October30, 2014


MEMBERS PRESENT: Michelle Mirabella,Ty Case, Chuck Wagner, Debbie Harrington (Teleconference),Dean Stotler (Teleconference), Valerie Watson (Teleconference), Doyle Dobbins (Teleconference), and Mary Page Bailey (Counsel to the SULC) (Teleconference)

GUESTS: Amber Mangini (Secretary to the SULC)

Ms. Harrington asked each member to address the Commission to confirm their attendance and determine a quorum. Ms. Harrington called the meeting to order at 2:35 p.m. after the quorum was determined.

  1. APPROVAL OF THE 2014 ANNUAL REPORT –Ms. Harrington informed the Commission that there were errors found within the 2014 Annual Report.She attempted to contact DelARF prior to the meeting to see if it were possible to make some corrections, but had no success with her attempts. She stated that on the last page of the report it listed Mary Page Bailey, Dan Madrid, and Thomas Cook as Commission members, although they are not. Mr. Madrid and Mr. Cook are “Ex-Officio” and should have been identified as such, while Ms. Bailey should have been identified as “Counsel to the Commission”.

Ms. Bailey suggestedthat the corrected titlesbe reflected online with an asterisk* or a footnote if it was too late for the printed report to be revised.

Ms. Harrington also stated that the Annual Report was already posted on the DelARF website. She said that it should nothave been published or posted anywhere prior to the Commission’s approval, therefore it should be removed until then.

Ms. Watson stated that shealso discovered errors within the report, but when shecontacted Mr. Beane to offersuggestionshe told her that the report was final.Ms. Watson stated that the Annual Reportshould not have been made final without input or approval from the Commission. Ms. Watson then pointed out a significant error whereGovernor Markell was referred to as “Chair of the National Governor’s Association” on page 2 of the Annual Report.However, Governor Markell does not serve in that capacity any longer,so the reference to him as the Chair would not be appropriate.Ms. Watson also discovered inconsistencies in the way that names and titles were presented related to quotes. In some cases they were presented as name, the entity represented, and then title; while other times it was name, title, and then the entity represented. She said that the way the names were represented should have been consistent throughout the document.

Mr. Dobbins was surprised to find out that the report was posted before the Commission was informed. He stated that in the past the Commission was more involved in the process, which resulted in fewer errors. He also said that many of the errors found in the report could have been prevented if the Commission was more involved.

Ms. Watson complimented DelARF on the overall layout and presentation of the report and said it was a major improvement from past reports. She also said that most of the errors she found were grammatical and they could probably be overlooked; however there were a couple of significant errors that should not be ignored.

Ms. Bailey stated that DelARF was supposed to draftthe report and bring it before the Commission for approval before it was published. Ms. Baileyalso said that because the due date had already passed, the Commission would have to accept the report and approve it in the current condition or send it back to DelARF to be corrected.

Ms. Harrington stated that she didn’t want the report sent out in its current condition.

Ms. Mirabella then referred to a statement made on page 9 of the report that read “The Commission is pleased by the cost savings that are generated by employing a population of people who may otherwise collect government entitlements”. She stated that Medicaid would not be considered a “government entitlement” because it is insurance. Ms. Mirabella thought it would be important for the Commission to understand that, and for DelARF to make that correction if needed.

Dean Stotler made a motion to advance the report with the edits that would correct the inaccuracy with respect to the Governors current position and properly phrase his prior position. Also, the Commission would empower Ms. Harrington to request that DelARF make the proper revisions, and when the report is acceptable to the Commission it could be moved forward for publication. Mr. Stotler further recommended that an annual report committee be created for the production of the report next year.

Ms. Harrington stated that she would ensure DelARF made all the corrections needed for the document to be approved.

Mr. Dobbins seconded Dean Stotler’s motion, and the Commission was unanimously in favor. Motion carried.

  1. ADJOURNMENT–Ms. Harrington adjourned the meeting at 2:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Amber M. Mangini

Secretary to the SULC