Math 8 Dickerson Middle School 2017-2018


Ms. Andrizzi: Blog:

Ms. Henry: under staff follow the link to teacher.

Ms. Sheridan:

Ms. Whalen:

Course Description

Math 8 is the third course of the middle school program andencompassesthe following units:

Semester 1:

Unit 1: Transformations, Congruence

& Similarities

Unit 2: Exponents

Unit 3: Geometric Applications of Exponents

Unit 4: Functions

Semester 2:

Unit 5: Linear Functions

Unit 6: Linear Models & Tables

Unit 7: Solving Systems of Equations

Unit 8:Extend & Review

According tothe Georgia Department of Education, the Mathematics program has been designed “to achieve a balance among concepts, skills, and problem solving. Thestandards stress rigorous concept development and real-world applications while maintaining a strongemphasis on computational and procedural skills. At all grades, thestandards encourage students to reason mathematically, to evaluate mathematical arguments both formally and informally, to use the language of mathematics to communicate ideas and information precisely, and to make connections among mathematical topics and to other disciplines. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be placed in high school Coordinate Algebra.

Additional information for this course can be found on the Cobb County homepage in Academics / Teaching and Learning via the link to

Text:Grade 8 Glencoe Georgia Math

Text: Also available online at


Students are expected to be on time for class and be prepared with books, pencils,materials, three-ring-binder, calculator, and student agenda. Written work should always be done in pencil. The student agenda very clearly states the rules of the school. In general, students are expected to be polite and show respect toward teachers, toward each other, and toward the Dickerson community, including our classroom and environment. Students know what it means to be “well behaved”!

Walton Requirements: As of 2016-2017 8th graders were recommended for freshman math classes based on test averages.

95-100 / Honors GSE Algebra 1
75-94 / GSE Algebra 1
70-74 / GSE Algebra 1 and Algebra Support
Below 70 / GSE Algebra 1 93 and Foundations of Algebra 93

Continued on back…


Homework will be given regularly. These assignments will be reviewed daily and will be randomly checked for completion. Assignments will be given a 100%, 50%, or 0% based upon the amount of completion. Students should attempt homework using class notes and examples with the intent of mastering the assigned material.

Learning Checks:

Learning checks are unannounced, are graded for accuracy, and are included as part of the homework/classwork grade.

Tests and Quizzes:

Tests and quizzes will be announced in advance.


Exams are cumulative and given at the end of each 9 weeks. Afinal cumulative examis given at the end of the year.

Grade Categories:

Tests 50%


Exams 10%


Help Sessions:

Help sessions will be available as announced. Students are encouraged to maximize learning in the regularly scheduled class andseek help as they need it, not just at test or quiz time.


The student is allowed as many days to make up work as the length of the excused absence, including making up tests. However, if a student is absent on the test day only, he or she is expected to take that test upon returning to school.


One 1 inch3-ring binder, 3 dividers (Notes/Homework/Grades),calculator (TI-30XIIS)expo markers, handheld pencil sharpener, notebook paper, #2 pencils,and graph paper.