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May 03, 2011

To: Members of Staff



The Acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor Venansius Baryamureeba welcomed the members of staff and the media to the 17th monthly press briefing. Professor Baryamureeba then introduced the participating units namely; The School of Veterinary Medicine and the College of Business and Management Sciences.

In attendance were:

(i)  Prof. Venansius Baryamureeba – Ag. Vice Chancellor

(ii)  Prof. John Ddumba Sentamu – Ag. Principal, College of Business and Management Sciences

(iii) Gideon Rutaremwa – Ag. Director, Center of Population and Applied Statistics (CPAS)

(iv) Prof. David Kabasa – Dean, School of Veterinary Medicine

(v)  Prof. Ruth Muwazi – Deputy Dean, School of Veterinary Medicine

(vi) Mr. Alfred Namoah Masikye – Academic Registrar

(vii)  Dr. Vincent A. Ssembatya – Director, Quality Assurance

(viii)  Mr. Cyriaco Kabagambe – Dean of Students

(ix) Mr. Bitamale Mike Barongo – Director (ICT), Academic Registrar

(x)  Mr. Ndiwalana Ali – EUS, DICTS

(xi) Ms. Iteu Eyoku Ruth – Administrative Assistant, Academic Registrar

(xii)  Mr. Mbabazi Denis – Administrative Assistant, Academic Registrar

(xiii)  Mr. Kayonde Peter – Administrative Assistant, Academic Registrar

(xiv)  Ms. Harriet Musinguzi – Communication Officer, School of Law

(xv)  Ms. Jane Anyango – Communication Officer, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

(xvi)  Ms. Harriet B. Nyakaana – Communication Officer, College of Business and Management Science

(xvii)  Ms. Milly Nattimba – Communication Officer, College of Health Sciences

(xviii)  Ms. Jovia Musubika Kavulu – Communication Officer, School of Education

(xix)  Ms. Sheila Mwebaze – Communication Officer- College of Education and External Studies

(xx)  Mr. Elias Tuhereze – Web Administrator, Public Relations Unit, Vice Chancellor’s Office.

(xxi)  Mr. Bbosa Tonny – Web Administrator, College of Business and Management Science

(xxii)  Mr. Agaba Issa Mugabo – Brand and Marketing Manager, Public Relations Unit, Vice Chancellor’s Office

(xxiii)  Mr. Mark Wamai – Web Manager, Public Relations Unit, Vice Chancellor’s Office

(xxiv)  Ms. Maureen Mayanja – Administrative Assistant, Public Relations Unit, Vice Chancellor’s Office


1.0  Presentation from the Vice Chancellor

Decentralized Communication Function

Until today, Makerere University communication and public relations function has been centralized under the Office of the Vice-Chancellor. With the establishment of semi-autonomous colleges, the function of communication and public relations specific to a given college has been decentralized to the College. Each College has a College Communication Officer who will assist the Principal with both internal and external communication at College level. The College Communication Officer shall also handle the public relations function at the College level. All media houses are advised to keep the contacts of all College Communication Officers and also seek for any information from them in regard to that specific college.

The decentralization of the communications and public relations functions to the college level is expected to greatly narrow down the information gap at college level and ensure that students, staff, and the general public receive timely information as and when it is available. With the assistance of Web Administrators, the College Communication Officers shall maintain an up-to-date college websites.

Alleged Tuition Fees Increase

As per the Section 41(c) of the Universities and other Tertiary Institutions Act, it is the power of the University Council to fix fees and boarding charges. The government white paper report of the visitation committee to the public universities in Uganda (November 2008) provides further that the University Council can only increase fees after consultation the Minister responsible for Higher Education and with the approval of Cabinet. We would like to re-assure the public that the University Council has never considered any proposals for increase of fees at Makerere University. For such sensitive matters as increase in fees, we urge our partners in the media to always make thorough consultations before publication because if the story is not correct it may lead to disastrous consequences such as igniting strikes by students.

