I/We wish to appeal against the decision of the Governors of ______School______
______School not to offer my child a place at the school.
1 / Full name of student
2 / Date of birth: / Date / Month / Year
3 / Title (please tick) / Mr / Mrs / Ms / Other
Full name of parent(s) or guardian(s):
4 / Relationship to student / Parent / Guardian / Other Please state
5 / Home address:
6 / Home telephone number:
7 / Mobile telephone number:
8 / E mail address:
9 / Name of school offered/allocated:
10 / Does the student have a disability? / Yes / No / Tick appropriate box)
11 / I wish to attend my appeal in person / Yes / No
If no, do you wish the appeal to be heard using the information on this appeal form and accompanied papers? / Yes / No
12 / Name and capacity all persons who will attend the hearing including the student and advisors
13 / Please tell us if you have a disability and need assistance or have any other concerns regarding access.
14 / If you need an interpreter, please bring a friend/relationas we find that people you know make better translators. / Bringing friend/relative / Yes/No/
Not applicable
15 / Does the student currently have an Education Health Care Plan or Statement? / Yes / No
16 / Are there any days of the week when you would not be able to attend a hearing?
17 / Are you happy to receive less than 14 days’ notice of your hearing? / Yes / No
Office use only / Date Received / Ack sent E/P
18 / Before completing this section, please ensure that you have read the leaflet about sixth form appeals and in particular noted sectons 3.16 and 3.17 of the appeals code.
3.16 Where applicants have been refused admission to a particular school because there are
more eligible children than places available and oversubscription criteria have been applied, appeal panels must follow the two stage process (at paragraphs 3.2 to 3.9 above).
3.17 In the case of an appeal where the child did not reach the specified entry requirements, the panel must not make its own assessment of a child’s ability, but must decide whether the admission authority’s decision that the child was not of the required standard was reasonable in light of the information available to it. In doing so, it must consider whether any process in place to consider such cases (for example, where a pupil had not been studying in England and therefore did not have GCSEs) was carried out in a consistent and objective way.
My reasons for appealing are:
The panel will wish to know why your child’s needs can only be met by this school rather than the school offered? Read the appeals’ leaflet on the schools website, this will give you an idea of how the panel makes its decision. Please include any documentary evidence. For this appeal form to be valid, you MUST state the grounds of your appeal.
If necessary, please continue on a separate sheet and attach any supportingdocuments or evidence. Please do NOT use staples or use double sidedpaperwork, as all material is scanned.


By post to : Sixth Form Appeals, PO Box 367, Cuffley, Herts, EN6 4XZ

or e mail to :

Declaration and Signature of Student/Parent/Carer

  • Having been refused a place at the school name overleaf, I wish to exercise my right of appeal under the School Standards & Framework Act 1998.
  • I understand that if I do not attend the hearing, my appeal will be heard in my absence using the information I have supplied on this form together with any other information sent to the Clerk to the Appeals Panel before my hearing date.

Signed: / Date:

Student/Parent/Carer (please delete as appropriate)