Year 4Monitoring map— Literacy
Year 7 Monitoring map — NumeracyQueensland Studies AuthoritySeptember 2018 | 1
In Year 4, students:Listening and Speaking (LS 4) / T1 / T2 / T3 / T4
Text knowledge / i. / Identify purposes for listening and speaking, select text structures and language features appropriate for the content and context
ii. / Plan, rehearse and deliver spoken presentations specific to learning areas by:
- selecting and sequencing events, key information and supporting details
- using cause and effect or compare and contrast
- using multimodal resources to enhance meaning and engage audiences
Comprehension / iii. / Communicate to:
- acknowledge the viewpoints of others and suggest alternatives
- understand more detailed instructions during learning tasks
- make inferences when expanding and linking ideas across texts
- distinguish between the language of opinion and the language of factual reporting
- paraphrase and summarise information
- identify key information and select appropriate responses
- identify relationships and test possibilities
- report, share and extend ideas
iv. / Compose, contribute and respond in different settings by considering how spoken language features, including vocabulary selection and non-verbal cues, affect meaning
v. / Use interaction and communication skills to contribute to group and class conversations and discussions by:
- taking on the role of leader to guide discussions
- acknowledging another’s point of view
- summarising and linking a response to the topic
- using agreed protocols
Grammar knowledge / vi. / Use words and word groups in sentences, including:
- personal and possessive pronouns
- descriptive clauses
Word knowledge / vii. / Use familiar and new learning area vocabulary to:
- describe significant features
- replace commonly used words with more specialised words to enhance meaning
In Year 4, students:
Viewing and Reading (VR 4) / T1 / T2 / T3 / T4
Text knowledge / i. / View, read, navigate and select texts for personal and learning purposes
ii. / View and read written, visual and multimodal learning areatexts that:
- use navigation links, graphics and layout, page and screen layout, simple indexes, tables of contents, different types of diagrams, icons and buttons to aid navigation
- require knowledge of text structure, including headings, subheadings and paragraphs
- contain new information
- expand personal and social contexts
Comprehension / iii. / Use text-processing strategies when viewing and reading, including:
- self-correcting to repair comprehension breakdowns
- reviewing patterns that organise ideas, including compare and contrast
iv. / Independently view, read and demonstrate understanding of learning area texts by:
- summarising the main ideas and supporting details
- locating and synthesising information
- inferring meaning to expand and link ideas and information across the text
- analysing and justifying a point of view using information from the text
Grammar knowledge / v. / Identify and describe words and word groups that:
- represent ideas and relationships and intensify meaning
- signal relationships between ideas in sentences, including connectives and conjunctions that compare, cluster ideas and list sequence, time or order
Word knowledge / vi. / Independently read with fluency:
- words of significance, specialised learning area vocabulary
- irregular words
vii. / Predict and confirm the meanings of unfamiliar words and decode them using and combining:
- semantic cues, including meaning of words in the context of the sentence
- grammatical cues, including repetitive clause structures
- phonic cues, including syllables, affixes (prefixes and suffixes), familiar words within larger words, and recognisable sequences of letters within longer words
Visual knowledge / viii. / Interpret and compare how visual features:
- create effects through the framing and placement of elements
- construct and extract meaning and represent ideas, e.g. maps, graphs, photographs, timelines and illustrations
In Year 4, students:
Writing and Creating (WC 4) / T1 / T2 / T3 / T4
Text knowledge / i. / Identify the purpose, content, context and text structure when writing and creating learning area texts
ii. / Write and create learning area texts, demonstrating increasing control and knowledge of structures
iii. / Plan, draft and publish texts using strategies including:
- organising key information and supporting details using tables
- organising to accommodate timeframes
- editing and amending structure by adding, moving or deleting word groups/phrases
Grammar knowledge / iv. / Write paragraphs to introduce ideas, highlight aspects of the content and organise texts
v. / Build meaning within paragraphs by using:
- sentences to describe relationships in the content including problem and solution
- repeated and related words to refer to the content
- pronouns that refer forward or back to the noun
- consistent tense
vi. / Use words and word groups including:
- adverbs or phrases to provide circumstantial details
- noun groups and phrases to provide detailed descriptions
- verb groups and phrases to show certainty and probability
- adverbs and adjectives to intensify meanings
vii. / Write using sentence structures that include:
- conjunctions
- quoted and reported speech
- language to show cause and effect
viii. / Communicate intended meaning using punctuation, including:
- correct sentence boundaries
- the possessive apostrophe for common and proper nouns
- quotation marks to signal dialogue, titles and quoted speech
ix. / Proofread and edit writing for grammatical choices, spelling and punctuation
Word knowledge / x. / Select learning area vocabulary that:
- defines and describes
- adds detail
xi. / Confirm spellings, word meanings or word choices using knowledge about:
- word families
- irregular words
- content gained from personal or shared reading
- authoritative digital dictionaries
Visual knowledge / xii. / Use visual features to enhance and clarify meaning, including framing and placement of elements for effect, e.g. data displays, keys, labels and diagrams
Year 7 Monitoring map — NumeracyQueensland Studies AuthoritySeptember 2018 | 1