Updated Jul. 29, 2011


11 years old in 2011

Annie Ivy-Lee Aviado abducted Sep. 2004 at age 4

Annie Ivy-Lee Aviado was born May 10, 2000 and was abducted Sept. 26, 2004 & would be 11 years old today. It is highly likely that she is hidden in plain view in Guelph or Hawkesbury Ontario & under a different name or surname. She may be periodically taken to visit persons in New York, Whitby, Toronto, Oshawa, Keswick area and or the East Coast. She was abducted by person’s in criminal organization that live by pedophile and crime principle’s known as “the pedophile ring of Ontario”. The abductors will appear as normal upstanding citizens as a practiced behavior to conceal their criminal organization and associations to be only known by the members. If Annie is alive today she will likely have been lied to about how she came into the circumstances she’s in, may believe she was abandoned or may not be aware that she was abducted and will be trained into silence of her hardships by stockholm syndrome.

Stockholm syndrome is a condition whereas a person is surrounded by persons whom agree with the abduction and confinement so that when reaching out to gain help or connection to their true family, instead of receiving help or right of association, pressure is applied for silence and to agree with their own conditions to bring them to a point where they accept their position and believe there is no escape. As an instinct for survival & natural longing for belonging and acceptance the victim will behave and actually believe they love their abductors and that their abductors love them which makes the conditions tolerable and makes them falsely appear to outsiders as a normal and very “sweet or caring” willing family or group. The abductors may appear to be a “pillar of the community” or a “do-gooder” to conceal their positions in the crime ring. The victim could feel that they have no other options available or no one else cares about them, which is untrue.

If you have seen this child do not contact the abductors or persons appearing as family or friends as they, in organization, are likely very dangerous and in connection with certain officers and officials overseeing her continued confinement that are secretly a part of the pedophile ring in exchange for benefit, allowances or gain in some obscure way. They, in co-operation with these officials that may be a part of the ring, may commit crimes and alter the appearance of the apparent cause or origination of the crime. This means that there would likely be particular officers always in position where she is being held so that when reporting in her area a predator in position of authority would be assigned to the case to shut matters down in favor of the ring.

Keep in mind that “the pedophile ring of Ontario” could not function or continue to exist over long term without the agreement of the police chiefs and Attorney General’s of Ontario in particular. These positions in Ontario, are apparently always held by the types of persons willing to turn a blind eye in favor of the pedophile ring and their methods of operation and is how Ontario got the reputation “world wide” of harboring a pedophile ring or Ontario being the safe haven for pedophiles. Ontarians can only break this pattern by voluntarily investigating persons who hold these positions and follow the connections throughout the ring that connects them to the crimes and openly reporting their findings to other true Canadians whereas the information found can be put together like a puzzle until the picture of evidence becomes whole. We, the people, need to investigate the pedophiles and who are handling the pedophile cases to a much deeper extent then what the authorities are willing to do.

About Annie from age 4 that may carry on through time:

Annie is a sensitive child who loves fashion and loves to change her clothing and sport her wears more then once a day. She is white, has long blonde hair and blue eyes. Members of the pedophile ring had attacked her a number of times before she was actually abducted and this caused her to develop some depression and expressions in ideology to harm her self although she had not acted on it. I, Anna-Marie Goralczyk, b. Aug. 28, 1964 am Annie’s biological mother and true legal guardian. Douglas Dobson b. Aug. 29, 1976 was Annie’s paternal donor without parental responsibility as per agreement.

Mary Jocelyn Aviado b. Apr. 04, 1967, sister of Mary Jennifer, Elizabeth, Michael, Phillip Carlos, daughter of Danilo Tess Aviado of Toronto and formerly of Philippines is Annie’s legal 2nd parent whom apparently maliciously traded Annie into the pedophile ring in exchange for extra beneficial allowances to commit crime and extortion by particular police officers, doctors, social workers, judges and officials that operate the pedophile ring and are Mary’s customers, have connections world wide and remain silent and uncaring concerning the well being of Annie.

Mary was later discovered to be a common prostitute under the self proclaimed professional title of a “relationship con” and also goes by the names of “Joy” and “Midwest Gal”. Mary worked for Acklands Granger Inc. & at a newspaper doing inbound calls of customer service. She was known to be associated with Eli Lilly pharmaceuticals, Dr. Donald E. Payne,Dr. Choi, Herman Jan Wilton-Siegel of Toronto and a doctor in New York as well as a former lawyer named Mara Greene of Toronto who then became a judge after assisting as a lawyer in the forced confinement of Annie by handling false criminal allegations causing forced confinements against Annie’s mother while in conflict of interest of following the will of Mary, a legal opponent. Mary’s many educational courses do not seem to grant a particular legitimate area of expertise but grant more insight on how to fool people.

