New Chapter Presidents Orientation Call Notes
Chapter Staff:
Associate Vice President for Leadership Development: Tori Payne
Chapter Director: Ariel Moyer
Chapter Manager: Sherwin Valerio
Chapter Coordinator: Rosemarie Abraham
News from HQ:
- Community Service Month:ACC will host a Global Community Service Month during the month ofSeptember. All chapters are encouraged to get involved and enhance their communities through volunteerism. If your chapter would like to participate, contact Rosemarie Abraham.
- Seat at the Table Initiative:When the general counsel has a seat at the chief executive’s leadership table, it sends a signal to the company’sstakeholders (internal and external) that ethics, compliance, and other legal risk considerations are a top priority of the company. ACC published an interview with Ken Frazier, Chairman and CEO at Merck about leadership and the evolving role of the GC.
- Global Membership Month: March is designated as ACC Global Membership Month. ACC is encouraging every chapter toparticipate by hosting a membership event during the month of March. As your chapterdevelops your spring programming, please keep this initiative in mind. Contact Ariel Moyerfor more information.
- New Registration System: ACC HQ will offer a new registration system that allows chapter leaders to not only plan and save content, but also communicate with each other in order to execute programs and initiatives more efficiently. Stay tuned for more information later in the year.
Bookmark Important Dates:
- Plan your leadership year and bookmark the important dates page. You can register for calls ahead of time and review important deadlines throughout the year:
Communications from ACC will include:
- Monthly membership reports to benchmark your chapter against other similar size chapters.
- Chapters’ week in review released every Monday summarizing the important deadlines and events for chapter leaders to participate and be aware of.
- Information on upcoming quarterly calls for presidents and admins (held separately) and bi-monthly virtual training sessions for all leadership on best practices, as well as upcoming face-to-face trainings.
- Updates from ACC Board meetings during quarterly calls.
- Discounts for all leaders to attend ACC Meetings.
- Invitations to present on chapter calls
Chapter Resources:
- Webcast Services: Chapters have the ability to webcast their live programs at no cost. For more information or to submit requests, visit the webcast proposal page.
- Customized Marketing Materials: Customized specifically for your chapter, membership brochures and recruitment flyers can be designed and printed by ACC HQ. ACC Dockets are also available to assist in recruitment efforts. ACC also has small giveaways that can be used as prizes for Chapter members conducting local recruitment campaigns.
- Intralinks – Chapter Shared Workspace: As a best practice, chapters should keep a record of documents per the record retention policy, that help guide the operations of the chapter. To assist you with maintaining these records, ACC offers Intralinks VIA to support chapters with storing and sharing important documents electronically. This is a great resource for ensuring smooth transitions between administrators. To learn how to access your Intralinks Workspace, contact Sherwin Valerio.
- Chapter Newsletters: There are several different templates availablefor chapters to choose from. Newsletters can be sent weekly, monthly, or quarterly.This resource is available to your members electronically or hardcopy (sample).ACC will supply information on new services and other benefits of membership, a new member list, a “feature article” on a topic of general interest to in-house counsel, and we will also provide access to design, layout, and printing services.Please contact Rosemarie Abraham for more information on setting this up for your chapter.
- Chapter Presidents Chat:Participate in a discussion forum exclusively for chapter presidents. This service is available to promote collaboration and serve as a tool to easily share challenges and successes from your chapter.To contribute, simply address an email nd it will be delivered to your peers. To respond, simply reply to the email and your response will be delivered back to all presidents.
- Leadership Development Institute:Join your fellow chapter leaders on May 4 for the next installment of leadership training, in Washington, D.C. Through a series of panel presentations and small group discussions, you will learn tips to address the challenges you face as you lead your chapter into the future. Please plan to send at least one representative from your chapter. You may review past LDI materials and resources here.
- Sponsorship materials and template guidelines are available.
- Surveys can be distributed to your chapter membership to obtain data in a variety of areas. Contact to set this up.
- Programming Idea Database – a tool to select categories and seewhat other programs other chapters around the world are doing.
- Portable programs – Programs-in-a-Box, which include a program description, PowerPoint Presentation, and faculty guide. Also, the ethics programs-in-a-box feature online videos for easy implementation.
Board Organization
- Read the Chapter President’s Manual. Annually, we ask that all chaptersreview ACC'schapter requirements and recommendationsfor active chapters.
- All Board members are required sign and return a conflict of interest policy.
- Review the October 2017 LDI page for resources on sample strategic plans and leadership retreat agendas.
Required Reports from your Chapter:
- Financial Report
- Financial Budget
- Updated Leadership Lists
- Copy of 10-99 (*Required for Vendors over $600)