Guide to submission of applications
Applications for Support for Application Process are submitted through CISU’s online application facility, which can be accessed through the intranet for member organisations.
An application consists of the following parts:
1. Basic facts about the application
This is typed directly into the application facility, indicating the following information:
- Which local partner(s) is/are linked to the application to the main donor?
- In which country (or countries) will the intervention applied for to the main donor take place?
- Which UN Sustainable Development Goal(s) is/are pursued by the intervention?
- Name and email address of contact person for the Support for Application Process requested from CISU.
- Commencement date for application process to be supported by CISU (remember that this date cannot precede the disbursement of a possible grant).
- Expected date of reply from the main donor.
- Amount requested from the Civil Society Fund (in DKK, Danish kroner)
- Total budget in application to the main donor.
- Main donor to which an application is to be submitted (name and website).
- Link to the main donor’s guidelines for support.
- Synthesis of intervention to be applied for to the main donor.
2. Text of application to CISU
The application text is drawn up adhering to the structure and the questions presented in the format set out in the page below. The application text is uploaded as a Word file to the application facility
3. Guidelines
The main donor’s guidelines for support are uploaded to the application facility, unless a link to the website address has been included under ‘Basic facts about the application’.
4. Budget for the application process
The budget is typed into the budget format for Support for Application Process available at This webpage also links to a thorough guide to the requirements for individual budget items (the Budget Guide).
The budget is uploaded as an Excel file to the application facility.
5. Application cover page
On the application cover page, the applicant organisation confirms with its signature that it is applying for support. The format to this effect is available at:
The cover page is uploaded to the application facility.
6. Basic facts about the Danish applicant organisation – former Annex A
The basic facts are typed directly into the application facility.
7. Basic facts about the local partner(s) – former Annex B
The basic facts are typed directly into the application facility.
8. The applicant organisation’s statutes, latest annual report and audited annual accounts
Remember to check whether the latest versions of these documents have been uploaded to the intranet for CISU member organisations, and whether the annual accounts have been signed by the auditor and by the organisation’s management and/or governing body.
Formalities regarding the application text:- NUMBER OF PAGES: The application text must not take up more than 4 pages (Arial, font size 11, line spacing 1.0, margins: top 3 cm, bottom 3 cm, right 2 cm and left 2 cm). Applications exceeding this length will be rejected.
- LANGUAGE: The application text must be submitted to CISU in Danish or English.
Structure of application text
1. Briefly about the main donor to be applied to. The focus should be on why this donor supports civil society interventions and on assessing how likely your particular application is to be approved for support.
2. How the combined application falls within the overall purpose, principles and framework of the Civil Society Fund, including:
o Objective of the planned intervention.
o How the intervention will strengthen civil society.
3. How the partners concerned and other actors will be involved in the application process.
4. How the support will be spent on strengthening the application process, including the planned course of action until submission of the final application to the main donor.
THE CIVIL SOCIETY FUND, Support for Application Process, revised February 2017 1