Mini Lesson Plan

Expectation: Students will

Teacher Model:
Role Play:
Practice throughout the Day:

Cafeteria Lesson Plan

Expectation: Students use the cafeteria in a safe, orderly, responsible and respectful manner.

Skill: Eating in the cafeteria
Context: Cafeteria
Introduction: “Today we are going to talk about eating in the cafeteria the S.O.A.R. way.” Review what S.O.A.R. stands for (safe, orderly, act responsible and respectful). Make a T-chart brainstorming Appropriate Behaviors While Eating/Inappropriate Behaviors While Eating.
Teacher Model: Demonstrate Appropriate Behaviors to use while eating in the cafeteria: 1. How to sit at a table. 2. Use a napkin while eating. 3. Chew with your mouth closed. 4. Respect other’s food. 5. How to use your utensils. 6. Only eat your food, try not to be wasteful. 7. Spend your time eating, not playing. 8. Talk quietly to those sitting near you. 9. Stay seated. 10. When done eating, wait patiently for your teacher to dismiss your class. Discuss with the class how these behaviors demonstrate S.O.A.R. (safe, orderly, responsible and respectful behavior).
Role Play:
Example: Nancy sat down at her table and quietly began eating her food. She chewed carefully with her mouth closed. She wiped her mouth with her napkin after drinking some milk. She talked quietly to her friends around her while making sure she had enough time to eat.
Nonexample: Zach sat down at his table and began to talk loudly to his friends. He remained talking while trying to chew his food. He knocked his milk over and did not clean it up with a napkin. He asked his friends to share their food with him.
Student Example: Have students get in groups and create scenarios for eating the S.O.A.R. way in the cafeteria. Share with the class and talk about how their scenes showed S.O.A.R. behavior.
Review: Pretend the classroom is the cafeteria. Have students act out how they would eat in the cafeteria. OR arrange for a time to go to the cafeteria and practice before lunch.
Practice throughout the Day: Before lunch, review the steps students will take when eating in the cafeteria. As students are eating in the cafeteria, give them specific feedback and pass out golden tickets to students who are doing an exemplary way of eating in the cafeteria.
Culminating Review: Page 90-91 of Social Skills Activities for Special Children