Notes from April 18 – Tuesday

  • The following is a discussion concerning IEEE (Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers) 32-bit single precision floating point formats.The description of the 32 bits is: 1 sign bit, 8-bit excess-127 exponent and a 23+1 bit normalized fraction. The normalized fraction is in the form, therefore, the leading 1 is never stored, only the 23-bit nf is stored. Thus, the 23+1 nomenclature (the 24th bit is desperately needed for 7 digits of accuracy). The sign bit is for the sign of the number. The “excess-127” format is defined so there is no need for the sign of the exponent, 127 is subtracted from the 8-bit integer exp so half of its value is negative and the other half positive. The floating point number, N, based on the definition, is then

N= (-1)^s * 2^(exp-127) *

and the 32 bits are stored as

seee eeee efff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff

Since the bits for s, e and f do not fit nicely in the first 3 HEX digits, the manipulation of the bits is more challenging that the double precision format.

  • Example, convert 47.11 to IEEE Single Precision format. Step 1,

normalize 47.11 by doing 47.11/32*32, in which 32 is a 2^5. The normalized number is then 1.4721875 x 2^5. The sign is positive, so s=0. The number exp-127=5, therefore, exp=127+5=132=84HEX. For this particular case, it is better to write exp in binary, i.e., 1000 0100 using the Hex to Binary table. With the sign bit, the first 9 bits are 0100 0010 0. The first two HEX digit is 42HEX. The third HEX digit must draw the first 3 bits from .nf=.4721875. Multiply .nf by 8 to obtain 3.7775 or’. With these 3 bits, the third HEX digit is 0011. Obtain from .nf’ 5 more HEX digits by multiply it by 16 each time. The values of .nf’ in HEX is .C70A4 (with a round up). The packed format is then:


This answer can be obtained easily using the matlab command num2hex(single(47.11)).

  • From the above example, if -47.11 is converted, only the sign but would change. The first HEX digit of 0100 would then be 1100 due to the sign change. The first HEX digit would then be C instead of 4. The IEEE single precision representation of -47.11 is thenC23C70A4.

  • Another binary pattern that is stored in the memory is the memory addresses. Since the main computer memory bank is so large today, to fetch from or store to the memory requires a memory address. If there is one megabyte of memory, i.e., 2^(20) memory cells, a 20-bit address is needed. The first IBM-PC, using the Intel-8088 chip, has a 20-bit address bus. The Intel-80486 chip has a 24-bit address bus, therefore, it was able to address 2^4*2^(20), or 16MB. Then came the 32-bit machines, it was able to address 2^2*2^(30) bytes, i.e., 4GB. With the memory price keeps dropping, 4GB is no longer an unreasonable requirement. Now there are 64-bit operating system, built for future where memory banks could be even larger. Just imagine, a Terabyte uses 40-bit addresses, 64-bit addresses should be around for many more years.
  • If you look at the specifications of the “64-bit” processor chips, the address bus is actually not 64-bit yet. Some have 36-bit address buses and that would be able to address (2^6)*(2^30) or 64GB. Some might have 40 or 44 bits for their address buses, but none of them has a 64-bit address bus yet. It is too premature to have such a capability when the capacity of memory banks is still developing.
  • Longer addresses are not better. That means the computer have to read through many bytes of addresses just to find out where to fetch the data from. That also means the computer instructions are longer since part of the instruction involve the memory address. For example, the instruction might be “fetch from memory location A” and it would require 64 bits or 8 bytes just to specify A; that is in addition to the instruction code itself. Another instruction might be “Add the content of Register 4 to data stored in memory location B and the three bytes after that.” Again, long memory addresses slow down the computer.
  • Most fast processors use small memory banks, like those in smart bombs and other defense-related robots.
  • To see what an instruction set look like, check out the file on the class website for the Motorola 68020 chip (it was used in the original Apple MacIntosh computer). It’s companion chip for numeric processing was the Motorola 68881.