Family and Consumer Sciences


Week Number / Topic Covered / State Standard/Objectives / Major Assignment/Assessment
1 / Personal Growth–
Taking care of yourself, developing character, making a difference / Demonstrate an appreciation for oneself / Personality Tests
2-3 / Relationships–
Family ties, challenges in a family, friends, marriage, workplace / Accepting responsibilities as family members / Relationship Project (partner work)
4-5 / Parenting and Caregiving
Life span development, care, nurturing and guiding, responsibilities / Demonstrate knowledge of developmental changes of children / Egg baby project
(partner work)
6-9 / Clothing and fashion choices
Creating a look, fashion & design, shopping, fabrics, basic sewing, and complete a sewing project / Selecting, using, and maintaining sewing tools, equipment and aids / Sewing Project (individual)
10-11 / Housing and Transportation
Choosing a place to live
Designing, Home care and safety, transportation, / Practice safety and energy conservation in the home / Real estate project (group); unit test
12-16 / Nutrition –
Health and wellness, guidelines, planning, shopping, kitchen safety, safe foods, food preparation basics, serving meals / -Preserving food in a safe and sanitary environment.
-Selecting food to maintain health and well being.
-Preparing foods.
- Serving Foods / Labs, unit test
17-18 / Career Exploration
Career paths, finding a job, success in the workplace, multiple roles / Making career decisions. / Research assignment; career assessment test

Foods and Nutrition


Week Number / Topic Covered / Major Assignment
1-4 / Health Unit
–How to read food labels
–The Food Pyramid
–Healthy Eating choices
–How the body uses food
–The 6 essential nutrients / -Well-Balanced Meals Assignment
-Food Related Illness Group Research and Presentation
-6 Essential Nutrients Children's Book
5-6 / Safety and Sanitation
–Washing dishes
–Food Safety
–Accident Prevention
–Equipping the kitchen
–Safety and Sanitation Exam / -Safety and Sanitation Exam
7-12 / Cooking Units
-Breakfast Week
–Southern Foods
–Dessert Week
–Pasta foods
–Combination foods
--International Food / -Cooking labs
13-15 / •Socializing with food
-Favorite Foods
–Vegetarian Week / -Favorite Food PowerPoint Presentation
-Vegetarian Food PowerPoint Presentation
16 / Event Planning
-Party Planner
-Kid's Camp / -Party Planner PowerPoint
-Kid's Camp Development
17-18 / Career Exploration/Professional Development
–Careers in Family and Consumer Sciences
–Creatinga class portfolio / -Family and Consumer Sciences Career Research and Presentation
-Foods andNutrition Portfolio

Fashion, Fabric, and Design

Units of Instructions/Pacing Guide

Week Number / Topics Covered / State Standard/Objectives / ASSESSMENT
1-2 / Clothing and Society –Influences on clothing, cultures and customs, clothing and families, clothing and self expression / Clothing Issues / Unit Test
3-4 / Fashion World-Fashion history, fashion styles, fashion designers, the fashion industry / The Fashion Industry / Fashion Trends project (GROUP)
5 / Color and design
Understanding Color and Understanding Design / Design / Color Wheel (GROUP); Unit Test
6-7 / Fibers and Fabrics
Textile fibers, fabric construction, fabric finishes / Fibers and Fabrics / Fabric Identification Lab
10-11 / Clothing Selection
Exploring options, accessing information, consumer responsibilities, Entrepreneurs / Consumer Issues / Unit Test
12 / Career Exploration
Career Pathways / Careers, Entrepreneurship and Professional Practices / Interior Design Project (GROUP); Research Project
13-18 / Clothing Construction-Sewing, serging, equipment, construction / Construction Techniques / Individual Construction project