Organic Compound Review


1) What elements are carbohydrates made of?

2) What is the difference between a sugar and a starch?

3) Give examples of carbohydrates (specific names) that your body needs?

4) Draw what a molecule of glucose looks like in the space below.

5) When you eat a meal full of carbohydrates, your body will reduce the molecule into glucose. Your body then puts the glucose into your bloodstream. What molecule takes glucose out of your blood? What organ creates that molecule?

6) Diabetes is a serious disease. Discuss how people obtain diabetes I and II. Then, describe how some one would recognize they have diabetes. And, how do people live with diabetes? Is there a cure for diabetes? How does some one not get diabetes?

7) You place iodine in a starchy, carb-filled solution. What color do you expect your solution to turn? If no starch is present, what color would the iodine be? (Hint: think of your spit lab).


1) What elements are lipids made of?

2) Give examples of lipids that your body needs.

3) Draw what a lipid looks like in the space below [yes, you must include all elements and chains].

4) Under what conditions to people accumulate too many lipids in their bloodstream?

5) A serious disease that can result when you eat too many lipids (specifically cholesterol) is atherosclerosis. Describe this disease. How does one get this disease? How do people prevent this disease? And, what could atherosclerosis lead to? Include a picture of the artery when one has this disease.

6) What is the difference between a triglyceride, cholesterol, and a phospholipid?


1) What elements are proteins made of?

2) What monomers make up proteins?

3) Draw the general structure of an amino acid.

4) Describe the enzyme-substrate complex.

5) What happens to enzymes when you make them cold? What happens when you make them too hot or expose them to a strong acid/base?

6) Describe how dehydration synthesis works in joining together monomers to make macromolecules.

Nucleic Acids

1) How are DNA and RNA similar? How are they different?

2) Label the parts of the nucleotide.

3) If a sequence of Dna reads ATTCGATCCTTAA, what will the complementary side of dna read? what are the rules for base pairing?

4) Who are Watson and Crick? Who is Rosalind Franklin? How did she help Watson and Crick?