Reform of Article 82
09.00 - 18.00
London House,
Mecklenburgh Square
Chairs: Bill Allan, Linklaters and Philip Marsden, BIICL
- Evaluating the 'discussion paper': a step forward or a step back?
- Implementing the 'discussion paper' in practice: focus on rebates
- Dominance - the lost child?
- Article 82 and the Courts
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Reform of Article 82
24 February2006
9.00Opening keynote speech: Philip Collins, Office of Fair Trading
9.30Evaluating the 'discussion paper': a step forward or a step back?
- Felix Engelsing, BKartA
- Simon Bishop, RBB Economics
- Emil Paulis, European Commission
11.30 Implementing the 'discussion paper' in practice
Discussion of rebates
- Professor Emeritus Valentine Korah, UCL
- Gunnar Niels, OXERA
- Lucas Peeperkorn, European Commission
- Johanne Peyre, Michelin Group
14.00Dominance - the lost child? do effects-based rules mean
the end of dominance analysis?
- Sir John Vickers, Oxford University
- Greg Werden, US Department of Justice
- Prof. Thomas Eilmansberger, University of Salzburg
16.00Article 82 and the Courts
- Kelyn Bacon, Brick Court Chambers
- Christian Ahlborn, Linklaters
- ProfessorUlrich Ehricke, Dusseldorf Court of Appeal and University of Cologne
17.00Round-up - reflections on the day
- Gerald F. Masoudi , US Department of Justice
- Ali Nikpay, OFT
Reform of Article 82
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