Volunteers Have More Fun!
Call for Candidates, vote coming up!
Here are a few ways you can get involved, give back, make lasting associations and friendships through your commitment to your profession, your association, and service to humanity.

E-mail to submit your name for the vote on open positions. Note that we do have candidates interested in the positions of

-  VP Membership

-  Treasurer

-  Secretary

-  President

People have contacted the Board in recent months wanting to get involved whose skills match these positions. Feel free to submit your name for one of those positions anyway if it’s your passion.

If you have a more general interest, consider one of the open spots:

-  Conference VP

-  Web Content Manager

-  President Elect

Or, join a committee:

-  Ethics

-  Nominations

-  Finance

-  Membership/Outreach

-  Communications (newsletter, e-mail bulletins, web site

-  Conference

-  Member Services (1st Thursday, Gov’t Watch, Get Published, Speakers Kit/bureau

Board of Directors
Diversity is the key to a well-rounded Board off Directors, and especially important for our vision of bringing together all of the kinesiologies. We’re always looking for people, members and non-members alike, who have skills to help ‘take care of business,’ the business of EnKA.
Why not you?
Your Committment:
All Board Members attend a monthly, two-hour Board Meeting conference call, a pre conference year-in-review meeting, a post conference ‘dream and vision’ meeting and one mid-year weekend projects meeting which is held in small groups at the regional level. This is a working board, so it’s all hands on deck – everyone takes on specific responsibilities and serves on a committee, possibly as chair. Term is three years, maximum two consecutive terms. Officers serve two years, maximum three consecutive terms.

Is financial planning, projections and reporting your thing? The Finance Committee is a great way to get involved with the vital functions of the Association. We will vote for a new Treasurer and welcome new committee members as well.
Your Commitment: The Chair is a board member (see Your Commitment under Board of Directors), the bookkeeper keeps the books, other committee members take on specific limited tasks.
Deliverables: Committee provides financial report to board each month, helps committees develop budgets, provides historical reports as needed, provides information to the CPA Advisor to the board for tax preparation.

Membership and Outreach
In many ways, the Membership Committee is the heart of the organization – the door at which potential new members are greeted. We will vote for a new VP Membership and welcome new committee members as well.
Your Commitment: The VP Membership is a board member (see Your Commitment under Board of Directors), other committee members take on specific limited tasks.
Deliverables: Committee manages EnKA database, processes new and renewed memberships, plans and coordinates outreach to potential new members, handles Conference registration.

Nominations Committee
Each year, the very communication you are now reading needs to be written, potential volunteers talked with, an election coordinated. Most of the work is concentrated over a two month period, yet this committee always has its ‘ear to the ground’ to identify future candidates.
Your Commitment, Committee Chair or committee member: Does not have to be a board member, always on the lookout for new folks, writes up the annual ‘call for candidates’(this e-mail), talks with candidates, facilitates the vote.

President Elect
Are you an experienced leader, consensus builder and group process facilitator? Get on board NOW as President Elect, learn the ‘ropes’ during the next year.
Your Commitment, President Elect: The VPPE is a board member (see Your Commitment under Board of Directors). For the six months prior to the next election, VPPE learns the ropes from the current president and takes a leadership role for specific projects. The VPPE runs for President next year, and if elected, takes on that role.

Are you a writer, an editor, a web-site nurd? We’re always looking for writers and editors for the Quarterly Newsletter and periodic e-bulletins, and are actively seeking a Web Site Content Manager.
Your Commitment, Web Site Content Manager: The Web Site Content Manager does not have to be a board member, does not even have to be an EnKA member. Individual Committees write the content for their pages of the web site and submit it to the Web Site Content Manager who reviews it for content, may sometimes seek board input, and uses WIZIWIG free software (Joomla) to publish the content to the website. Training will be provided for Joomla – it’s really easy!

Are you good at taking notes? The secretary is an active board member, has duties at the All Member Meeting and is involved in elections. We will vote for a new Secretary and welcome new committee members as well.
Your Commitment: The Secretary is a board member (see Your Commitment under Board of Directors), other committee members take on specific limited tasks.
Deliverables: take meeting minutes, provide to board and to membership. Work on elections. Filter EnKA e-mail box (directs inquiries to appropriate committees and board members)

Member Support

·  Are you great at talking to people, drawing out their story? Get involved with First Thursdays Guest Speaker Program. Maybe you’d like to BE a guest speaker?

·  Help develop this new member supports: Speaker Kit and Get Published resources.

·  And we don’t currently have anyone acting as ‘government watchdog,’ to keep an eye on legislation which would affect our profession and keep members aware of ways they can influence laws.

·  We’d like to start a mentorship program. Have you participated in one which could be used as a model? Or would you like to be part of a group who develops a new program?

Annual Conference These are our most immediate needs.

·  Be our 2011 VP Conference! Weaving together the volunteers - many hands to the task make this position mostly about coordination.

·  Are you our 2011 Conference Speaker coordinator?

·  Don’t want a lead role? There are lots of ways to help plan the BIG SHOW! Get involved with a committee, as a volunteer with a specific task or as Chair of a Committee (Committees: Speakers, Vendors, Publicity, Journal, Bookstore, Workshops, Hotel Liason, AV, Banquet/Events)

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