Others who likely participated in the child’s abduction are:

i) Rick Siwek, son of Angela Stefan Siwek of Oshawa, brother of Emilia (my mother), Annie’s maternal great uncle whom lives in Whitby Ontario, husband of school teacher named Jackie, father of my cousins Allison Jillian Jackson, is an accountant who owns Royal LePage Real Estate of Keswick Ontario, Sutton and surrounding areas and that has merged with Sutton GroupW. Frank Real Estate; and

ii) Gary O’Neill a.k.a. MacCaul & or John Orange, a steel worker whom lives in Hawkesbury Ontario, formerly from East Coast & Oshawa, married Annie’s maternal grandmother & my biological mother born as Emilia Siwek, formerly a.k.a. Emily Goralczyk & “Ethol” when married to my acting but not biologically related father Joseph Anthony Goralczyk, and now known as Lillian O’Neill & has daughter who is my 1/2 sister, Angela O’Neill a.k.a. Angie.

iii. Catherine Goralczyk, b. Dec. 30, 1960, likely paternity Joe McCarthy, my eldest ½ sister, who had child out of wedlock named Sarah with Philip Clarey whereas child is now identified as Sarah Addesso Peterson, Cathy married Frank Addesso in Cambridge Ontario and then had second child Adam Addesso, divorced then moved to Guelph where she remained married to second husband Mike ___?.

iv. James Joseph Goralczyk b. Dec. 24, 1981, my first son, who was born by abuse by my foster parents, Isabel Black Stewart Millward, in the pedophile ring, whereas Stewart is James’ biological father. James was subsequently also abused in care in the home of David Marlene Collings of Keswick also a part of the pedophile ring and was trained through his childhood in that ring of care & was transferred to the foster home of Rob Kathy Williams of Stouffville and formerly of Keswick, James is in association with a woman named Amanda Desjardins and may have apx. 2 small children (my grandchildren) with her, James as a child admitted his training but as an adult has been trained to deny all as though it never happened and remains in connection with members of this circle in widespread co-operation together with enforcement by some authorities.

v. My cousins: a) Deborah Ann Goralczyk Walker Smith from Oshawa (Ajax, Bowmanville, Whitby area) & b) Kathy Luke who married Deborah’s brother who is my cousin Lawrence Goralczyk of Bowmanville Ontario. Deborah & Lawrence are children of Edward GoralczykBrenda Lois Dawn Perry.

Although these parties are likely the cause and instruction, through third parties working together, of the abduction and forced confinement of Annie, it is unknown where Annie is today or if she is even alive. These persons are very sweet appearing as an act but very capable of harming Annie for their own gain or to hide the truth. There have been multiple attempts against my life and multitudes of false charges & accusations against me to stop me while I’ve been trying to save Annie’s life. The third parties used are extended biologically related and members of other families also organized for crime in the same manner who agree to work together as a “circle” of crime. It is highly likely that the police chief of Toronto William Blair & the chief of Guelph being Robert Davis are instrumental in aiding the continued forced confinement of Annie as well as former attorney general Mike Bryant and current attorney general Chris Bentley.

About the type of family / organization Annie comes from:

--- Although on the surface the family appears to be a family and biologically related and related by marriage they are quietly acting as a large criminal organization interconnecting to members of other families whom are organized in the same manner far and wide and across borders to grant themselves extra convenience or gain or allowances to violate law above the ability of the average people.

--- They are professional in working together in making situations appear opposite to the truth and are sweet appearing bullies that hold their victims in a limbo with no escape by abuse of laws and protections there ought to be and law omissions.

--- The use of stalking, perjury, extortion, obstruct justice / false charges and other inappropriate behavior is rampant among them as they have officials in place to assist them to avoid justice whereas the average citizen would get into trouble for the same behavior. They come out looking perfect while their targets reputation is being destroyed within the contracted systems.

--- They will have a designated a member of the family to be the target or slave that is unaware of the highly intricate organization who is generally the youngest in the family but not always. All the families interconnected with them could be used to stalk and cause the victim trouble so that the victim will not realize that the instruction is coming from their own family.

--- There will be an eldest sibling (but not always the eldest male or female) designated to be the controller whom is reported to and whom keeps track of genealogy or the connections that can be used to victimize the targets that are inter-traded as victims between the connected families. These pivotal points of passing instruction and information travel concerning crimes committed need to be exposed to break down the criminal organization and cause appropriate arrests in benefit of safety of the public.

--- The victims or targets (most times but not always the youngest) are chosen to be such from a very young age or from birth and the siblings are trained to abuse or manipulate the target through third parties of the criminal organization so as to not appear related while stalking during the course of the targets life. The target is made and trained to be the bad one or black sheep or used as the escape goat and possibly pushed into crime, drug abuse or prostitution. This one is blamed for things so that the true culprits are not blamed or noticed for their bad behavior.

… to be con’d …..

If you know any information that is not listed here or would like to see particular information listed that does not appear please drop a public tip to . or to Anna Goralczyk on facebook at . You can identify yourself or remain anonymous.

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