Makerere University 2011/2012 Student Intake

2010/2011 / 2010/2011 / 2010/2011 / 2011/2012
Programmes / Approved intake figures / Admitted students / Reported and registered / Proposed intake figures
Private (day) / 7,090 / 6,207 / 3,729 / 9,516
Private (Evening) / 6,266 / 5,456 / 3,566 / 7,486
Afternoon / 497 / 449 / 232 / 559
External / 2,830 / 1,538 / 992 / 2,800
Weekend / - / - / - / 160
Grand total / 16,683 / 13,650 / 8,519 / 20,521

We have not increased student intake on existing programmes. The increment is for Fort Portal and Jinja Campuses and new programmes at the main campus: Fort Portal campus --- 1,350; Jinja campus --- 650 (total 2,000) and the other students 1,838 is for new programmes on main campus.

Extracts from the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001 (as amended)

Vice Chancellor of Public University

31. (1) There shall be a Vice-Chancellor for each Public University who shall ⎯

(a) be responsible for the academic, administrative and financial affairs of the University; and

(b) in the absence of the Chancellor, preside at ceremonial assemblies of the University and confer degrees and other academic titles and distinctions of the University.

(2) The Vice Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the University Council from among three candidates recommended by the Senate.

(3) A search committee composed of two members from the University Council and three members from the University Senate shall identify suitable candidates for the post of Vice Chancellor and forward them to the Senate to nominate three candidates for recommendation to the University Council.

(4) The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed on terms and conditions determined by the University Council for five years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for one more term.

Functions of the University Council

40. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the University Council shall be the supreme organ of the Public University and as such shall be responsible for the overall administration of the objects and functions of the University.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the University Council shall ⎯

(a) Be responsible for the direction of the administrative, financial and academic affairs of the University.

(b) Formulate the general policy of the Public University;

(c) Give general guidelines to the administration and academic staff of the University on matters relating to the operations of the University;

(d) Do any other thing and take all necessary decisions conductive to the fulfillment of the objects and functions of the University.

Powers of the University Council

41. The University Council shall, in relation to its functions ⎯

(a) represent the University in all legal suits by and against the Public University;

(b) receive gifts, donations, grants or other moneys and make disbursements as may be required, on behalf of the University;

(c) fix scales of fees and boarding charges;

(d) make statutes under this Act;

(e) establish faculties, departments, boards and courses of study and approve proposals for the creation or establishment of constituent colleges;

(f) provide for the welfare and discipline of the students;

(g) approve the University budget proposals and the final accounts submitted by the management;

(h) approve the appointment of Deans and Deputy Deans of faculties.

Removal of Officers and Employees from Office

55. (1) If two thirds of the University Council are satisfied that the Vice-Chancellor or a Deputy Vice-Chancellor should be removed from office on the grounds of misconduct or inability to perform the functions of the Office of the Vice Chancellor or Deputy Vice Chancellor, the University Council shall.

(a) give notice in writing to the Vice Chancellor or Deputy Vice Chancellor concerned and

b) on the recommendation of the University Appointments Board, recommend to the Chancellor that the Vice Chancellor or Deputy Vice Chancellor should be removed from office.”

(2) If the Vice-Chancellor, a Dean, the University Librarian, a Director or Head of Department has reasonable grounds for believing that a member of the academic staff, other than the Vice Chancellor or Deputy Vice-Chancellor, for whom he or she has direct responsibility should be removed from office or employment on the grounds of misconduct or failure to perform the functions of the office he or she shall, following consultation with and the agreement of the Vice Chancellor or a Deputy Vice Chancellor or such other person nominated for the purpose by the Vice Chancellor ⎯

(a) give that person notice in writing including grounds for the removal and the member of staff concerned shall respond in writing;

(b) in writing, suspend the member in question from office or employment pending investigations;

(c) refer the matter to the University Appointments Board; and

(d) request the Secretary of the University Appointments Board to make arrangement for the member to appear before the University Staff Tribunal with respect to the matter.

The Dean of Students

37. (1) There shall be a Dean of Students for each Public University who shall be appointed by

the University Council on the recommendation of the Appointments Board on terms and conditions that the University Council may determine.

