection for surgical treatment of complex congenital heart disease. J Formosan Med Association. 91(2):159-63, 1992.

41.  Wang JK, Li YW, Young ML, How SW, Lue HC. Delineation of obstruction in total anomalous pulmonary venous connection utilizing magnetic resonance imaging. Am Heart J 124:807-809, 1992.

42.  Wu JM, Young ML, Lin FY. Electrophysiologic study and surgical ablation of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia: report of one case. Acta Paed Sin 33:307-12, 1992.

43.  Wang JK, Lue HC, Wu MH, Young ML. Efficacy of balloon valvuloplasty in treating mild pulmonary stenosis. Acta Cardiologica XLVII(4):349-355, 1992.

44.  Chang JS, Young ML, Tu WM, Lue HC. Infantile cardiac hemangioma: a case report. Pediatr Cardiol 13:52-55, 1992.

45.  Young ML, Dai ZK, Chan CC, Chen MR. Catheter fulguration ablation of a left atrial ectopic atrial tachycardia in a child. Am Heart J 123(1):253-254, 1992.

46.  Wu JM, Young ML, Wang TR, Lin SJ, Chang JK, Wei J. Unusual cardiac malformation in Holt-Oram syndrome: report of two cases. Acta Paediatr Sin 32(2):100-4, 1991.

47.  Wu JM, Young ML, Wu MH, Wang TK, Lue HC. Junctional ectopic tachycardia in infancy: report of two cases. J Formosa Med Association 90(5):517-9 1991.

48.  Wu JM, Young ML, Wu MH, Wang TK, Lue HC. Atrial overdrive pacing for conversion of atrial flutter in children. Acta Paediatr Sin 32:1-8, 1991.

49.  Wu JM, Young ML, Lue HC. An electrophysiologic study of idiopathic sustained left ventricular tachycardia in a child. Acta Paediatr Sin 31:360-5, 1990.

50.  Young ML: A reappraisal of the AV nodal excitability during functional 2:1 block: What should be the gauge? PACE 13:1666-1673, 1990.

51.  Wu FF, Lue HC, Wang JK, Wu MH, Young ML: Effects of a new beta-blocker (carteolol) on hypoxic spells in tetralogy of Fallot. Acta Cardiol Sin 6:29-34, 1990.

52.  Miller DJ, Young ML, Atkins DL, Wolff GS: Rate-responsive ventricular pacing in pediatric patients. Am J Cardiol 64:1052-1053, 1989.

53.  Young ML, Tan RC, Ramza BM, Joyner RW: The effects of graded hypoxia on adult and neonatal atrioventricular node. Am J Physiol 256:H1337-H1343, 1989.

54.  Young ML, Atkins DL: Correlation between directly measured and indirectly estimated sinoatrial conduction time in children. Am J Cardiol 62:1197-1201, 1988.

55.  Young ML, Atkins DL, Lloyd TR, Wagman AJ: Concealed atrial parasystole following the Senning operation. PACE 11:1504-1506,1988.

56.  Fournier A, Young ML, Stolfi A, Gelband H, Pickoff A: Electrophysiologic and hemodynamic effects of bethanidine sulfate on the immature mammalian heart. Dev Pharmacol Ther 11:288-296,1988.

57.  Young ML, Fournier A, Stolfi AB, Pickoff AS: The electrophysiologic effects of intravenous propranolol in the intact immature mammalian heart. Dev Pharmacol Ther 11:125-134, 1988.

58.  Young ML, Ramza BM, Tan RC, Joyner RW: Adenosine and hypoxia effect on the atrioventricular node of adult and neonatal rabbit heart. Am J Physiol 22:H1192-8, 1987.

59.  Kienzle MG, Tan RC, Ramza BM, Young ML, Joyner RW: Alterations in endocardial activation of the canine papillary muscle early and late after myocardial infarction. Circulation 76:860-874, 1987.

60.  Veenstra RD, Joyner RW, Wiedmann R, Young ML, Tan R: Effects of hypoxia, hyperkalemia, and metabolic acidosis on canine subendocardial action potential conduction. Circ Res 60:93-101, 1987.

61.  Young ML, Gelband H, Castellanos A, Wolff GS: Reverse alternating Wenckebach periodicity. Am J Cardiol 60:90-94, 1987.

62.  Fournier A, Young ML, Garcia OL, Tamer D. Wolff GS: Electrophysiologic cardiac function before and after surgery in children with atrioventricular canal. Am J Cardiol 57:1137-1141, 1986.

63.  Young ML, Gelband H, Wolff GS: Atrial pacing-induced alternating Wenckebach periodicity and multilevel atrioventricular conduction block in children. Am J Cardiol 57:135-141, 1986.

64.  Young ML, Wolff GS, Castellanos A, Gelband H: Application of Rosenblueth hypothesis to assess atrioventricular nodal behavior. Am J Cardiol 57:131-134, 1986.

65.  Young ML, Wolff GS, Castellanos A, Gelband H: Application of Rosenblueth hypothesis to assess cycle length effects on the refractoriness of the atrioventricular node. Am J Cardiol 57:142-145, 1986.

66.  Young ML, Gelband H, Castellanos A, Wolff GS: Rapid atrial pacing-induced infra-His conduction block in children. Am Heart J 110(3):652-658, 1985.

Other works, publications and abstracts:

1)  Del-Carpio Munoz F, Morales G, Ratnasamy C, Young ML. Junctional rhythm during cryoablation of AVNRT in children: An Ander recognized phenomenon? Heart Rhythm 2008; 5:S362.

2)  Villafane J, Fischbach P, Young ML, Maury P, Wolpert C, Hamilton R, Anttonen O, Kannankeril PJ. Mid-term follow-up of pediatric patients with short QT syndrome. Heart Rhyhtm 2008; 5:S250.

3)  Villafane J, Young ML, Wolff GS, Maury P,Anttonen O, Fischbach P, Hamilton R: Short QT interval in children and adolescents. Cardiol young 2007:(E-Suppl 1);17:23

4)  Hwang HK, Wolff GS, Young ML. Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of the Slow Atrioventricular Nodal Pathway in Children. Pediatric Academic Society May 2007.

5)  Rusconi P, Soderling J, Galindo A, Ferrer P, Swaminathan S, Young ML, Lewis M, Wolff GS, Wilkinson JD, Lipshultz S. Long Term Outcome in Children with Cardiomyopathy Receiving Carvedilol. World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology, 2005.

6)  Miller T, Estrella E, You LJ, Lanier W, Young ML, Baumbach L, Myerburg RJ, Bishopric NH. Compound heterozygous mutation of both alpha and beta subunits of IKs is associated with Romano-Ward syndrome. Am Heart J October 2003.

7)  Ferrer PL, Osit J, Izquierdo L, Rodriguez MM, Young ML, Wolff GS. Fetal ventricular arrhythmias, diagnosis and management. International Congress of Pediatric Cardiology, August, 2003.