EG Chairs and ITAs

Eighteenth Meeting

Helsinki, Finland

September 25, 2014

Reference / EG Chairs and ITAs 18/3/2
Title / Provisional annotated agenda
Submitted by / NCD EG ITA and HIV/AIDS&AI EG ITA
Requested action / For reference

1. Welcome and opening of the meeting

The Meeting will be opened and chaired by Mr. Thomas Ifland, the NDPHS CSR Chair Country representative and welcomed by Mr. Olli Kuukasjärvi,Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

2.Choosing of Rapporteur of the meeting

The Meeting will be invited to choose the Rapporteur of the meeting.

3. Adoption of the agenda

The Meeting will be invited to adopt the Provisional agenda (submitted as document EG Chairs and ITAs 18/3/1).

4. Information by the NDPHS Chair Country and the NDPHS Secretariat

The Chair Country and the Secretariat will inform about the past and forthcoming meetings and developments of direct relevance to the Expert and Task Groups not covered elsewhere in the agenda of the meeting.

5. New approaches for future collaboration within NDPHS

The CSR 22 meeting requested the Strategy Working Group to develop new approaches for future collaboration within the NDPHS, in order to maximize the benefits and added value of cooperation within the network. The Strategy Working Group agreed that this request should be addressed, in particular, by expanding the cooperation with other regional networks and that the request should not be addressed as a separate goal in the Strategy, but should be taken into account when developing the targets and indicators.The CSR Chair will briefly present the document.

The Meeting will be invited to discussthe issue of developing new approaches for future collaboration within the NDPHS and advise, as appropriate (working paper submitted as document EG Chairs and ITAs 18/5/Info 1).

6. Development of the NDPHS strategy until 2020 and its action plan

The SWG Chair andthe NDPHS Secretariat will inform the Meeting about the current situation with the Strategy writing – progress of the SWG and Strategy Consultant. With reference to the SWG’s proposed process and timetable of the Strategy development (documents submitted as EG Chairs and ITAs 18/6/Info 1, Info 2 and Info 3), the Meeting will be asked to check the milestones and update it, if appropriate.

The EGs and TGs will be invited to advise the Meeting about the progress with the drafting of the action plans for the new NDPHS Strategy.

7. Annual reports and PAC

The NDPHS Secretariat will inform the Meeting about the manner and schedule of the annual reporting by the EGs and TGs. The Meeting will take note of the presented informationand advise, as appropriate.

The CSR Chair/ NDPHS Secretariatwill be invited toinform on progress in the preparations for the non-ministerialPAC and the PAC side-event. Earlier at CSR 23, Russia suggested three alternative dates for the meeting: 1) 4-5 December 2014 (Host’s first priority); 2) 27-28 November 2014; 3) 11-12 December 2014.As to the thematic focus of the side-event, Russia informed that it would like to organize an event demonstrating how the NDPHS had contributed to successful national policies in the field ofalcohol use in its Partner Countries and suggested for consideration the following alternativetopics: “The role of the NDPHS in implementing anti-alcohol policies in its Partner Countries” or“Successful role of the NDPHS in anti-alcohol actions”.

The Meeting will be invited to take note of the presented information and advise, as appropriate.

8. Next meeting

Representatives of the Expert Group Lead Countries will be invited to offer hosting the next EG Chairs and ITAs meeting, keeping in mind the uncertain situation with the new structure of the NDPHS.

The Meeting will be invited to consider possible date(s) and place of the next EG Chairs and ITAs meeting, and decide, as appropriate.

9. Any other business

The Meeting might wish to discuss any other relevant topics having shared interest between and for the EGs and TGs not covered under other agenda items and conclude, as appropriate.

10. Closing of the meeting

The Meeting is expected to terminate at 17:00 hours on 25 September 2014.