(2) The Dean of Students shall be responsible for the welfare of the students.

(3) The Dean of Students shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor.

2.0 Presentation from the School of Veterinary Medicine

VETMED-CHS Partner to fight Ebola, Marburg

The School of Veterinary Medicine is working with the School of Public Health in the College of Health Sciences to implement the one health concept under the RESPOND project funded by USAID. The project aims at reducing epidemics and pandemics of animal origin that affect humans (zoonotic diseases) for example Ebola, Marburg fever, Anthrax, Yellow fever among others.

In other updates from the School of Veterinary Medicine

1.  Repairs to the road to Nakyesasa farm have begun ahead of the planned upgrading of buildings and labs of this centre. The Nakyesasa farm will be used by the School of Veterinary Medicine for hands on training under the AFRISA training model. The AFRISA training model offers vocationalized training for school leavers who do not make it to the university under the traditional model. It will offer skills certificates and diplomas starting next academic year. The project is funded under the presidential initiative to give skills to youth churned out by UPE and USE.

2.  The School of Veterinary Medicine has admitted students for the Masters degree on Animal Product Processing, Entrepreneurship and Safety. The initial batch of students is under the capacity building program for Afro –Caribbean higher education institutions funded by EDULINK. The students come from Kigali Institute of Science and Technology, St. George University, Grenada and Makerere University. The program is highly vocationalized and addresses a gap created by traditional training models.

3.  The school of Veterinary Medicine has admitted diploma holders from Sheik Veterinary School (STVS) in Somaliland for the Bachelors degree in Veterinary Medicine. This follows the affiliation of to Makerere University. STVS now offers Makerere diplomas in the Somaliland ecosystem which has lacked training in this area for the last twenty years.

4.  Under the JICA Project the National Animal Diagnostic School Center has been established at Makerere University’s School of Veterinary Medicine. As part of the Center, The Laboratory will provide referral services in the Animal Resources Sector to Farms, Districts and Enterprises.

5.  Makerere University has signed an MoU with the Mt. Gorilla Conservation Fund to establish a Wildlife Health and Gorilla Conservation centre, which will offer veterinary services to Mountain Gorilla populations in the regions of Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

3.0 Presentation from the College of Business and Management Sciences

Research Agenda for the Country Population Programme

Makerere University, College of Business and Management Sciences’ Center for Population and Applied Statistics in collaboration with UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) and POPSEC (Population Secretariat Uganda) recommend a research agenda so as to generate appropriate research evidence to create awareness, close knowledge gaps and inform decision making on population issues. It is aimed at carrying out a multidisciplinary programme of work which will investigate population issues and their effects on national development.

The Center has a mission to assist Uganda and other developing countries to address successfully the population and applied statistics knowledge to the development challenges. This will be done through collaboration and knowledge sharing by raising a common voice and sharing sustainable, effective, efficient, accessible and acceptable solutions to these challenges.

The Research Agenda is expected among other things to explore the diverse population dynamics i.e. the population structure, age distribution, the movements, births within the country and settlement patterns and their broader impacts; the relationship between poverty and economic growth; the relationship between population growth, gender and domestic violence and the relationship between reproductive health and population dynamics.

‘The key output of this research agenda will be a report outlining the type of population research that would be useful for guiding development policy and programme implementation, ’ said Dr. Gideon Rutaremwa, the Ag. Director, Center for Population and Applied Statistics. ‘Relevant data will be sought and sufficient resources of personnel and time will be provided in order to critically explore the broader population issues and relationships with development’, he added.

The Center in partnership with UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), the Population Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development and other stakeholders is also carrying out research on; Understanding stalled fertility in Uganda, Socio-cultural context of birth experiences for women in Uganda and Assessing the capacity of districts to integrate population factors in development plans at local government level.

These studies are also intended to build research capacity especially among the junior staff members not only for the School of Statistics and Applied Statistics but for the entire College as well. The Center values the quality of research output from this programme as it is on this basis that more funding will be attracted.